Because I like Teacher Wang Zengqi’s books, I will basically accept any book with his name on it. This set of "Writing Lessons for Children by Wang Zengqi" was a thick set of books when I took it home, which made me happy. All day long.

Because I like Teacher Wang Zengqi’s books, as long as there are books with his name, I will basically accept them. This set of "Writing Lessons for Children by Wang Zengqi" was a thick set of books when I took it home. I was happy all day long.

The book is divided into "travel notes, discussions, lyrics, narratives, scene descriptions and characters", with a total of six volumes. Each volume contains Mr. Wang's classic works. The writing style is unique and very charming. It can be said that it is suitable for all ages, especially It is a bookmark that comes with the book and marks the key points about writing. It has also benefited me a lot as an adult who has been working for many years.

Thoughts after reading 1: Read more

Writing means reading more. I used to have to chew on several pens to write a composition of 800 words, but now I have read many good books, and those emotions in my heart are difficult to describe. , and the inexpressible feelings after seeing the beautiful scenery seem to have pictures, and I can talk to others fluently. This is an ability that can be formed through reading, just like the saying "Reading thousands of volumes, writing is like god".

At the same time, we have to read good books, such as this set of "Writing Lessons for Children". See how Teacher Wang writes, how he describes the beautiful scenery as if it were reproduced, how he describes the characters vividly, and how he explains the events. It is vivid and vivid, making us feel as if we are on the scene, and it is like the characters in the story come alive in front of us.

Opinions after reading 2: Don’t be in a hurry

I am an impatient person. I am the kind of person who talks like a barrage of words. I want to tell everything I know in one breath right away. I have to write as if I have completed a task. Write fast, not It equals good writing.

In the writing class of Teacher Wang Zengqi, his writing reveals a kind of unhurriedness, unhurriedness, and orderliness. The rhythm of the writing is slow, but it can attract all your attention because he knows how to use words. Give people a hook, a little suspense, control your curiosity, and go with him to explore the beautiful scenery and discover the truth.

Thoughts after reading 3: Sincere writing

Sometimes writing is about returning to nature, and sometimes it is about simplicity. Writing does not require too many skills, and words do not need too much modification. It is more about exploring the secrets in your heart and using the power of words to express your feelings. You only need to express your own voice truthfully and exchange sincerity for sincerity.

If you also like Teacher Wang Zengqi, then let us participate in this private writing class together.


#Reading# #The temperature of reading# #In the name of the book# #国产看人# #I want to be on the headlines#