Introduction: A Peking University student with a score of 697 helped a classmate with a score of 704 to sell his notes. Netizens became uneasy after seeing the price. If it were me, I would definitely buy it. Recently, in Chengdu, Sichuan, a video of two academics setting up a st

Introduction: A student from Peking University with a score of 697 and a score of 704 was selling notes. Netizens became uneasy after seeing the price. If it were me, I would definitely buy it.

Recently, in Chengdu, Sichuan, a video of two top students setting up a stall to sell notes attracted a lot of attention. It is understood that the results of these two top students are very good. One of the male students achieved an excellent score of 697 points in the college entrance examination and chose Peking University . Now this boy is selling notes to a classmate who scored 704 points in the college entrance examination. The boy said that the notes contain some popular questions.

not only has methods to solve the problem, but also provides argument guidance. A total of these eight notebooks were written by two people, and they sold for 6,000 yuan in two days. And this boy also said, if I could get these notes three years ago, I would definitely have scored 700 points in the college entrance examination.

Netizens who saw this scene also talked about it:

"Please buy it on my behalf. If it were me, I would definitely buy it. After all, it costs thousands of dollars to enroll a child in a cram school, and now there are top academics." Of course you have to buy the notes. These are the essence. What parent doesn’t want their children to get good grades in the college entrance examination? "

" In fact, I think the price is a bit too expensive. Many ordinary parents earn less than one month's salary. I don’t have 6,000 yuan. In fact, I can make a few copies of this note and sell it for 1,000 yuan. Wouldn’t that be good? "

" Notes should keep up with the times, teacher’s. The cram school is definitely not as useful as the notes of these students. "

The editor thinks that the price of 6,000 yuan is indeed a bit high on the surface, but there will always be people who think it is worth it. Moreover, eight notebooks cost 6,000 yuan, which is equivalent to the price of one notebook for only a few hundred yuan. Buying it home can improve children's learning and help children achieve better results. Why not? Woolen cloth? What do you think of this matter?