Some advices from Xi'an lawyers on divorce

2021/10/0722:42:02 education 1558

Moderator: There is a TV series called " Divorce Lawyer", which has caused a big response. Today, we will discuss the topic of divorce with Lawyer Wei and see what we should pay attention to in real divorce? First of all. , Let's ask if Lawyer Wei saw this TV series?

Lawyer Wei Tao: I have heard of it, but I really haven't watched it, including the " Elite Lawyer" that was broadcast the year before. I also watched more than a dozen At last the minute couldn't stand it anymore.

Moderator: Why is this?

Lawyer Wei Tao: TV series are works of art that have been artistically processed. Although there is a certain reality basis, for us, we will feel it after a while. Uncomfortable, it is really different from our real work life.

Moderator: Today we are most concerned about the topic of divorce. Is Mr. Wei's main handling case divorce? Yang Cuo has undertaken some cases in this area and has some personal opinions. I hope to have some advice for those who are struggling with this issue.

Moderator: Do you think the divorce case is relatively simple?

Lawyer Wei Tao: No, the lowest threshold but the most difficult type of case is the divorce case. The comprehensive quality requirements are very high.

Moderator: Then please give me specific advice.

Lawyer Wei Tao:

1. Treat women well.As far as the legal aspect is concerned, it is indeed an era of equality between men and women, but there is a famous legal saying: "The life of the law lies in experience rather than logic." In the cases we encounter in real life, most women bear the heaviest part of life, but one day they will have to face some issues of equality and reciprocity when they go to court. What does it mean to be unspeakable with suffering? Can't be said with suffering? This is a pain that many women who have experienced this kind of experience do not want to mention.

2. On the surface, divorce disputes only involve divorce, children, property, debts, company law , criminal law and other multiple laws, in fact, it also involves moral and social, mental health, etc., which will trigger a series of " chemical reaction". You must think about it before leaving, and leave decisively when you think about it.

3. The healthy growth of children is the most important problem to be solved in divorce. Judging from the crime rate and the probability of problematic students, there are more children from divorced families. The contradictory union and separation of two adults will eventually lead to a higher proportion of the children. Therefore, raising, visiting and educating children must be the top priority of both parties.

4. Property issues, house division, creditor's rights and debts must be clearly expressed, and feasibility must be deduced in advance on issues involving transfer of ownership to avoid subsequent disputes and troubles.

Moderator: Thank you very much for some advice from Lawyer Wei Tao. I hope that some people who can't go down the road of marriage can refer to it. Finally, we quote a sentence from the TV series "Divorce Lawyer": "The basic principle of the law is to be honest, not harm others, and give everyone what they deserve." Thanks to lawyer Wei Tao.

Some advices from Xi'an lawyers on divorce - DayDayNews

Persons in this issue: Attorney Wei Tao, Attorney Wei Tao and his team are mainly engaged in litigation dispute resolution, government and corporate legal counsel, projects and infrastructure, public interest litigation, environmental energy and natural resources, bonds Criminal defense with equity, , etc.Work phone 17392767855


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