Red Net Moment News, June 29 (Correspondents Lin Shujia and Sun Pengfei) There are thousands of green mountains everywhere, so it’s time to take advantage of the east wind.

Red Net Moment News June 29 (Correspondents Lin Shujia and Sun Pengfei) There are thousands of green mountains everywhere, so it’s time to take advantage of the east wind. In order to implement the requirements of the General Administration for carrying out Party Day activities with the theme of welcoming "July 1" young party members to review the oath of joining the Party, and to promote the deepening and practical results of party history study and education, on June 28, the Youth Theory Study Group of Shaoyang Municipal Taxation Bureau teamed up with China Unicom Shaoyang Youth representatives of the branch and representatives of young entrepreneurs of the Municipal Youth Chamber of Commerce carried out joint activities to welcome the "July 1st" young party members to review the party's oath to join the party theme and the Tax Unicom Chamber of Commerce to "pair up to deliver policies, solve problems and provide excellent services".

"Horizontal Classroom" Promotes "Exchange and Mutual Learning"

In order to make the theme party day activities more "party flavor", more "interesting", more "emotional" and "longer aftertaste", this event adopted for the first time The "Taxation + Enterprise + Chamber of Commerce" joint learning and joint construction model includes both party education and situational practice; it includes both theoretical learning and exchanges and mutual learning.

Ruan Xiangjun, member of the Party Committee and Chief Economist of the Municipal Bureau, and deputy general manager of China Unicom Shaoyang Branch each gave an interesting party lesson. The young cadres visited the red education base, the former site of the Eighth Route Army Office in Hunan, and learned about the revolutionary spirit of the early revolutionaries.

"Young tax cadres should strengthen their ideals and beliefs, develop excellent skills, continue to optimize tax services, and contribute youthful energy to a new chapter in Shaoyang's modernization." Ruan Xiangjun, member of the Municipal Bureau's Party Committee and Chief Economist, focused on the tax reform and explained the current tax reduction in simple terms The background and reasons for tax refunds were shared, and several opinions were shared on building a harmonious tax collection relationship and improving tax compliance. At the same time, young entrepreneurs were encouraged to strengthen their confidence, overcome the difficulties, pay taxes with integrity, and continue to inject new impetus into economic and social development. Luo Zhongli, deputy general manager of China Unicom Shaoyang, took "The Age of Awakening" as an entry point. By telling red stories, talking about learning experiences, and learning from heroes and model figures, he relived the revolutionary years and listened to heroic hymns, inspiring young people to consciously strengthen their sense of mission and responsibility, and will learn about the party History has become a powerful motivation to devote himself to the great cause of strengthening the country.

"Political Birthday" warms up to "original intention of joining the party"

Only by not forgetting where we came from, can we walk the right path and be firm on the future path. This theme party day specially organized young party members to collectively spend a sacred and warm "political birthday" to further stimulate the youth's enthusiasm for the party and patriotism. The

activity presented "Political Birthday" greeting cards and "Inspirational Reading Books" birthday gifts to young cadres. The young party members wore the party emblem together, reviewed the oath of joining the party, and talked about their "birthday speeches" based on their thoughts, which aroused strong resonance and created a warm atmosphere at the scene.

"Joining the Party organizationally is once in a lifetime; joining the Party ideologically is lifelong. By celebrating my political birthday today and reviewing the oath of joining the Party, I deeply feel a sacred mission and a responsibility of the times. In the future, I will persist in studying and thinking. Practical understanding, careful practice, and polishing the identity of party members through hard work," young party member Wang Jinhua said sincerely.

"Paired co-construction" helps "targeted relief"

In order to further optimize the business environment for enterprises and better serve taxpayers, Shaoyang Taxation combined with the current key work of "tax reduction and refund" launched the "Thousands of Tax Officials and Tens of Thousands of Tax Officials" The "Enterprise" activity has helped promote the results of party history learning and education to go deeper and be more practical.

On the one hand, we carefully designed a questionnaire before the meeting, extensively solicited taxpayers’ opinions and suggestions, and held a tax-enterprise symposium, where young tax officials answered questions on the spot; on the other hand, members of the “tax reduction and refund” commando team and representatives of young entrepreneurs Sign a "pairing agreement" to enhance tax-enterprise interaction through "point-to-point", "face-to-face" and "one-on-one" contact, and provide targeted relief and problem solving.

"Through pairing and co-construction, a two-way 'highway' has been set up for our company and the tax department. It not only helps our chamber of commerce companies to enjoy various preferential tax policies quickly, accurately and stably, but also ensures that policy dividends can be fully enjoyed. Sharing can also guide chamber of commerce companies to pay taxes with integrity and operate in compliance with the law, establish a good public image, and enhance market competitiveness. Thumbs up for Shaoyang Taxation’s heart-warming service!” said Zhu Zhenyu, Party branch secretary of Shaoyang Youth Chamber of Commerce.

"Revisiting the oath to join the Party, reminiscing about the process of joining the Party, celebrating a good political birthday, carrying out exchanges and mutual learning, and listening to a mini-Party class, today's themed Party Day activities have benefited a lot. I will use this 'July 1' The event serves as an opportunity to carry forward the spirit of party building, continue the red blood, contribute youthful energy to the development of the taxation industry in Shaoyang, and pay tribute to the successful convening of the 20th National Congress of the Party," said young party member Tang Yi.