In order to further strengthen the concept of ethnic unity among young people and lay a solid foundation for the creation of Ludian County's ethnic unity and progress demonstration county, Ludian County No. 1 Middle School recently launched a campus culture and art festival with

The Chinese nation works together as one family to build the Chinese dream

Ludian County No. 1 Middle School The 4th

Campus Culture and Art Festival Painting Exhibition

In order to further strengthen the concept of ethnic unity among young people, consolidate the creation of Ludian County National Unity and Progress Demonstration County Based on the work, recently, Ludian County No. 1 Middle School launched a campus culture and art festival painting exhibition with the theme of "The Chinese nation is one family and we work together to build the Chinese dream."




Characters of various ethnic groups

By participating in the exhibition, students can understand and learn the splendid culture of various ethnic groups, and also experience the Chinese dream , which is ultimately the dream of the people. The dream of the 56 ethnic groups is the dream of the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Only through national unity and progress hand in hand can all ethnic groups prosper together. National unity is related to the long-term stability and revitalization of the entire Chinese nation.

A corner of campus

National unity education is one of the main contents of the school's moral education. The school will continue to implement the party's educational guidelines and ethnic policies, adhere to the principle of educating people first, integrate ethnic unity education into all aspects of work, and firmly establish students' mission to "strengthen ethnic unity, safeguard the unity of the motherland, and oppose ethnic separatism." Understand and work hard to build our country into a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious modern socialist country, realize national unity and family relations, and work together to build the Chinese Dream.

Black and white decorative painting series

The exhibited works are based on the creative theme of "the Chinese nation is a family and builds the Chinese dream together". It uses colored lead painting, mark pen painting, gouache painting , black and white decorative painting and other artistic expressions to show Ludian No. 1 Middle School artistic style. In the form of paintings, he expresses his feelings for the development of a harmonious society and expresses the beautiful feelings of people of all ethnic groups who love their hometown.

The students of this school live up to the times, the time, and the expectations of the party and the people. The paintings that stir up the atmosphere of the times closely follow the main line of "forging a solid Chinese nation community consciousness" and reflect the current situation in the society. Under the leadership of the party, people of all ethnic groups unite and help each other, creating a beautiful picture of a happy life. At the same time, the activities also cultivate students' ability to understand and create beauty. The students used their pure feelings, dexterous hands and imaginative pen and ink to outline exquisite works of ethnic unity, brothers and sisters of all ethnic groups as close as one family and their love for the campus environment, expressing the students of Ludian No. 1 Middle School. The party’s infinite love for the motherland and its yearning and blessing for a bright future of national unity!

Source丨Ludian Youth League County Committee

Editor of this issue丨Li Dongmei

Editor and review丨Kong Xiangshu

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