Bi Ying: As a teacher, we should move forward

Growing up is thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and there are countless customers coming and going. Some people add color to the mountains and rivers, some make the sun and the moon dark, some people change the rivers, and some people shape their bones.

Each of us is slowly growing up with the company of the years. Who could have imagined that the little girl who was still asleep in her baby in 2001, today, twenty years later, has become a teacher and is willing to give. I will use this article to record the past and look forward to the future.

My name is Bi Ying, and I am a five-year normal orientation student. The opportunity began in the summer of 2016. I took the transcript of the high school entrance examination and signed the teacher training orientation student agreement. It was this piece of red paper and black letters that became the first goal in my ignorant memory and also the first step in my journey.

In the last semester of normal student graduation, I chose to go to Ruichang City No. 7 Primary School for an internship. The first time I went to the podium, my voice was trembling and my mood was nervous. In order to make up for my shortcomings, I began to work hard to understand teachers’ daily education and teaching work. At the same time, I watched excellent teaching videos, actively prepared lessons, and learned about the management of old teachers. Ways and teaching skills.

Progress slowly surfaced. From the initial nervousness to the skillful expression of oneself, slowly learn to be brave enough to face one's own dissatisfaction and anxiety, and precipitate a hard-working and studious heart. After the semester, I received recognition and encouragement from the parents, old teachers and elders of the students. This kind of psychological and intellectual satisfaction gave me a profound experience of professional happiness as a teacher.

July 1, 2021, I finally graduated! Five years have passed hurriedly. On August 16th, I successfully obtained the registration card to Jiuyuan Central Primary School. I clearly understand that I am no longer a student under the podium listening to the teacher's talk, and I am more of a sense of mission and responsibility to become an educator.

As a new teacher, I lack a lot of valuable teaching experience. But I also know that the acquisition of any experience is not innate. It requires us to explore and create in long-term work. Therefore, I am willing to ask more, learn more, think more, and do more things in order to gain more experience to enrich myself, enrich my teaching, and train batches of outstanding students.

With excitement, I stepped into the hot land of Jiuyuan. This will be the stage for me to struggle in the future and the harbor for my dream. On the first day after the report, the school held a teacher conference, and my work opened a new chapter. Just like a wonderful game, I unlocked my own teacher workbook, and also unlocked a new identity—the second-grade class teacher.

Many of the children in rural primary schools are left-behind children. The children lack care and value guidance, so I remember each student’s name in one day, carefully observe the students, and follow Their character assigns class cadres and expresses their trust and expectations.

Although the school has only started for a few days and I have just become an educator, the record will not stop and the road ahead is still long. As the saying goes, "The road is long and long, I will search up and down." There are many things to explore in life. The important thing is to keep your feet on the ground, not forget your original intention, think about life carefully, and move forward. In the days to come, I will be determined and conscientious in my post, striving to share ups and downs with the education cause, and grow together!

September 10th is the annual Teacher’s Day. As a new teacher, I have to move forward even more. I hope that in the days to come, I will see sunshine in my eyes and magnanimous smile in my eyes! I also wish all the teachers in the world success in their work, good health, and the world full of fruits and plums!

(Bi Ying from Jiuyuan Primary School)
