------Childhood is the root of a person's life. If the root does not grow well, inner indifference and stiffness will be a common phenomenon when you grow up. 1. The greatest truth is often the simplest, and the same is true for education. 2. Try to understand all the students' m

------Childhood is the root of a person's life. If the root does not grow well, inner indifference and stiffness will be a common phenomenon when you grow up.

1. The greatest truth is often the simplest, and the same is true for education.

2. Try to understand all the students' mistakes, even if they are ridiculous.

Students will be interested in the teacher's correct ideas only when they are understood. Otherwise, they will only feel bored when faced with preaching.

3. Do not emphasize winning at the starting line, and do not regard life as a sprint that needs to be won at the starting line, but as a marathon racing against yourself.

4. Rather than just encouraging students to win the championship, we try our best to help each student find his or her most appropriate position.

5. The highest principle followed by the most ideal and exquisite art of education is:

Let students ask their own questions and explore the answers to their own questions.

6. Forced learning without interest will only kill students’ desire for knowledge.

7. Deep in everyone’s heart lies the desire to be a discoverer, researcher, and explorer.

8. A good teacher does not teach or teach students, but teaches students to learn.

9. Respect students' individuality, rather than letting students' thinking ability and unique personality gradually be lost during indoctrination.

10. Knowledge is only the path to science and rationality, not the entire connotation of education.

11.Personality is the most beautiful and precious thing in people and their creations. Where individuality is suppressed or ignored, education is in fact unsuccessful.

12. Education itself means that one tree shakes another tree, one cloud pushes another cloud, and one soul awakens another soul.

13. Do everything possible to inspire and guide students’ initiative and liberate themselves.

14. The law of life development is the logical starting point of all education.

15. When educating children, we no longer insist on "teaching" but find ways to "not teach". This is much more difficult than teaching.

16. What educators should do is: protect children’s initiative. Because learning is a high-level human instinct and does not need to be handed over.

17. Childhood is the root of a person's life. If the root does not grow well, it will be a common phenomenon to become cold and stiff in the heart when you grow up.