Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University

2024/05/1907:09:33 education 1873

Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University - DayDayNews

Text | Wang Can

A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for her favorite Southwest University. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University quickly responded with a "little essay" to encourage you: Your wonderful life has just begun, how can you describe it as "die in this summer"? To change the perspective, it is better to live towards death and grow a new life in this summer. At present, the girls have decided to repeat their studies and hit their goals again next year.

This incident has aroused heated discussion, and many netizens said that they were "warm" by the school. Indeed, the school did not selectively ignore a frustrated candidate who failed to get into the school this year, but promptly sent encouragement. This is "seeing" and respecting the individual. According to reports, the person who replied to the girl was a classmate from the school’s official WeChat operation team. Perhaps there is a certain degree of chance in the reply, but people are willing to believe in good faith that a university with such official microblog operators has humanistic care. It is not difficult to understand why many netizens commented on this matter as "the best enrollment advertisement."

Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University - DayDayNews

Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University - DayDayNews

Every year after the college entrance examination results are released, there is always a lot of news about candidates that attracts attention. In the past few years, videos such as "High-scoring candidates find out their scores, the family cheers and the parents choke" have frequently been on the hot search. People feel the same joy through the screen and do not hesitate to send sincere blessings. Yes, everyone understands the importance of the college entrance examination, understands the significance of getting a high score and getting admitted to an ideal university for a person and a family, and can also empathize with the difficulties of children and parents.

But we must not forget that the college entrance examination is a selective examination. There will be successes and disappointments, and there will be cheers and dejections. Moreover, among the frustrated, in addition to some who did not reach the required score, there are also some who could have obtained higher scores and attended a better university, but performed abnormally in the college entrance examination. Sometimes, this abnormality may be caused by some unexpected objective reasons. In other words, in addition to the clearly visible score lines and admission lines, each candidate also has his or her own evaluation criteria. For example, Zhang Liang, the " twist car boy" who touched many people this year, got a good score of 44 points higher than the first-tier exam, but he said with regret, "Compared with my usual scores in school exams, It’s still not good enough.”

Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University - DayDayNews

With the development of society today, although the college entrance examination is important, it is no longer the only way to become talented and successful. This is a consensus and common sense. Whether it is public opinion or the parents of candidates, they are increasingly able to use a rational attitude towards the college entrance examination and frustrated candidates. But as candidates at this point in life, they are often "obsessed with the authorities" and "know the truth, but still can't get over the hurdle in their hearts." It is necessary and important to have more understanding, consideration, and care for them, to help them get out of the depression period as soon as possible, to cheer up, and to make rational plans and choices for their future life paths.

The first step in caring is to "see". In addition to the halo of academic excellence, the worship of prestigious schools, and the appeal for enrollment, the whole society, including colleges and universities, should listen to the voices of the frustrated with love and patience, understand their loss and unwillingness, and be willing to encourage and encourage from the perspective of life and society. Guide them out of the trough period and face temporary frustrations with the vigorous and uplifting spirit of young people. This kind of kindness and warmth can not only help a young person get through the current difficulties, but also accumulate experience and energy for them to face the storms in life in the future and release kindness to others.

Text | Wang Can A girl in Chongqing failed the college entrance examination and failed to apply for the Southwest University of her choice. She sent a private message to @ Southwest University on Weibo to express her frustration and confusion. Unexpectedly, @ Southwest University - DayDayNews

In addition to the frustrated, there are also special groups in the college entrance examination, such as disabled candidates like the "Twister Boys". We must praise their indomitable spirit and tenacious fighting spirit when they get high scores, but we must also give special care and help to those candidates who just meet the cutoff or fail the exam. For example, we should pay attention to whether they will suffer unfair treatment because of their disabilities. Admission treatment, whether the university provides them with a convenient learning and living environment, etc. This concern should even extend to their job search situation after graduation.

Looking at it from another perspective, when candidates are frustrated in the college entrance examination, they do not digest it alone, but talk to their favorite universities. This is also a new trend among contemporary young people. You should know that this kind of confession is likely to get no response. Girls will not think of this before sending a private message. She may have understood early on that even if the university responded and encouraged her, she was the only one who could ultimately make the decision and change the status quo, but she still did it. This was a kind of trust in the goodwill of society.

The college entrance examination is a journey on the road of life. Success and failure are relative and temporary. It is the humane side of society to bless and applaud the successful and empower the frustrated to move forward.

Text: Wang Can

Pictures: Sina Weibo, Xinhuanet

Reading: Wang Qian

Editor: Wang Yuanfang

Editor: Sun Dai, Xing Yanyan

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