Chen Guo, Class 12 (2), Pingqiao I have seen the beautiful West Lake and the beautiful Jiuzhaigou, but I still like the scenery of our school. When you walk into the campus, the first thing you see is the brand-new teaching building. There are four floors in total. The exterior w

Pingqiao Primary 2 (2) Class Chen Guo

I have seen the beautiful West Lake and the beautiful Jiuzhaigou, but I still like the scenery of our school.

When you walk into the campus, the first thing you see is the brand-new teaching building. There are four floors in total. The exterior wall is orange and every window is shiny. Our school motto is written on the wall: Cultivate righteousness and nourish life. There are many classrooms in the teaching building, as well as laboratories, libraries, music rooms... From time to time, the sounds of teachers lecturing and students discussing, speaking, and reading aloud can be heard. To the west of the

teaching school is the playground. The playground is oval-shaped with a plastic track outside. In the middle is a green lawn, like a green carpet. There are rows of tall trees planted all around, like tall and upright warriors. The flag-raising platform is in front of the teaching building, and the bright red five-star red flag is flying on the strong flagpole. We hold a flag-raising ceremony here every Monday.

The beautiful campus grows happily with us. I love our campus.

Counselor : Zhixingle Quality Growth Center Wang Jiao