Junior high school mathematics is relatively easy, but it also requires talent. The types of questions come over and over again. At this time, you only need to take out a model test paper, just one, and pass it one by one from the first question to the last question. The knowledg

Dear junior high school students

your time is running out [laughing]

A 10,000-word blood letter for junior high school graduates tells them not to fall in love! ! Have you ever heard of a breakup one week before the high school entrance examination? It doesn’t matter, I have experienced it. I was mentally depressed, but my high school entrance examination results were pretty good. Maybe it’s because of my extraordinary beauty. Okay, let’s get to the point~

One Chinese needs daily life The accumulated subject

must definitely read the original text of ancient poetry one week before the exam! ! Don't look at the masters but the inferiors! Brothers and sisters, I just memorized a sentence from a real high school entrance examination question before the high school entrance examination, and the words were still easy to make mistakes before. I couldn’t help God’s blessing

. Pay special attention to the extracurricular masterpieces that must be tested in the high school entrance examination. The basic content summary and key characters must be described! !

Pre-examination questions Use your sixth sense to read a classical Chinese text. To be honest, I was lucky enough to review Henan 2022 High School Entrance Examination "The Story of Xiaoshitan" before the exam! The key is to go through all the classical Chinese essays, so that even if you don’t know the techniques, you can at least express your thoughts, feelings and specific content and still get points! !

Mathematics is a subject that is sometimes perverted and sometimes kind.

Junior high school mathematics is relatively easy, but it also requires talent. There are the same types of questions over and over again. At this time, you only need to take out a mock test paper, just one, one by one. The knowledge points from the first question to the last question are marked next to the corresponding questions. Each paper has a few fixed test points. You must understand each test point thoroughly. In this way, after reviewing two or three papers, you can basically We have thought through the questions in the high school entrance examination (you must study thoroughly, otherwise it will be ineffective!!) In the last year, we are shameless! If you have any questions, just ask the teacher or classmates shamelessly, don’t be shy! !

Three English is a subject that needs to be memorized

Hey hey hey, it’s my best field. Students who are good at learning English should insist on zero deduction except for composition (if you don’t have a good foundation, please read carefully~)

The first thing is listening. ! Warning⚠Don’t fall asleep during the listening session. I have vivid memories of my experience in the mock exam. I chose five out of five because I fell asleep and finished wrong, and I lost five points! Also, be sure to listen to the end! ! Don't think you have heard the correct answer. In fact, the correct answer is later. Yes, it is so old. Listening is a test of patience~

and then reading comprehension. To be honest, the high school entrance examination is usually several times easier than the mock test. Don’t panic. If you keep reading comprehension without losing points, you will have a high probability of getting high scores. If your foundation is really poor, just focus on the original text and options. Eliminate one by one, reading for the high school entrance examination is so easy, choose five out of five to read, and never make a mistake, at least four points, we can't afford it, so be careful!

Cloze will test your ability. It is difficult to get full marks for this type of question. You must connect it with the context. When there is no fixed answer to a blank, don’t be confused first. Take your time~ Look down, there is more to life than what you see in front of you. If you look down, you will find poems and distant places

discourse. Fill in the fifteen blanks. Generally speaking, there are many students who get full marks in the simple paper. First analyze the part of speech of the given word, and then consider the noun singular and plural , and the past verb The past participle of the past participle is three simple, and so on. A warm reminder is to review the usage of other and several of his good brothers. You may be able to pass the final five empty tests. You can fix the collocations as long as you memorize them, but you must pay attention to the whole text. Be careful!

Complete dialogue: An English test that extremely tests your emotional intelligence. How do you answer when someone praises you? You are right Yes, I think so

If you answer like this, then I have nothing to say and can only deduct 6. It depends on whether your emotional intelligence is high or not. It depends on what you said (1) Read the full text, understand the main idea, and figure out the topic. When solving the problem, you should first skip the blank spaces and read the full text to understand the main idea of ​​the conversation. Based on the grasp of the main idea, you should determine the context and figure out the topic.

(2) Choose the answer based on the context, read the options carefully. On the basis of grasping the topic and context, carefully read the options provided for each blank space in the dialogue, carefully analyze the similarities and differences between them, and choose the correct answer based on the relevant situational content of the dialogue.

(3) Consider everything, think about things backwards and forwards, and start with easy things and then difficult ones.We must start from the overall understanding of the dialogue and consider the chosen answer in accordance with the logical order of questions and answers above and below. Do not ignore the order and complete the next sentence based on the previous sentence in isolation. In this way, the completed sentence may be consistent with the previous sentence but not the following sentence. Case. We should resolve the things that are sure and easy first, and then go back to by-elections for the more difficult ones.

(4) Read through the dialogue, combine meaning and form, and verify the answer. After completing the dialogue, read the entire dialogue again and verify the answers one by one. The chosen answer must not only be semantically consistent with the context, but also ensure that the language is correct and the speech is appropriate.

exclusive secrets, the last step to possess unrivaled emotional intelligence.

will share with you a few golden sentences in composition. Use them, and your composition will be like a shit basin with gold rim!

1.As far as …is concerned

 2.It goes without saying that… It goes without saying,…

 3.It can be said with certainty that… It can be said with certainty…

 4.As the proverb says, It has to be noticed that… It's generally recognized that… It's likely that… 8.It's hardly that… It's hardly too much to say that… 10.What calls for special attention is that… 11 .There's no denying the fact that… There is no doubt, it is undeniable

 12.Nothing is more important than the fact that… Nothing is more important than this...

 13.what's far more important is that… What's far more important is that… ...

Hengshui body must pay attention to 1. Each letter must be in a smooth shape, and unnatural traces may appear.

2. The spacing between letters must be clear, and the spacing between words must be one letter spacing.

3. Letters must be filled in the top space. For example, letters a, c, e, m, n, and o written in one box must fill the horizontal box, b and d must not be written beyond the bottom line, and p and q must not be written beyond the upper line. The horizontal line of f must appear on or near the hand-drawn line.

4. The writing process requires no cursive or continuous strokes. After all writing is completed, wait for about 30 seconds to let the ink dry naturally. Finally, take out the eraser and erase the hand-drawn lines from top to bottom


okk That’s it for today’s sharing.

wishes the 2023 high school entrance examination students good results!