My child's application for college entrance examination has been completed, and I can finally have a good sleep tonight. The children who should work hard have already worked hard, and the volunteers who should take the trouble to fill in the applications have already put in the

My child’s application for college entrance examination has been completed, and I can finally have a good sleep tonight. The children who should work hard have already worked hard, and the volunteers who should take the trouble to fill in the applications have already put in the effort. no matter what the result is? The rest is left to fate.

During the days of the college entrance examination, I couldn't eat well or sleep well, and I was always worried about him. Since the school was a closed education, I only came back from monthly leave once a month. From the time after returning to school on May Day until the college entrance examination, due to the epidemic, the school did not allow parents to send food to their children for the sake of their safety. In addition, I am usually busy with work and have not given it to my children. As the college entrance examination is approaching, I feel particularly worried. I am worried that if my children do not do well in any subject, it will affect their performance in the next subject.

In addition to worrying at home, I can only browse , Tik Tok, and Kuaishou in boredom to relieve my worries. However, the more I browse Tik Tok, the more worried I feel. When I saw in the video the examinee who cried when he walked out of the examination room, I was heartbroken at that moment. Worrying that the child did not do well in one subject will affect his mood and affect his performance in the next subject. Sometimes he is worried to the point of crying, and even has trouble sleeping and eating.

After the exam, that night when I picked him up, I kept comforting him, no matter whether he did well or not. The examination room is small, but the world is big. The college entrance examination is just a small stop on the journey of life. There are too many beautiful scenery behind it that are worth seeing in a lifetime. Unexpectedly, his mentality is much better than I imagined. He has a detached mentality that neither takes pleasure in things nor feels sorrow for oneself. Seeing this, I felt a lot more relieved about my child, but I was still looking forward to the scores, and I was still feeling a little tormented.

The real suffering is the struggle of filling in the major and school after the scores are announced. The anxiety and anxiety are like thousands of ants crawling in my heart. I couldn't eat well during the day and couldn't sleep at night. In just a few days, the white hair in my hair grew taller. After having to accompany my children to fill in the application form, I realized that filling in the application form is as worrying as the college entrance examination.

No matter what, when the application form is submitted, everything is settled, no matter what the admission result is? We can only resign ourselves to fate. The children who need to work hard have already worked hard, the volunteers that need to be troubled have already worked hard, and we have done our best to do what we can do. I have no regrets, and the rest is up to God.

Tonight, I can finally have a good sleep. As long as we try our best, we will have no regrets!