In order to actively implement the "double reduction" policy and better cultivate students with comprehensive moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development, Yongfeng Central Primary School has carried out a variety of characteristic classes and after-school exten

[Source: Xingguo Education, Science and Sports]

Participate in a course, cultivate an interest

Broaden a knowledge, develop a skill

Experience a success, enjoy a happiness

Colorful special courses, light up the " double reduction" "campus

In order to actively implement the "double reduction" policy and better cultivate students with all-round development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor development, Yongfeng Central Primary School has carried out a variety of characteristic classes and after-school extensions based on actual conditions. services and take multiple measures to meet the diverse development needs of students.





one word one world, one stroke one universe. Under the guidance of the calligraphy teacher, the children can maintain a good sitting posture and a correct pen-holding posture when writing. They concentrate on writing, and each stroke is filled with upward wind. Each standardized Chinese character is vivid and beautiful in the students' writing. Their calligraphy may be strong and powerful, dignified and delicate, or stretched and generous. Each work contains the students' love for Chinese characters.




Under the careful guidance of the teacher and the teaching concept of entertaining and entertaining, children discover, create and appreciate beauty through various artistic means, which also improves students' hands-on ability and Innovation ability further cultivates students' artistic sentiment and aesthetic ability . Look, in the colorful art classes, teachers and children work together to create childlike art works and exquisite art works, adding the most beautiful scenery to our campus.





The music sounded, and with the dynamic beat, they jumped briskly, waved their arms freely, twisted their flexible waists, bloomed with bright smiles, exuding youthful vitality, showing The beauty in movement and the joy of dancing.




Sports is a competition of strength and a display of beauty. The students perfectly blended "power" and "beauty", showing a positive and energetic spirit. Children feel the joy of sports, and at the same time they can master a sports skill, improve their physical fitness, cultivate an unyielding spirit and enhance their self-confidence through sports activities.



Such as


Language performance courses have developed children’s creativity and enhanced their communication skills to a great extent since their inception. Allowing children to learn "empathy" in role-playing can greatly promote children's imagination, observation, thinking and problem-solving abilities. Through the analysis and imitation of the character, understand the character's own personality characteristics, physical characteristics and other requirements. Children understand how to speak clearly and loudly when speaking, and they also learn the skills to communicate with others.



Chess is not only entertaining for both refined and popular tastes, but also has the functions of sports competition and art appreciation. Therefore, chess has become one of the hobbies of many teenagers. Through chess courses, students not only learn relevant knowledge and skills, but also understand the importance of mutual communication and cooperation.

In the future work, Yongfeng Central Primary School will continue to play the main role of the school, continue to enrich after-school service courses, continuously improve service quality, fully explore students' potential, inspire students' self-confidence, comprehensively improve students' quality, and stand firm as a school. Education is the main front, promoting the all-round development of students morally, intellectually, physically, aesthetically and laboriously, so that the "double reduction" policy can truly take effect.


Source: Yongfeng Primary School

Text: Pan Lu

Editor: Xiao Ying

Editor-in-Chief: Guo Shengwen

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