Lingnan University Master of Arts in Social Enterprise and Innovation Management|Cultivating a new generation of social enterprise innovators

In the past, the social enterprise was founded more from a social perspective than a commercial perspective. But now more and more people are beginning to realize that if social enterprises are to be fully developed and have financial and development sustainability and have practical impact, they need a good business model as a support.

In order to help the new generation of social enterprise innovators and entrepreneurial leaders thrive, Hong Kong Lingnan University will once again launch a new master's program-the Master of Arts in Social Enterprise and Innovation Management in September 2022. The course will be jointly launched by the Graduate School of Lingnan University and the Service Research Office. It will cross disciplinary boundaries, integrate social science, management, applied science and pedagogy, and integrate with social enterprise innovation and entrepreneurial management elements.

This course will apply a special methodology to verify learning results, and predict the success or failure of new projects by establishing standards for analyzing historical data and events in advance. In this way, even if an innovation fails, it will provide valuable experience for subsequent learning.

The Master of Arts in Social Enterprise and Innovation Management will also provide students with internship opportunities. Hong Kong Lingnan University has established close cooperation and ties with Hong Kong NGOs and social enterprises, and can provide students with internship positions in the fields of social work, public health, and engineering projects.

In addition, Hong Kong Lingnan University has established partnerships with universities in the Mainland, Taiwan, the United States and Japan, so students will have the opportunity to experience the international academic environment and participate in advanced The experiential learning mode. At the same time, the course will invite outstanding experts in various social enterprise innovation activities to participate in the course to share experiences and answer questions for students.

If a social enterprise wants to be successful, the key is to attract a variety of professionals including social workers and engineers (for example: entrepreneurs, social workers, engineers, etc.), to collaborate and work together efficiently and smoothly To carry out work in a timely manner. And how social enterprise innovators and entrepreneurial leaders manage and operate is very important to the development of enterprises. As a liberal arts university that attaches great importance to interdisciplinary learning, coupled with the close cooperation relationship with the Hong Kong non-governmental organization and social innovation institutions, Hong Kong Lingnan University is the best place to set up and study the Master of Arts in Social Enterprise and Innovation Management. Good choice, welcome to all those who are interested in developing social enterprises and entrepreneurs to apply.

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