Boil until the five tastes are complete, swim until the sea turns blue

is probably youth haunting and bewitching the lost, so it’s as mediocre as a dog, but happy to be content; neither fights nor refuses, does not complain or tolerate, is not pretentious and insincere... it seems to be subdued by a certain kind of tiredness of perception. Poison, from then on, forget the ups and downs, forget the old, sick, and die, forget the joy, anger, sorrow, and hatred... The surrounding stories have been sad enough, and after that, they will continue to face the tragedy.

Life is like an eraser. After wiping others clean and wiping it out, it also wipes itself dirty and wiped out.

Boil until all the flavors are complete, swim until the sea turns blue

Between the coming and going empty, we wait in the empty space, expressionless but living with all the tastes. Throughout the years, when people thought they were still young, they would not believe in the established norms of this world; but once those hideous and invincible people in the past grow old and eventually walk towards the grave, it is worth remembering Yes, it probably won't be how many women he has slept with or how many women have been slept with, but his ambition is still in his heart, but he can no longer get an erection on time.

Therefore, the beginning of " Bailuyuan " " Baijiaxuan , who was proud to have married a seven-room woman in his lifetime" is pure nonsense. We are full of fantasies and expectations for love, but not all fantasies and expectations are brought about by women, but also by men.

Boil until all the flavors are complete, swim until the sea turns blue

Lu Xun once said that there is no way on the ground, and there is a way when there are more people walking. Later, more and more people walked, and the road disappeared. Later, the slogan "If you want to be rich, first build a road" tempted us, but Guo Degang said, "If you want to be rich, first take off your pants." It can be seen that road builders and those who take off pants are very rich. .

The difference is that at the beginning of the road construction, it was said that it was for others to build the road, but later I discovered that the road was built for myself; and when I took off my trousers, I prepared to take off other people’s trousers.But the first thing I took off was my own pants.

Boil until the five flavors are complete, swim until the sea turns blue

We are not gods, so no matter how we wish to make a wish.

When longing for love, those who come are only suitable for being friends; when longing for success, they are often defeated; when longing to step on eight boats for stability, but when they are stable, they get cramps... So, it's duty. Be a man, treat a woman honestly, then get married, and enjoy love without an affair-but who can do it?

If someone betrays love, how much is it for a pound, or how much is it for a lifetime? No matter what it is, I can't afford it. It seems that we have to use the most primitive way-equivalent exchange.

Is our love equivalent?

Boil until you have all the flavors and swim until the sea water turns blue
