Dear son, today is six days after your birthday. I have been wanting to write something to you recently, but I have never thought of it. Now that you have passed your third birthday, you are one year older. The college entrance examination just happened to be completed in 2022, a

Dear son sent

Today is six days after your birthday. I have been wanting to write something to you recently, but I have never thought of it.

Now that you have passed your third birthday, you are one year older.

The college entrance examination in 2022 just happened to be completed, and college admissions are now starting. I recently discussed with your mother how to carry out your education and hope that you will achieve something when you grow up. Times are different, and competition is also different. By the time you reach adulthood, society has changed a lot. I have always felt that the competition in future society will no longer be about performance, but more about comprehensive ability. Many years later, you will also face the college entrance examination like your brothers and sisters now, a big test in your life. My idea is to allow you to go to military school and make contributions to the army in the future. As China continues to develop, it needs strong national defense and more capable talents. We will guide you in this general direction, but ultimately it is up to you to make your own choice. Among the military academies, the top one is National University of Defense Technology . Your mother and I joked that if you can successfully enter the National University of Defense Technology, you can make a successful career in the military environment after graduation. So what do we do next?

I'm not worried about your grades. I think as long as you keep a curious mind and continue to learn, your grades won't be much worse. Secondly, you need to pay attention to your vision and physical fitness. In the days to come, I will continue to take you to exercise and also enhance our physical health. Finally, I want to take you to broaden your horizons in various ways. We understand that our lives are actually very small, we need to revere nature, and we need to maintain a humble and pious heart.

I went to the library with you a few days ago. You borrowed a lot of dinosaur books. I picked up a copy of " Huainanzi ". I have been studying the knowledge of this book recently, and it summarizes a lot of wisdom and experience. In addition to "Huainanzi", my father and I also continue to study, such as "Book of Changes", "Tao Te Ching", "The Analects of Confucius", etc. I hope you can continue to maintain the habit of learning in the future, especially if you need to learn Chinese . Many times the wisdom and experience of the ancients are worth learning from. In the long history, each of us is so small, but also so unique and important.

Looking back on my father’s college entrance examination, he took many detours and missed many opportunities in life choices. Many times I think that if someone had given me guidance at the critical moment, I would not have stepped into so many pitfalls and taken unnecessary detours. Although I have stepped on many pitfalls and taken many detours, I don’t regret it now. Instead, I am grateful. After all, every step in life needs to be experienced and understood by myself. In addition, there was a lack of social information in the past, and my father's parents had never experienced it, so I had to explore it myself. Even if it is not ideal, it is still a valuable asset. I hope that the detours I have taken and the opportunities I have missed can guide you in your life and help you avoid unnecessary detours. However, I will not impose this on you and will ultimately follow your thoughts and will.

Every step in life needs to be explored by yourself, and every step is meaningful. As long as your direction is good, stick to it. Parents can only be your silent supporters. Of course, if you make mistakes in your life, I will definitely educate you severely, but education is only one aspect. You need to think, explore, and understand on your own.

Sincerely, salute

2022.6.29 father army