The green grass grows in silence during the day, and the solitary flower expresses the joy of spring; the red and purple colors have turned into dust, and the sound of cuckoo brings the newness of summer. On June 23, in this beautiful and warm summer morning, Chengdu Aiyue Studen

The green grass grows in silence during the day, and the solitary flower expresses the joy of spring; the red and purple colors have turned into dust, and the sound of cuckoo brings the newness of summer. On June 23, in this beautiful and warm summer morning, Chengdu Aiyue Student Aid Public Welfare Service Center brought their love - books, to Chenju Primary School in Chongzhou City to carry out a "Let the children take books home" activity Book donation event with theme.

The uncles and aunties of Chengdu Aiyue Student Aid Public Welfare Service Center leaned down to communicate cordially with the children, asking about their welfare and caring about the children's study and living conditions. Qin Shisong, principal of Chenju Primary School in Chongzhou City, on behalf of the school, expressed his gratitude and sincere welcome to the social people who came to the scene and contributed to this donation event.

A touch of color will never fade, it is the shining color of the red scarf; there is a kind of glory that will never end, that is the glory of becoming the successor of communism. Later at the donation ceremony, representatives of the Young Pioneers presented bright red scarves to the caring people.

The heroic spirit will be passed down through the ages, and Hu Lan’s spirit will shine on future generations. The goal of life does not have to be brilliant, but the true meaning of life must be true love and kindness. Wang Ruihan, a classmate from Class 2.7 of Chenju Primary School, brought a wonderful red classic story "Liu Hulan" to caring people and teachers and students on site.

The scholarly campus, the scholarly Chongzhou , and the scholarly society need you and me to build and share together. I believe that through this book donation event, the Xingbao stars of Chen Xiao will have a grateful heart, love reading more and study diligently. , repay the society with practical actions, and pass on this love for adults to achieve perfection forever.