@EnglishTiantiantalk Original article, no secondary modifications or excerpts are allowed. Recently, a friend of ours complained that he saw the word "smoke-free" in English at a foreign airport, and then he took out a cigarette and smoked it. Get up; the result is tragic! What h

2024/06/2701:37:33 education 1000

@EnglishTiantiantalk Original article, no secondary modifications or excerpts are allowed. Recently, a friend of ours complained that he saw the word

What on earth is going on? Next let’s learn together!

In fact, the meaning of "smoke-free" in English is really easy for everyone to misunderstand!

We all should know:

smoke -- v. Smoking, smoking

free -- adj. Free, free

When these two words are put together, it is no wonder that some people mistake it for "free" Smoking" or "smoking freely" means!

In fact, the main problem with the "smoke-free" we see lies in the word "free";

Let's carefully analyze what "free" means here!

Regarding "free", the most familiar meaning to us is that when it is used as an adjective, it refers to the meaning of "free, free, unrestricted";

But the word "free", it means "free" when used as an adjective. When some words are put together, they can form another new adjective or adverb:

( ) - free

"free" at this time means "without..., exempt from..."

For example:

duty- free tax-free

interest-free interest-free

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So, the "smoke-free" that we often see, we have to translate it into "smoke-free, exempt from smoking, non-smoking", which means "cannot smoke"!

If you smoke in a place marked "smoke-free", someone will probably say to you:

Excuse me, this is the smoke-free zone.

Sorry, this is a smoke-free zone.

(This is what security personnel often say when issuing tickets)

In fact, most of the "no smoking" slogans we often see in English say "no smoking" ", and there is often a no-smoking icon attached to it.

In our country, there are many places where smoking is prohibited, and they will clearly indicate no smoking in large letters!

But in many areas abroad, they are a little bit different. pit!

In many places where smoking is prohibited, there is no such sign at all. Even in some very dangerous places where smoking is prohibited, they just mark it with "smoke-free", which can easily make some newcomers jump into the trap. !

But if you are addicted to smoking, you can go to places marked with "smoking zone" or "smoking area" and smoke to your heart's content!

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