A month has passed, and apart from the initial fermentation, there seems to be no further news regarding the issue of the People's Education Press textbook. The world's attention is focused on the "Tangshan Incident" and the "Joy of the College Entrance Examination", and it seems

One month has passed since

, and there seems to be no further news about the issue of People's Education Edition textbooks, except for the initial fermentation of .

It seems like people don’t care anymore. The world's attention is focused on the "Tangshan Incident" and the "Joy of the College Entrance Examination". It seems that the anger towards the textbooks is the temporary "impulse" of and .

However, there are some things and some problems that we have to face...

Memories can be forgotten, but the impact cannot be changed.

However, this is a matter related to the education of the next generation. Memories can be forgotten, but the long-term impact cannot be changed. When our next generation is familiar with "rolling their eyes, sticking out their tongues", or even "showing their arms and legs", they don't know what the meaning of education is.

Stick out your tongue and roll your eyes

Exposing important parts of the body

Someone once said that popular science books on the market taught people to identify animals on the African savannah, but they did not recognize the small animals around them . I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing...

Isn’t the difficulty of China’s vast land and abundant resources not enough?

These teaching materials are said to be in line with the international aesthetics of , which is the relatively popular painting style in the past few years. But this is not understood by the world! The purpose of

textbooks is to educate the next generation, not to focus on alternative aesthetics. What he needs is in line with the public's aesthetics, and his purpose is to guide students to form good qualities.

would like to ask: has dull eyes and exaggerated movements. How can it cultivate students’ habits? dresses weirdly and even exposes sexual organs. What impact does this have on the students' character?

The answer is unknown, even cruel!

Indecent behavior

Lu Xun also suffered? The People's Education Press responded positively to

. Not long ago, broke the news, saying that Lu Xun's articles would be gradually withdrawn from Chinese textbooks. Later, the People's Education Press came forward to explain that this was just a partial rectification and Lu Xun would not withdraw from the textbook!

Maybe it’s what they say! Who calls Lu Xun is a sharp-edged fighter, and there is no room for any sand in his eyes . Some people find him more and more distasteful, so it is inevitable!

is contrary to the educational significance, so it is understandable to ban it. But if it is for selfishness, it seems a bit ugly. Before

, the People's Education Press canceled the lesson " Who is the cutest person ", just because of some untenable reasons.

Are people confused or angry? There are some, but they don’t have much effect and have not become effective. It can be said that the rectification of their teaching materials has no effect.

Let’s just say that there was a rumor circulating on the Internet a few days ago about whether Lu Xun had stepped out of the textbooks! However, there is no airtight wall in world . There are no signs of changes, and people don’t believe it. This is probably with some clues.


Studio leader Wu Yong has not shown up yet

Wu Yong Studio has disappeared since the People's Education Society textbook illustrations were on the hot search due to various problems. No explanation was given for netizens’ doubts.

Some people said that he was deliberately vilifying Chinese children, and they criticized him both verbally and in writing. Some people in talk about the alternative aesthetics of and defend in every possible way. During this period, he did not express his position or even show his face.

Although people only know that Wu Yong left Shantou University and went to teach elsewhere. Maybe this is just the official answer. The word "elsewhere" is very particular. Any place other than Shantou University is elsewhere.

Some people say he went to Japan, some said he went to the United States, and some said he went to Europe...

Is there a high probability that he ran away and "taught" elsewhere? I wonder who would dare to use him in today's universities.

Although the art is high-brow, when it comes to teaching illustrations for cultivating the next generation, one must keep a low profile and conform to public aesthetics.

One day, he must face the public and have a reasonable explanation for everything he has done.

Finally , no matter how the "poisonous textbook" incident ferments, the masses will never forget it, and people's memories will always be here! Wuyou here also hopes that this matter will come to a conclusion as soon as possible. After all, no matter whether he made a mistake or not, he must give the world a satisfactory answer.

Care for the flowers of the motherland