The age range is from 5 to 16 years old, primary school is from 5 to 10 years old, and secondary school including junior high school and high school is from 11 to 16 years old. The full name of the Malta Ministry of Education is Ministry for Education and Employment, and the subo

Malta is the only country in Europe, except the United Kingdom and Ireland , where the official language is English.

Children can choose public schools . There is no need to choose international schools because of language problems.

tuition is free, and tuition and fees are 400~600/year.

Malta Public Schools

Compulsory education in Malta

The age is from 5 to 16 years old, primary school is from 5 to 10 years old, and secondary school including junior high school and high school is from 11 to 16 years old.

The full name of the Malta Ministry of Education is Ministry for Education and Employment, and the subordinate unit in charge of immigrant education is called "Migrants Learner's Unit" ( MLU) .

All non- EU students entering primary and secondary schools need to register with MLU first. MLU arranges schools for students according to their residential addresses in Malta.

The school’s preparatory courses for foreign children

For students who are not good at English, the school will first conduct a simple language test on the students, and then enroll the students into the preparatory courses based on the test results. Generally, schools will offer a one-year preparatory course (induction course). The main courses are basic courses such as Maltese, English, mathematics and art. The students will be placed into regular classes after looking at their academic performance.

If you do not work in Malta (do not pay taxes), but have a residence permit in Malta:

The tuition fee is as follows, for reference only:

Malta public school application process

Malta has a total of 10 school districts, each with 7~8 There are 2 primary schools and 2 to 3 public middle schools. On average, there is one school per square kilometer, with 15 to 20 students per class.

Advantages of Malta Public Schools

01 English teaching, language advantage, international campus environment;

02 Multiculturalism: Accept multiculturalism and expand international horizons;

03 Cost-effective: tuition fees Low quality, high quality, widely recognized internationally;

04 Maltese education focuses on children Cultivation of character, emphasis on the exercise of social skills;

05 has after-school classes klabb3-16 organized by the Education Bureau, solves the problem of children getting out of school early and having no one to look after them ;

06 has six forms to help high school children transition smoothly to university studies environment.