In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p

2024/05/2311:35:33 education 1566

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing mostly occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of parents, it is easy for children to follow. The war between parents caused rifts in the parent-child relationship. So what should you do when your child has these problems? Let’s take a look at how the expert teachers from Heart Freedom Education solved it.

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p - DayDayNews

Hello, parents and friends, I am an expert teacher at Heart Freedom Education. Some time ago, a parent came to me for help. The child in this family is currently 14 years old. There are addicted to mobile phones and beating and scolding parents Condition. My mood is not good at ordinary times. I often get angry at my parents, and even hit my mother. My mother said that my child has a bad relationship with his classmates at school and has no friends, so my child started school in the second year of junior high school. I haven’t been to school since. I’ve been on leave from school for half a year now, and I play with my mobile phone at home every day.

After a detailed assessment, I discovered the following problems in their family:

1. The child’s parents work outside the home all year round and pay less attention to the child, resulting in alienation from the child.

2. The mother of the child often criticizes the child at home and has a bad temper..

3. The child's mood is very unstable, often irritable, loses his temper at his mother, and even throws things at her.

In response to this situation, I made the following adjustments to this family :

1. Learn to accept :

The mother of the child began to feel the problem from the child's perspective and developed a connection with the child.

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p - DayDayNews

The child also felt accepted by the mother, and his resistance to her was greatly reduced. He took the initiative to try to change, and no longer beat or scolded the mother. The mother also learned to understand the child and no longer blamed the child.

2. Rebuilding the parent-child relationship :

During the guidance process, the father of the child often takes time out to accompany the child.

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p - DayDayNews

The child’s mother also learned to care about her child and treated her child much more gently. The child felt the love and care from his parents, and the parent-child relationship began to get better and better.

3. Re-stimulate children’s learning motivation :

In terms of learning, children also understand the importance of learning and know how to cherish the time in front of them.

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p - DayDayNews

not only took the initiative to return to school, but also assured his parents to use mobile phones in a controlled manner. After a period of adjustment, the child regained his motivation to learn, his grades improved rapidly, his daily life was in order, and he no longer became addicted to mobile phones.

4. Adjust the child's interpersonal relationship :

The child's interpersonal relationship at school was very poor before, which is also one of the situations where the child is tired of studying.

In life, it is not uncommon for children to beat and scold their parents when they are tired of studying. This kind of thing often occurs in the adolescence stage of children. Children in this period are eager to be independent. Coupled with the wrong education methods of their p - DayDayNews

After the adjustment, the child was talking and laughing with his classmates at school, and made many new friends.

Here, I would also like to tell all parents that there are many reasons why children are tired of studying and have bad behavioral habits. Only by constantly improving and growing can parents help you get into their hearts and guide their children to solve problems. Finally, if you also have children's problems and need help, you can contact and follow Heart Freedom Education. I hope that together we can understand children from the heart and get to know them again.

The above article is for everyone to share. If it is helpful to educate children, please share it with other friends who are also in need. Let's make progress together on the road of children's growth!

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