He completed the college entrance examination in the COVID-19 rehabilitation ward

[Central Plains Economic Net News] The patient Cheng Moumou, an 18-year-old boy, has just passed the college entrance examination of a multitude of troops and horses, and received a Nankai University admission notice, but he suffered from new crown pneumonia, had to be admitted to Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital for rehabilitation after being treated in the southern district of Zhengzhou First People's Hospital (designated hospital for new crown pneumonia rehabilitation in Henan) in the first season of the fragrance in September.

On September 3, 2021, Xiao Cheng was transferred to the second rehabilitation ward of Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital. During the hospitalization, the guy received the notice of the "freshman entrance examination" from the school. Xiaocheng was very anxious. How should I take the test? After coordination with many parties, Nankai University agreed to conduct an online remote test for Xiaocheng who was "in jail" . However, the network test requires a laptop, a camera, a network and other equipment, and Xiao Cheng doesn't have any. He is very anxious when he is in the hospital alone.

Upon learning of this news, Director Li Xunhai and Xu Yanyan of the Second Rehabilitation Ward immediately consulted the hospital leaders and related departments. The hospital leaders attached great importance to this matter and arranged relevant departments to help him print admission tickets, prepare answer sheets and other test-related materials. At the same time, he immediately set up a special person to help him, contact his family, and sent a laptop. On the afternoon of September 4, after network debugging by the staff of Zhengzhou Qiboshan Hospital, it was discovered that the laptop camera was damaged... The exam was imminent, and the department staff acted immediately and purchased a camera for it. After intensive equipment purchase and printing of test materials, the "examination room" layout is completed.

On September 5, accompanied by medical staff in the second ward, the patient Xiaocheng passed the network remote exam of Nankai University. At this time, he breathed a sigh of relief and rehabilitated the medical staff in the second ward. Also showed a relieved smile. We hope Xiao Zhao recovers as soon as possible and returns to campus! (Gao Jiangtao Xu Yanyan)
