Article丨Cao Jingming Question丨What is a "poison test paper"? Primary school students' summer homework has aroused the anger of parents. This "substance" has been used since childhood. Everyone is welcome to leave comments and share your views on the "poisonous test paper"!

text | Cao Jingming

question | What is a "poison test paper"? Primary school students' summer homework aroused the anger of parents. They have been using this "substance" since they were young.

Welcome everyone to leave a comment and share your views on the "poisonous test paper"!

Recently, a video of has caused a lot of controversy on the Internet . Some people think that the mother of the child is too obsessive and online. After experiencing the "poisonous textbook" incident, listening to the wind is like rain, which is a bit amplified. Similar questions; some melon-eating people are very supportive of the mother's statement, thinking that this is another "poisonous test paper" after the "poisonous textbook" and must be guarded against.

So the question is, what did this mother find that caused such a big controversy? Look at the illustration quoted above!

This is a test paper for primary school students’ summer homework. There is such a question in it:

Read it and look for the car name hidden in the poem:

BMW cars are full of fragrance on the road. ( Xin Qiji " The Sapphire Case·Yuan Xiu ")

I came out of the hall with a disheveled flower crown. ( Bai Juyi " Song of Everlasting Sorrow ")

Only Lao Mei is unique. (Wang Mian"Su Mei")

Lotus only grows in mud. ( Gu Kuang "Two Poems of Seeking a Monk")


Is it appropriate to give a question like this to primary school students? Regarding this issue, as far as the author is concerned, is not very recognized, and I think that such a topic is not suitable as a holiday homework for primary school students.

Although this question only circles the names of cars in ancient poems and does not involve the prices of these vehicles, this kind of thinking in asking the question makes many people mistakenly believe that it does not make children materialistic. In fact, when these car names appear in the world of children, they have already unknowingly begun to penetrate the price issues of different vehicles. is just a subtle process , and will not be directly determined by One person directly tells the child what kind of car is expensive and what kind of cheap.

star Liu Ye once broke the news about such a situation when he participated in a talk show, saying that he hired a nanny to take care of his children. However, a few days ago, while chatting with the child on the roadside, the child suddenly pointed to the passing vehicles and said, what kind of car is this? It is a good car, what kind of car is this car? It is a cheap car... Immediately, Liu Ye gave the nanny to the nanny. Fired, thinking nanny should not impart such knowledge to such a young child.

The above two situations are similar, except that one tells you more directly, and the other is more euphemistic, which is a subtle process. If is result-oriented, it is obviously a purpose.

In addition, in this Internet era, we must admit that children have access to the outside world. They have gradually moved from offline to online . Even if we do not teach children some content, children can still learn it through the Internet. To gain relevant knowledge, it’s like when the author was having a dinner with friends, whose children were just starting kindergarten, they were talking about little stories between themselves and their girlfriends at the dinner table, which made us adults stunned. I didn’t expect that today’s children are so precocious. No one has ever taught them these things. When I asked, I found out that I learned them while surfing short video platforms. There are many similar situations to

, so I won’t give examples one by one here. This move is only to prove from the side that perhaps children can learn relevant information on their own through other channels, but in the process of receiving education, they absolutely cannot learn these contents positively. This is a matter of principle and bottom line for .

Education is a very serious topic, and no jokes are tolerated, even if they are well-intentioned. , especially in the development of education work in primary school. In view of the current physical and mental development characteristics of children, any slight negligence will It may affect the fate of the child's life. According to statistics from a German survey agency, 74% of men who are drunkards are also fathers of old alcoholics, and 81% of criminals have suffered psychological trauma in childhood...

This shows the importance of the education a person receives in childhood. Perhaps children also have their own channels to understand the outside world. This channel is difficult for us as parents to supervise, especially in this era of the Internet. The channels for children to contact the outside world are too wide. If you look for any short video platform, any content will have . Especially some Internet celebrities are trying to skirt around the edges in order to become popular, but this is something that children can and should be exposed to. Got the content?

There is a very distinctive example of around me. A friend is very strict in managing his children and does not allow them to play with mobile phones at all. He usually either plays with his children or reads fairy tales to them. But what about this child? She is also very sensible, and more importantly, her daily performance is particularly in line with the spirit that should be expected of her age group.

But most families, especially some parents, are already busy enough with their daily work. After finally calming down and taking a break, they must also endure the torture of their children. They are definitely not very willing to accept it, so they found a mobile phone for their children. , let them play by themselves, , as a result, little girls often wear various makeup and so on, and boys just do some indecent behaviors , they don't even look like children. The same is true for the test paper with the car name

. If did not have this opportunity, perhaps some students would not be aware of the car name issue at all. , it would even be impossible to distinguish between what is a good car and what is an ordinary car. .

This is a very bad beginning. Moreover, when the ancients created these ancient poems, was it to provide future generations with the opportunity to find car names? A question writing style such as obviously goes against the original intention of the poet's creation. Perhaps it is difficult for primary school students to understand the profound meaning of some poems, but no one forces these primary school students to understand it. Other ways can be used to mislead primary school students. Wrong interpretation of these poems is obviously very absurd.

Ancient poetry is the cultural treasure of our nation and must not be taught to primary school students in this way. This will directly distort primary school students’ correct understanding of ancient poetry. . There are countless ways to set questions. How to set the questions? Choose such an unacceptable method? The key is that this way of setting the questions is probably a "magic touch" in the eyes of the question maker. It combines classical culture and plays a disseminating role among the student community.

I would rather not have such a dissemination effect. On the one hand, it is so materialistic, and on the other hand, it is not conducive to primary school students' correct understanding of the content of ancient poems. If you develop a habit of this, you will not be able to write "Tang Shi San" in the future. "Hundreds of Songs"? Trying to pick out the words?

This article is original by [Cao Jingming], and the picture comes from the Internet!