Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of "mountain overwhelming" every day. They feel as

2024/05/1514:48:34 emotion 1899

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of "mountain overwhelming" every day. They feel as if the sky is about to fall. The slightest disturbance, like facing a powerful enemy, makes them look less like human beings. .

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

People will always encounter some unsatisfactory things in their lives. For example, your boss always criticizes you at work. In this state, you have to be cautious in everything you do, fearing that you will be kicked out of the factory; during the epidemic, Your company is going to lay off employees, but you are worried that the problem will always fall on you; when it comes to job evaluation and salary increase, other colleagues always get it right, but you can only envy it; one day, you become the director of the department, and you thought you could be promoted to the director. , but as a result, someone with much lower qualifications than you was brought up. You have the word "sorrow" written all over your face, and you feel that you can't be happy...

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

In fact, happiness is very simple, but we think too much, which makes us so distressed. . In order to be happy, unhappiness must be eliminated. Only by finding the root cause of unhappiness can we be happy.

To sum up, there are five sources of unhappiness.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

The first one is: unfounded worries

Why are people unhappy? The ancients said: "There is nothing in the world, and it is troublesome to disturb the ears."

pointed out the source of all human suffering and troubles. Don't deliberately pursue happiness. The more some people pursue it, the less happiness they will get. Just like if there is no wind in the sky, there will be no waves, then the river will be calm. If the mirror is not blocked by anything, it will naturally be bright. Our hearts are like mirrors. Without selfish distractions, our hearts will be open and bright.

The ancients said that there is no need to seek happiness. He who eliminates suffering will have happiness.

means to eliminate the troubles of the soul, and happiness will surely come. Most of the worries in life are unfounded worries.

Why? For example, your boss says you didn't do your job well. You want to be the boss who always wants to embarrass you and always have trouble with you. Why don't you think that maybe you can do better and your boss will praise me? If you don't get promoted to director, don't worry. It doesn't matter if the director can't be promoted. Maybe you are in the position of director. You don't know how much risk you have and how many worries you have to deal with. Woolen cloth?

It seems that seeking troubles is unfounded worry. Our lives are not always so peaceful. We must be good at downplaying our troubles so that our hearts will always be sunny.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Article 2: No money worries

Many people nowadays are unhappy and always feel that they have less money than others. Others live in small western-style buildings, while I live in small commercial housing; others have expensive cars, but I only have a two-wheeler; others have private jets, but I only have a speedboat. These friends do not look at the essence of the problem from their own perspective. That is, being dissatisfied. A person is concerned about things that are out of reach and always wants to have them. How can they be happy?

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

At this time Schopenhauer said: "We rarely think about what we have, but we always think about what we lack."

Why do some couples quarrel constantly? Most of them are just to be richer than others, and they don't want others to be better than themselves. Once others are richer than themselves and have more wealth than themselves, they will often compare themselves by measurement. In the end, they will be stuck in the quagmire of money and cannot extricate themselves. The couple will exist in name only. Without happiness and security, happiness will be lost. It also changed the taste.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

There is a folk tale that is told too well. There was a teacher in the Ming Dynasty who lived an ordinary but self-sufficient life. His wife laughed at him. Three meals a day consisted of vegetable porridge . How could he be happy? He said calmly and calmly, "I am so lucky to live in a peaceful age without wars and disasters. I am also lucky that my whole family is safe, has food to eat, clothes to wear, and there are no sick people in the bed at home. What is this not a blessing?"

The third issue is mentality.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Some people pursue perfection, which means they are unhappy. Only by adjusting your mentality can you be truly happy.

In history, and Zeng Guofan are the best examples. When he was young, he realized that he was not that good-looking, with triangular eyes and short stature.Personally, he is introverted and not very gregarious. He didn't dwell on it, nor did he complain. On the contrary, he believes that poor appearance can avoid the attention of the public and keep a low profile; introversion is exactly the embodiment of calmness. He is calm when encountering difficulties and has the potential to become a saint.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Zeng Guofan not only ignored the shortcomings, but even took the initiative to ask for them. He named his residence "Qiuque Zhai". It's called "Qiu Que". "Que" is related to "que". The so-called "queu" means emptiness or lack. Zeng Guofan always takes fullness as a warning, hope always has shortcomings, is always on the way, and always enjoys hope.

This is why Zeng Guofan rose steadily from the 20th year of Daoguang to the 29th year of Daoguang. He was promoted ten levels in a row. From a commoner to the governor of four provinces, he was probably the first person in Chinese history!

The fourth question is whether you like learning, so that you can achieve the state of "working hard and forgetting food, and being happy and forgetting worries".

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Confucius Everyone knows that he lived a poor life since he was a boy, working as a shepherd boy, guarding grain, and also as a trumpeter. Later, he worked as a minor official. It was not until the age of fifty that Confucius served as the minister of justice and the minister of state.

Confucius loved learning all his life. He was not an official for the sake of being an official, nor did he want to be rich and powerful for the sake of fame and fortune. Confucius's biggest goal is peace in the world and people living and working in peace and contentment. Officials should do practical things for the people, teachers should teach and educate people, and preachers should have profound moral principles.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Confucius had such great achievements because he was open-minded and eager to learn. For example, asking for courtesy from Lao Tzu, learning music from Zhang Hong, learning how to play the piano from Shi Xiang, etc., through continuous learning, one can achieve the glory of one's own life.

So what makes Confucius a human being? Someone asked Zilu, but Zilu couldn't answer. Confucius said bluntly: "Why don't you tell me?" I don’t feel like I’m getting old.”

This is the happy Confucius who loves learning and forgets his worries. If we insist on reading and studying every day after work, how can we have time to think about our worries?

Fifth, don’t get carried away and lose your happiness.

Now our life is getting better, and every household has some savings, but some people are not happy. They no longer have themselves, they are just swallowed up by desire. Under the influence of inner demons, they live in a state of

Many people often forget the twists and turns and difficulties they have gone through in the past when they are proud of the spring breeze, thinking that if they succeed, they can forget about life and happiness. Immerse yourself in a group of people who are dawdling every day, singing and dancing. They do whatever they want, thinking that the good life will never end, and they no longer manage their own careers. Under the attack of only enjoying beautiful women, fine wine and sweet words, they forget their original intention.

Who knows, the sky is unpredictable, and people are prone to misfortunes and misfortunes. If you get carried away, misfortunes will come one after another, your career will not advance as fast as before, problems will arise one after another in people and things, and the company will go bankrupt sooner or later. By the time you wake up and start making amends, it will be too late.

Therefore, if you want to be happy, you must solve these essential problems, and then you will have sunshine and happiness; in fact, happiness is all around us, and we always think too much and get worried. As long as we don’t forget our original intention, we will be truly happy!

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