Note: When filling in your application, you should understand your position, that is, your ranking. If you choose a school slightly higher than yours in your first choice and choose not to obey the adjustment, once your major choice is full, you will Once the file is accepted, it

Note: When filling in your application, you should understand your position, that is, your ranking. If you choose a school slightly higher than yours in your first choice and choose not to obey the adjustment, once your major choice is full, Once your file is accepted, it means that you no longer have the opportunity to choose in this section, which is the so-called slippage - you cannot apply for schools of this level.

Let’s take stock. We must not choose a major. The major we choose should be convenient for our future employment.

1. E-commerce, [e-commerce] is developing rapidly, with transaction volume reaching new highs, the application of e-commerce in various fields continues to expand and deepen, related service industries are booming, the support system is continuously improved, and the power and ability to innovate are constantly enhanced. E-commerce is deeply integrated with the real economy and has entered a stage of large-scale development. It has an increasing impact on economic and social life and is becoming a new engine for domestic economic development. But the truth is not like this. What you need to become an e-commerce is talents and connections. Children from ordinary families can usually only do back-end work. Becoming a well-known e-commerce company is never easy and requires capital.

2. Engineering cost

This requires learning advanced mathematics and taking the certificate - cost engineer . There are one and two levels. If you are unlucky, you will have to deal with reinforced concrete, and the salary is not high.

3. Urban rail transit operation management . The urban rail transit major refers to the planning and design before subway construction, to the construction process, to post-completion operation management, maintenance and repair and other related majors. Most junior college students will be assigned to the service category. It's just a security check, so I don't recommend it.