Transcript: The CPA exam in 2021 has finally reached its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, re-examination during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and anxious waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience

2024/06/1818:10:33 education 1146

Transcript: The CPA exam in 2021 has finally reached its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, re-examination during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and anxious waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience  - DayDayNews


The CPA exam in 2021 has finally come to its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, Mid-Autumn Festival holiday re-examination, and anxiously waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience during preparation for the exam, I hope it will be helpful to friends like me who are preparing for the exam on the job.

1. My basic personal situation

My basic situation, dual 985 colleges for undergraduate and graduate studies, economics major (non-accounting), engaged in financial services industry, usually busy at work, need frequent business trips, on-the-job preparation for exams, from the beginning to preparation At the end of the exam, there were 268 days in total. html took the exam in 6 subjects in 32 days and passed 5 subjects.

2, exam preparation experience

CPA is a golden certificate that financial practitioners dream of, so I have always had the idea of ​​taking the CPA exam. I have signed up every year since I started working in 2016 to 2020. There are also several sets of light series teaching materials, but they are not complete. After reading one volume, I didn't even enter the examination room. On the one hand, it was difficult to balance work and preparation time, and on the other hand, I was discouraged by the dense and thick teaching aid books in the first and second volumes.

really made up his mind to take the CPA exam, which was encouraged by Brother Bin and friends from BT Academy. specifically listened to the sharing from the friends at the 2020 roundtable meeting, so he signed up immediately.

"0 basic exam preparation", "older candidates", "mother's preparation", "passing 6 subjects in one year" Perhaps attracted by these seemingly "gimmicky" words, I watched the live broadcast of the 2020 roundtable. , different from the "publicity" activity I expected, I felt the passion of each clearance partner in the process of preparing for the exam, the joy after receiving the results, and Brother Bin's sincerity in encouraging everyone to participate with exam preparation secrets. After that, I My enthusiasm and fighting spirit for exam preparation were also ignited.

BT's companion learning is exactly the kind of exam preparation mode that I need very much at this stage. I don't lack learning ability or execution ability. What I lack is time planning and how to persist to the end.

I think I can use a metaphor to describe the feeling of meeting BT for the first time. Conquering CPA is like climbing a peak. At the foot of the mountain, I watched batches of people returning without success, and I had nothing to do except fear. , Brother Bin is actually a guide. Not only did he reach the summit quickly, but he also repeatedly led many people up the mountain who seemed incapable of climbing. If they can do it, then why can't I.

Facts have proved that Brother Bin and BT Academy did give me help like a guide. Firstly, psychological counseling, and secondly, itinerary planning, which allowed me to stay on the right path step by step with encouragement and encouragement.

Anyone who has attended Brother Bin’s class is familiar with it. There must be psychological counseling ten minutes before the class starts. Psychological and emotional problems should be solved first before starting to output the course content. These ten minutes are very important. It answers my confusion, relieves my anxiety, and revives my confidence. It also ruthlessly crushes my self-deception. It is very useful to me. I look forward to Brother Bin’s psychological massage every day. .

With Brother Bin, I always know what stage I am at now and how to arrange the subsequent plans.

My preparation time, from registering for the BT Roundtable last year to taking the exam, 268 days, including New Year's Eve and the entire Spring Festival, as well as other holidays, there is no one day off throughout the year. Always be aware of the urgency of time and the arduousness of tasks. This is the warning from the previous BT friends, and it is also the requirement for myself after evaluating the working hours and preparation needs when I am preparing for the exam.

I was preparing for the exam on the job, traveling frequently from March to May, and busy with business from May to July. After evaluating my basic preparation conditions, the class teacher told me that I need to guarantee about 4 hours of study time during the workday, and study all day on the weekend. I passed 4 subjects The exam is still very promising, but I have higher requirements for myself.

Often when you want to score 80 points, you have to work hard towards 90 points. If you prepare for 80 points, it is not sufficient. Now that the plan is in place, all that remains is execution.

