Warm prawns: Hello, Zhan Xinjia! I am a confused college entrance examination student who has completed the college entrance examination for a month. I have come to a fork in my life and I don’t know how to choose. Hope to get some opinions from you. My college entrance examinati

2024/05/2602:36:33 education 1306

Warm prawns: Hello, Zhan Xinjia! I am a confused college entrance examination student who has completed the college entrance examination for a month. I have come to a fork in my life and I don’t know how to choose. Hope to get some opinions from you. My college entrance examinati - DayDayNews

Warm prawn:

Hello, Zhan Xinjia!

I am a confused college entrance examination student who has completed the college entrance examination for a month. I have come to a fork in my life and I don’t know how to choose. Hope to get some opinions from you.

My college entrance examination results have come in. I am a media arts candidate. I have passed the test in art and culture, but it is still very difficult to get into a second-tier college. I have a unique interest in media majors, but the reality is cruel to me - I cannot go to my ideal college as I wish.

What I firmly believe in is that I want to continue studying, and my family supports my idea of ​​continuing to study. I also sorted out the study plans that I can choose from next, including repeat studies, studying at a college in the province, and studying media majors at a public college with a ranking of about Malaysia QS 100. The plan of repeating

was rejected by my mother for the first time. Next, I didn’t know how to choose between college and studying abroad. No matter which road it is, it will not be smooth sailing. I have to bear the corresponding price and endure more hardships. However, I am not afraid of hardship, but I am afraid of damaging the family members who love me. If I were to go to junior college, the first degree would be a hurdle that I couldn't overcome. I was quite afraid of the environment in junior college because I had heard too much news about bad habits in junior colleges. As for Malaysia, it is not a developed country. There are many Chinese people, and life and so on are actually not much different from those in China. But this is a springboard for me to get a bachelor's degree or even a master's degree.

is kind of unwilling to go to a college. So I asked my mother to take me to a well-known old woman in the village to ask for a visa. I asked for a visa from two undergraduate colleges and they both said it was very difficult. Then I asked for a visa from a junior college and the result was that it was an excellent visa. The No. 1 Scholar visa; finally I asked for a visa to study abroad. When the old lady asked me where I wanted to go to study abroad, she asked where I wanted to go. I said Malaysia, but she said it was inappropriate. The conditions in that place were difficult and it was not a good idea to go there. Good way. Later, the old lady helped me interpret the results and said that it was very difficult to turn mountains into gold. Buddha pointed me to the college lottery, but I still couldn't settle for college. But my mother felt that God had shown me the way and I should not take unnecessary detours.

prawn, I know ability is very important, but I also want to get this degree. My family thinks that ability is enough, and academic qualifications are not that important. But I think my study time is only these three or four years. After that, I have to work, get married and have children. I will never have the chance to really study again in this life. Going abroad is not that easy. The temptation is there. Some people go out for fun, fail to complete their homework in time, and fail to graduate in time. To say that I can resist temptation is a bit weak, only by showing the final result. Should I follow my own ideas, wouldn't it be selfish, or should I follow the path of asking for a signature this time, but that's not what I want.

I don’t know how to make choices in life. Please enlighten me. I wish you peace, joy and success!

A high school graduate who doesn’t know how to choose

A high school graduate who doesn’t know how to choose:

Since you asked your mother to take you to ask for a signature, it means that you all believe in it, so just follow the instructions of the Buddha, no If an undergraduate institution admits you, it will accept your final result of enrolling in a junior college.

From a rational analysis, the conclusion is the same.

1. When you go to college, your parents are the sponsors, they bear the cost, and their wishes are very important. Apparently your mom thinks junior colleges should accept it too. We should respect investors. This is a very important rule of life. Children always think that it is natural to spend their parents' money, but when they graduate from high school and are basically over 18 years old, it is no longer so natural and they should not force their parents to do so. Going to Malaysia may increase the financial burden on parents. At the same time, the epidemic is not over yet, and it will also increase their psychological burden.

2. The first academic degree is indeed important. However, the specific problems of are analyzed in detail in .A bachelor's degree from a university in Malaysia, which most Chinese people don't know now and will not know in the future, may not be more important than a domestic junior college, let alone the domestic junior college to undergraduate . When we say that the first academic degree is very important, we often mean that if a person is admitted to a very good university, his undergraduate degree will be convincing enough, not only better than a junior college degree, but may also be better than an average graduate student. This is not to say that as long as you take out a bachelor's degree, it can prove that you are better than a junior college. In fact, a Malaysian undergraduate degree with low value may even bring prejudice to you when applying for jobs in the future. Recruiters will think that you are not pragmatic and honest enough, and you are trying to hide it. Domestic undergraduates are abundant, and opportunities are generally given to them first.

3. Studying in a junior college is only temporary. It is not a final decision and cannot be turned over. Isn’t it possible to upgrade to a junior college? The upward path is always open. People who really want to study, are really good at reading, and really love diplomas can go from junior college to doctorate in their lifetime.

4. You heard that the atmosphere in vocational colleges is not good. Regardless of whether this is true or not. Even if it’s true, a junior college is still a school, not a mafia or a prison. What’s bad is that it’s not about sneaking around, provoking troubles, killing people and arson. What’s good is that students don’t take classes seriously and are addicted to playing games. Most of the teachers in the school are well-educated. Books The library also has good books. If you think about it, the resources are sufficient. Also, if you think about it dialectically, if your classmates are not easy to learn from, won’t you lose your competitors when you upgrade from a junior college to a bachelor’s degree?

It’s really a pity that I didn’t do well in high school. However, as long as I don’t think about reaching the sky in one step, don’t use tricks, don’t be vain, and work hard little by little, my regrets will be made up for. Buddha also had to practice step by step, and we mortals should do enough stupid and slow work in order to enjoy the good life.

wish you a happy day.


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