What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami

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How do Fujian candidates fill in Fujian Medical University

What are the scores and rankings in the province for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022?

Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance examination application form will also be filled out soon. It is very important to fill in the college entrance examination application form. Parents and children must take it seriously. Sometimes your test result is not as good as others. If you complete the application form, you can get 30 points more.

This account will share some basic information about Fujian Medical University, especially the strong majors of Fujian Medical University and the admission scores of majors enrolled in Fujian and the province's ranking.

If you need the electronic version of each year, please leave a message in the comment area. If you need specific data to fill in the application form, please leave a message in the comment area. This account will share the big data of Fujian College Entrance Examination admissions.

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

School introduction:

First, let’s briefly introduce Fujian Medical University:

Fujian Medical University was founded in 1937 and is one of the earliest public undergraduate medical schools in my country. There are currently 32 campuses in Shangjie and Taijiang, with a planned area of ​​about 1,550 acres. It has 21 colleges (departments) and 29 undergraduate majors. There are currently 13,542 teaching and medical staff (including affiliated hospitals) and more than 17,000 full-time students.

currently has 1,646 full-time teachers (including clinical teachers), of whom 56.38% have doctoral degrees and 69.81% have senior professional titles. It has 4 national-level specialty majors and 11 national-level first-class professional construction sites.

Advance admission scores and rankings for local specialties in each city

Science: within first name (excluding local specialization directions)

Liberal Arts: within first name (excluding local specializations)

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

local specializations. Because each city is different, specific rankings are not recommended.

Undergraduate Recommended ranking

Science recommendation: 17000-37000 people should fill in

Undergraduate and master's 5+3 ranking within 9000

Oral major within 10000

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

Liberal arts recommendation: 6000-11000 people should fill in

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

The school's strong major:

existing clinical medicine , basics There are 6 first-level disciplines authorized for doctoral degrees in medicine, stomatology, public health and preventive medicine, pharmacy, and nursing, and 2 professional doctoral degree programs such as clinical medicine and stomatology; first-level disciplines authorized for master's degrees 9, and 9 professional master’s degree authorization points. There are currently 2 postdoctoral research mobile stations for clinical medicine and basic medicine, 4 postdoctoral workstations, and 2 academician workstations. Five disciplines including clinical medicine, pharmacology and toxicology , chemistry, neuroscience and behavior, biology and biochemistry have entered the top 1% of ESI global rankings.

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

Medical University Professional Information Ranking

What scores and rankings in the province are suitable for Fujian candidates to apply for Fujian Medical University in 2022? Hello everyone, I am Teacher Tang from the education account. The college entrance examination scores will be announced soon, and the college entrance exami - DayDayNews

Medical University Professional Information Ranking

Finally, I wish all candidates to be admitted to the ideal university. If you need to know more about the school, you can leave a message in the comment area for discussion.

is welcome to follow this account, which will continue to update educational information on high school entrance examinations, college entrance examinations, transfer students and social candidates, international high schools, and study abroad in Fujian.

Warm reminder : During the application period for high school and college entrance examinations, this evening we will live broadcast on the Douyin and Toutiao platforms to explain the 2017-2021 college entrance examination admission data of each school.

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