3, Exam preparation experience

I have some tips on how to persevere. The thing I insist on the longest is fitness. From August 5, 2020 to now, it has been more than 480 days, 30-40 minutes a day, without interruption. The second is to prepare for the CPA exam, study every day for 268 days without interruption. There are three main points for :

First, no interruption. The beginning is always the most difficult, and every interruption may mean that it will never start again. Especially for studying CPA, it is very important to maintain the inertia and state of learning during the cycle of preparation for the exam. Once you put it down and regain the feeling, you need to overcome great psychological resistance and spend a lot of energy to adjust, which is very detrimental to the implementation of subsequent learning tasks. If you can't keep up with the progress, it will create psychological pressure and resistance, and you will fall into a vicious cycle.

Transcript: The CPA exam in 2021 has finally reached its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, re-examination during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and anxious waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience  - DayDayNews

Exam preparation materials and notes

Second, weaken the focus on gains and losses in the process. Although it is a very utilitarian way to prepare for the exam, you should also encourage yourself. Perseverance is meaningful in itself. In addition, the effects of many things have a lag. Do not be excited or discouraged by temporary gains and losses. These emotions are also part of the preparation process. The killer weapon.

Third, solidify your time period. I exercise between 7:00-8:00 every day, and as always on weekends. I exercise when the time comes and don’t give myself time to hesitate. During the preparation for the CAP exam, in order to balance work and preparation time at the same time, I set several alarm clocks

. On weekdays, I wake up at 5:40 in the morning and read for an hour early, at 7:00 to remind me to exercise for 30-40 minutes, and at 7:00 in the evening to remind me to leave the company. , class starts at 8 pm and ends at 10 pm, and self-study lasts until 11:40 to get ready for bed.

On holidays, I still wake up at 5:40 in the morning to read early, exercise at 7, take live classes from 9 to 11, eat at 12, have a lunch break from 1:00-2:00, and have classes from 3:00-5:00 in the afternoon, at 6 Go out for a walk at 7 o'clock, go to class from 8 to 10 o'clock in the evening, and study by yourself until going to bed at 11:40.

Calculated in this way, my fixed study time is 3 to 4.5 hours on weekdays, and about 10 hours on holidays. After the time period is solidified, the execution ability will be greatly improved.

At the same time, in order to enhance the effect of time utilization, I insist on clocking in every day and reporting my study content and duration to the class teacher. I try to summarize the learning content of the day to ensure that the study time is efficient and at the same time. Reflect on whether you have wasted time, and make a simple plan for the next day's study content to ensure that you know which book to pick up when you wake up in the morning.

Transcript: The CPA exam in 2021 has finally reached its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, re-examination during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and anxious waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience  - DayDayNews

Transcript: The CPA exam in 2021 has finally reached its final chapter after experiencing the advancement of the exam time, postponement due to the epidemic, re-examination during the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday, and anxious waiting for the results. Looking back on my experience  - DayDayNews

Study report screenshot

Another advantage of the curing time is that the things to be done in a day are very clear, and the work efficiency is also greatly improved. Some friends asked me before, How to avoid the interference of negative emotions at work on study. This is what Brother Bin taught me. You should have a positive attitude in everything, don't amplify the negative effects, and take more active control. situation.

For example, at work, I occasionally encounter customers who are difficult to work with. I feel that the other person is rude or unreasonable. I might have been irritated in the past, but during the exam preparation period, I suddenly became cheerful and I don’t want to get entangled with him. , and don’t throw emotional bombs at each other with him. I need to clarify his needs and how to move forward quickly. When I paid more attention to his appeal rather than his expression, things became much simpler.

Also, after I posted my results on Moments, some clients and friends came to ask me if I had quit my job and was preparing for the exam full-time. How did I do it when I often worked overtime and traveled frequently. People who have experienced it would like to say that it is easy to get 3-4 hours of study time every day. Most of the time, it is because I have no determination and consume it by scrolling on my mobile phone and watching TV shows. Do I really have no time?

