Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Zheng Lin Correspondent Chen Shengwei Xu Sai On June 30, an on-site promotion meeting for the construction of smart ideological and political application in colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province was held at Zhejiang Agriculture

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News Reporter Zheng Lin Correspondent Chen Shengwei Xu Sai

html On June 30, an on-site promotion meeting for the construction of smart ideological and political characteristics in universities in Zhejiang Province was held at Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University. Leaders and heads of academic and engineering departments from nearly 100 universities across the province witnessed the official launch of the smart ideological and political system for universities in Zhejiang Province and the demonstration and promotion of the application of smart ideological and political scenarios in universities. This marks that the smart ideological and political system of colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province has officially entered the operational application stage.

Zhang Wenbin, deputy director of the Ideological and Political Department of the Ministry of Education, attended the meeting and delivered a speech via video. He emphasized that efforts should be made to enhance the awareness of opportunities and comprehensively strengthen forward-looking planning; efforts should be made to strengthen system concepts and continue to promote smart ideological and political affairs; efforts should be made to strengthen pioneering and piloting to better serve as a demonstration and leader.

Chen Chunlei, full-time deputy secretary of the Education Working Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Department of Education, pointed out at the meeting that we must adhere to a problem orientation and fully understand the importance of reform and innovation in ideological and political work; we must adhere to digital empowerment and actively create smart ideological and political work. Political education is a highland; we must persist in long-term efforts and deepen the ideological and political digital reform to achieve steady and long-term progress.

He requested that colleges and universities should focus on cultivating people with moral integrity, improve the long-term mechanism of smart ideological and political work, jointly draw a "fine brushwork" for the digital reform of ideological and political work, continuously promote the ideological and political work of colleges and universities to a new level, and strive to be in the "two firsts" "We must deepen the digital reform in the education field, promote digital empowerment of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, create a brand of intelligent ideological and political work in colleges and universities with national influence and recognition in Zhejiang, and promote the high-quality development of intelligent ideological and political work in colleges and universities." ; It is necessary to continue to improve and optimize the characteristic application scenarios of smart ideological and political work, promote smart governance of ideological and political work, and make smart ideological and political education in colleges and universities in our province the source of reform and innovation policies for smart ideological and political education, the main base for service growth, and a model place for modern governance.

In recent years, the Education Working Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and the Department of Education have taken the initiative to promote the high-quality development of smart ideological and political education in colleges and universities in our province with digital intelligence empowerment, and have coordinated the layout of a "1+4+N" construction system. Among them, "1" is an integrated university intelligent ideological and political system, which combines "one network", "one brain" and "one machine" into one. "One Network" is the Zhejiang Provincial University Network Ideological and Political Center Network, which realizes a unified interface, unified entrance, unified identity authentication for intelligent ideological and political education in our province's universities; "One Brain" is the "Ideological and Political Brain", empowering global precision Management and personalized early warning; "One" is the smart ideological and political workbench, which is an integrated business processing center, data collection center, and work supervision and supervision center for ideological and political work in colleges and universities. "4" refers to the four core businesses of building ideological and political teams, ideological and political courses, ideological education, and mental health. "N" refers to the construction of several characteristic scenario applications, focusing on solving practical problems in the field of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.

On this basis, the Provincial Department of Education focused on the major needs of ideological and political work and concentrated its efforts on breakthroughs. From the province's layout level, we have clearly defined the key points for breakthroughs. Currently, we have created three core applications: "digital application for psychological crisis assistance in colleges and universities", "digital application for counselors' heart-to-heart talks" and "digital application for appointment with famous teachers". Put ideological and political work into a larger scenario for review, thinking and planning, go beyond ideological and political work to plan ideological and political work, and promote cross-department, cross-region, and cross-level "multi-cross collaboration" in the digital reform of ideological and political work in colleges and universities, so as to Digital intelligence empowerment promotes the high-quality development of smart ideological and political education in colleges and universities in our province.At the

promotion meeting, Hangzhou Dianzi University "Class is now available and academics are online" was presented to solve problems such as low classroom attendance efficiency and delayed feedback. Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics "Exercise is now" was presented to solve students' daily problems of "difficulty in exercising". ·Vitality Online", Zhejiang Tourism Vocational College "Practice·Labor Online" that provides one-stop labor education solutions for colleges and universities, Ningbo University "Competition·Discipline Online" that serves subject competitions and daily work ”, Zhejiang Science and Technology University “Zheli Counselor” solves the problem of counselors familiarizing themselves with each student in a short period of time, and Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University “Zheli Growth” solves problems such as generality and ambiguity in students’ comprehensive evaluation. The featured scenarios of smart ideological and political education were demonstrated and promoted, attracting the attention of universities across the province.

According to reports, the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education pays close attention to the digital reform in the education field and empowers ideological and political work in colleges and universities, and strives to promote the implementation of digitalization to leverage changes in teaching, management, etc., to achieve fully intelligent governance of education and training. In recent years, the digital application of colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province in the field of ideological and political education has been increasing rapidly year by year. Up to now, there have been more than 700 ideological and political digital applications in colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province, and the number of applications has tripled, achieving significant results.

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