The answer can be found in the first paragraph of the article “The missing --- Mexico’s shame” by The Economist July 2nd 2022 Leaders.

The answer to

can be found in the first paragraph of this article.

The Economist July 2nd 2022 Leaders

Look up the dictionary



1. Match, match

Synonyms: agree, match, ac cord, fit

2. tally up=tally calculation, count

synonyms: count up, total, compute, keep score

n. count, record, score

Synonyms: record, score, total, count

Make a sentence

Make sure to keep a tally of the number of customers going in and out.

Make sure to keep a record of the number of customers going in and out.

Translate this paragraph

The numbers would be shocking in a war-torn dictatorship, let alone a peaceful democracy. In May Mexico's official tally of missing people exceeded 100,000 (see Americas section). That cumulative total does not include those who have subsequently been found, either alive or dead. Some 52,000 unidentified corpses lie in morgues across the country. Hardly any cases result in justice for the victims or their families.

In a war-torn authoritarian country, these figures would be shocking, not to mention Talk about a peaceful democratic country. In May, the official count of missing people in Mexico exceeded 100,000 (see the "Americas" section). The cumulative total does not include those who were later found, whether alive or dead to . Some 52,000 unidentified bodies lie in morgues across the country. Almost no cases result in justice for the victims or their families.

Look again The Economist October 31st 2020 Briefing The Trump audit --- Four years on The first paragraph of this article can be found.

The Economist October 31st 2020 Briefing

America hardly feels great again. There are 11m fewer people working than in February. Barely more than one-third of pupils are attending school normally. Hunger and poverty have risen; the memories of a turbulent summer of protests and racial unrest are still raw. Official figures show 227,000 people dead due to covid-19; excess-mortality data suggest the true total is over 300,000. And both caseloads and hospitalisations are surging for a third time. On October 23rd America recorded nearly 84,000 new cases , the highest daily tally so far.

US It’s hard to feel good anymore. There are 11 million fewer people working than in February. Just over a third of students attend school regularly. Hunger and poverty rise; memories of a tumultuous summer of protests and racial riots are still fresh. Official figures show 227,000 people have died from covid-19; excess mortality data suggests the true total is more than 300,000. The number of cases and hospitalizations are both rising for the third time. On October 23, the United States recorded nearly 84,000 new cases, which was the highest daily number recorded to date.

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