Speaking of mobile phones, How to overcome the interference of mobile phonesIt is also a big challenge on the way to prepare for the exam.First of all, you must realize from your heartThere is no point in using your mobile phone. It cannot relieve the pressure of studying and cannot relax you. It cannot bring you a better state or make you more efficient; Secondly, I need to physically isolate . I will set my mobile phone to do not disturb mode during the study period, and put it on the shoe cabinet at the entrance when I get home. In a small box, far away from my study space, my alarm clock reminds me through my bracelet. During the study period, I will never pick up my phone.

As for the learning method , I think it is technical . After being summarized by so many institutions and teachers, it is actually very mature. The differences are very small and difficult to implement consistently. Just like climbing a mountain as mentioned before, don't waste time comparing and choosing, but decide on one as soon as possible and don't change lanes midway. It will definitely be the most efficient.

Many people often ask in the middle whether that teacher is better, whether another method is more suitable for them, the teaching materials of this institution, the questions of that institution, this is like taking two steps to create a fork in the road for yourself, which is very unfair. Sensible.

Some suggestions for studying several subjects:

Accounting: has the most content, is the most difficult, and has the lowest passing rate. should pay special attention to how to transform knowledge into scores. In the examination room, difficult questions cannot be answered, and basic questions cannot be scored. This is a common situation in accounting exam . Don't pay too much attention to biased test points, which are extremely cost-effective for the exam. Pay attention to common test points and be familiar with them to the extreme.

In the limited time in the examination room, they relied on the inertia of thinking about the questions rather than the application of knowledge. especially likes Brother Bin's accounting class, which is focused and will repeatedly emphasize the pitfalls of the questions, how to read the questions and the steps to solve them.

It was also because of Brother Bin that I discovered how terrible the so-called inertia of thinking is. Making the same mistakes repeatedly without realizing it is the reason why I often feel good but cannot score.

In the sprint stage, Teacher Xiang’s key question training course is also very good. He summarizes the answering skills based on the proposition directions of previous years’ real questions. All of these are efforts to convert scores.

Auditing : For those who have absolutely zero foundation, you need to be patient when getting started with auditing. It is not a subject that can be picked up quickly. I thought I understood it, but when I saw the question, I had a different feeling. When I took the real questions from previous years, I felt that starting from 2018, the difficulty of the audit examination has increased significantly. The scope of the objective questions is wider and requires detailed familiarity with the textbooks. The subjective questions pay more attention to the examination of audit thinking. Sometimes even the test points are difficult. Capture. During the

period, thanks to the help of Teacher Lili’s teaching, various visual metaphors made the business that was far away from me and the unfamiliar writing interesting. Reading the book a hundred times makes its meaning self-evident. Through constant repetition and familiarity, the scattered knowledge can be connected. This is the method for me to learn auditing. Although it does not seem to be a shortcut, it is what helped me break free from despair of auditing. way.

Economic Law: Although the textbook contains a lot of content, the types of propositions are very fixed and focused. It is a subject that is very suitable for concentrated preparation for results. is especially easy to confuse. If you forget the date and amount, using the recitation formula summarized by the teacher is very helpful to ease the burden of memory. It is also easy to recall and distinguish in the examination room. Repeat the subjective questions and practice the real questions from previous years, familiarize yourself with the rules corresponding to high-frequency and high-points, and imitate the expression of the answers.

Finally, when you choose to study with BT, give up all your self-righteousness. At least you will never know the CPA exam better than Brother Bin. Any doubt is resistance, and all you have to do is execute. Please believe that the answers to the problems we are facing now will be found in the future. hopes that at any time, you will not lack the courage to start over, face CPA, conquer CPA, and experience the surprise and happiness brought by persistence in this process.

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