I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home.

2024/06/1808:54:33 education 1290

I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews

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Listen to the question:

I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews



cat, boat, bat, bus.

Choose the pictures that rhyme with one another.


I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews


I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews


I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews


I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews


I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home.

Which words from the sentence are in plural form? Choose all of the correct answer. 0No.9

Look at the following table of contents:

I went to the store and bought apples and bananas, and then I took the bus back home. - DayDayNews

Which page has instructions for baking cookies?

A 2
B 5
C 8
D 10


China is a country in East Asia.

It has 14 neighboring countries .

It is the country with the largest number of people in the world.

It is a very interesting country .

Which sentence in the text is an opinion?

A It is the country with the largest number of people in the world.
B It is a very interesting country.
C China is a country in East Asia.
D It has 14 neighboring countries countries.

Answers and explanations



The correct answer is C.

The letter “E” makes the /e/ sound, as in the word “elephant”.

Answer A is incorrect because the letter “A” makes the /a/ sound, as in the word “ant”.

Answer B is incorrect because the letter “S” makes the /s/ sound, as in the word “snake”.

Answer D is incorrect because the letter “B” makes the /b/ sound, as in the word “box”.



The correct answers are A and C.

Words that rhyme are words that end with the same sound.

The words “cat” and “bat” both end with the sound /at/ , so they rhyme.

Answer B is incorrect because the word “boat” ends with the sound /oat/, which is different from the sound /at/.

Answer D is incorrect because the word “bus” ends with the sound /us/ , which is different from the sound /at/.



The correct answers are B and C.

When adding the ending “s” to a noun, it changes the noun from singular (one) to plural (more than one).

In the words “apples” and “bananas”, the ending “s” was added to the singular forms of the words (apple and banana) and changed them from one to more than one.

Therefore, the words “apples” and “bananas” are in plural form.

The words “store”, “bus”, and “home” are in singular form, so these answers are incorrect.

Notice that the letter “s” in the word “bus” is not an ending that is added to the word. It is a part of the word itself. The plural form of the word “bus” is “buses”.



The correct answer is B.

A table of contents is a page that appears at the beginning of a book , and contains a list of the book's chapters, and the page where each chapter starts.

To know which page has instructions for baking cookies, look for the word “cookies” in the table of contents.

Then, look at the number that appears on the right of the word, it tells the page of this chapter.

The number on the right of the word “cookies” is 5, so page 5 has the instructions for baking cookies.



The correct answer is B.

An opinion is a thought or belief about something or someone that cannot be proven.

The sentence “it is a very interesting country” is an opinion- it cannot be proven, and someone else might think the opposite.

A fact is a statement that can be proven as true or false.

The sentences “It is the country with the largest number of people in the world”, “China is a country in East Asia” and “It has 14 neighboring countries” are facts-

They can be proven, and one cannot argue that they are not true.

At first glance, they are all in English, which may make you a little confused. In fact, the logic and Chinese are the same.If you want to go to an international school, just ask Shunyi's first brother, Mr. Guo. However, whether you can keep up with the pace of an international school still requires a lot of effort.

After these two days of study, if you feel that MAP Kindergarten’s sample questions are still a little difficult, the following suggestions may be helpful:

1. Slow is fast

A nine-story platform starts from a base; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a foundation. At one step. A thorough study of one question is far better than ten ambiguous questions. Not being in a hurry is a kind of tenacity that digs a well deep enough to bring out water.

2. Less is more

For complex information, pay attention to the signal-to-noise ratio. What works and what is most useful? The key to mastering knowledge and skills is often only two or three, which can be grasped. In an era when knowledge can be retrieved, it is really not cost-effective to engage in question-based tactics. What is really worth studying in an international school is that it liberates people from the tools for solving questions and allows them to form their own unique insights. It is not necessary to have many opinions, true knowledge and insights are the most important.

If you want to go to an international school, just ask Shunyi's first brother, Mr. Guo. However, whether you can keep up with the pace of an international school still requires a lot of effort.

After these two days of study, if you feel that MAP Kindergarten’s sample questions are still a little difficult, the following suggestions may be helpful:

1. Slow is fast

A nine-story platform starts from a base; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a foundation. At one step. A thorough study of one question is far better than ten ambiguous questions. Not being in a hurry is a kind of tenacity that digs a well deep enough to bring out water.

2. Less is more

For complex information, pay attention to the signal-to-noise ratio. What works and what is most useful? The key to mastering knowledge and skills is often only two or three, which can be grasped. In an era when knowledge can be retrieved, it is really not cost-effective to engage in question-based tactics. What is really worth studying in an international school is that it liberates people from the tools for solving questions and allows them to form their own unique insights. It is not necessary to have many opinions, true knowledge and insights are the most important.

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