According to the latest data released today by UCAS, the British University Admissions Service, the number of applications from a large number of students from China has once again hit a record in 2022, exceeding the number of applications from students from EU countries.

Original UK Fortune British Fortune 2022-07-15 00:32:59 published in the UK

According to the latest data released today by the British University Admissions Service Center UCAS, the number of applications from a large number of students from China in 2022 has once again set a record, and exceeded Increased the number of applications from students in EU countries.

China has become the largest source of international students in the UK

According to the "2022 British Undergraduate Application Data" released by UCAS, Chinese students are currently the largest source of overseas students in British universities. The number of applications from Chinese students has increased by nearly 60% in three years, and the number of applications increased by 10% compared with last year, reaching a record 31,400 people.

Caption: Chart of changes in the number of mainland Chinese students applying to British universities over the years.

Caption: Chart of changes in the number of students from Hong Kong, China applying to British universities over the years.

Caption: Chart of changes in the number of students from Macau, China applying to British universities over the years.

Caption: Chart of changes in the number of students from Taiwan, China applying to British universities over the years.

In addition, the number of undergraduate applications from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan remained stable this year. There were 6,570 applicants from Hong Kong, China, 500 less than last year; 190 applicants from Macau, China, 10 less than last year; and 550 applicants from Taiwan, China. Add 20 people.

NIColas Chu, chief executive of Sinorbis, a company that helps British universities promote themselves in China, said applications from Chinese students to British universities will continue to increase rapidly because people think the UK is a safe destination and its visa application process is relatively easier. Simple.

The source of international students continues to grow

In this year’s undergraduate applications, the total number of applications from overseas students increased by 3% compared with last year, reaching nearly 135,000.

Applications from non-EU countries also continue to grow, with a total of 111,720 non-EU international students applying through UCAS this year, up from 89,420 two years ago. Among them, the number of student applications from to Nigeria increased significantly by 58% to 5,290. Applications from India also surged by 20%.

At the same time, affected by Brexit, the number of student applications from the EU fell by 54% in the past three years to 23,160. Until last year, the EU was the largest source of overseas applications for British universities.

After Brexit, EU students will also need to pay higher tuition fees in accordance with international student standards.

Caption: Chart of changes in the number of EU students applying to British universities over the years.

The most popular majors among international students include business, social sciences, and engineering technology.

Caption: Distribution of majors favored by international students.

What is the application status of local British students?

According to UCAS data, a total of nearly 550,000 British local students and 135,000 international students have applied to British universities in 2022. Among them, the overall application rate for 18-year-old students in the UK was 44.1%, a record high.

Caption: Gender distribution of all applicants

Caption: Age distribution of all applicants

As of 30 June 2022, more than 683,650 applicants (6,000 more than in 2021) had made 3.049 million applications through UCAS ( An increase of 93,000 copies).

Affected by the COVID-19 epidemic, British universities have been forced to expand enrollment in the past two years, causing many top universities to tighten their enrollment policies this year for fear of over-enrollment again. At the same time, the number of graduates this year has also increased significantly, leading to a decline in university positions. Competition is fierce.This means that competition for admission to some prestigious universities has intensified this year, and there may be more than 10,000 students whose A Level exam results are expected to be in the BBB who will not be able to obtain a confirmed admission notice from any university.

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It can be found from this year’s application data that applicants’ interest in degree/higher apprenticeships is growing.

According to Career Finder, which helps students find jobs, degrees/higher apprenticeships, there have been a record 2.15 million unique searches in the past 12 months, an increase of 4.13% on the previous year. These searches resulted in 243,138 application clicks, an increase of +6.58% from 228,124 last year.

In the 2022 applications, the number of poor students applying to university will also hit a new high. By the end of June, the application rate for 18-year-old students from the most disadvantaged areas in the UK will reach 28.8%, up from 27% in 2021.

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(The content of this article is original Chinese version of British Fortune (formerly known as "British Property Weekly"), and the information is referenced from UCAS, GOV, British Education, ONS, embassy in China and other institutions or information websites, etc., must indicate the source when forwarding on WeChat: The content in this article is only industry information, please follow professional legal advice for actual investment)
