Hello everyone, here are Wanshang’s growth notes, which use interesting words to describe personal growth and in-depth thinking. If you think the article has inspired you, you can follow me! I wish you a helpful start: I have read a book called "Scarcity" briefly before. It mainl

Hello everyone, here are Wanshang’s growth notes, which use interesting words to describe personal growth and in-depth thinking. If you think the article has inspired you, you can follow me!

I wish you all a helpful opening:

I once briefly read a book "Scarcity", which mainly talks about a scarcity mentality that will have a major impact on our decision-making in life and will produce huge changes in our lives. It is even one of the major reasons why a person is poor.

So, what is a scarcity mentality? It's actually very simple, you want more than you have now.

Of course, let’s give a few examples.

For example, if you are very hungry now and you are still doing work, then you may be very irritable, and the results of your work may not be very good at this time, because your attention is often attracted by food, and you just I want to finish my meal quickly and talk about other things later.

Or, if you are very sleepy now, you have obviously stayed up late and worked overtime for two days, and finally finished the work today. You thought you could finally have a good sleep, but it turned out that the supervisor seemed to be sick. After packing up and getting ready to go home, he came over and said he was going to have a meeting! Then there is a high probability that you will not listen to much of what is said at the meeting, and all you want to do at this time is maybe have a good sleep.

These are two simple examples of the scarcity mentality.

In life, such examples are everywhere. The author said something in the book: Scarcity will further lead to scarcity.

We can explain it with the old sayings we are familiar with, such as: The poor will always be poor, and the rich will always be rich!

The reason why I suddenly talked about the book I read a long time ago is because I also personally experienced the huge role of scarcity mentality.

Normally, my mentality does not fluctuate so much, but after that incident, I also understood one of my weaknesses, which is my mobile phone.

The cause of the incident was that my original mobile phone fell to the ground and broke. When I found that the mobile phone could no longer be turned on, I panicked.

Really, I have never been so panicked when we broke up before. The huge feeling of loss instantly surrounded me. I had no idea at that time and just wanted to solve the problem of my mobile phone as soon as possible.

I remember that day I was hungry and walked around the streets looking for mobile phone stores and compared the prices of several. Because I am not in a state where I spend money without blinking an eye, I still consider issues such as cost-effectiveness.

I searched several stores, but the prices were not satisfactory. The official authorized stores were too expensive. I searched a few stores and found one with a very cheap price, but I thought it was a scam if it was so cheap! He wouldn't have subcontracted my CPU or other parts, wouldn't he have copied the selfies I took when I was narcissistic or some of my chat records? Although our phone doesn't have as exciting stuff as Mr. Edison's computer back then, this After all, it is personal privacy. Even if it is just an ordinary chat history, we still don’t want others to see it, right?

people, it’s so strange. I dare to trust the official store, but unfortunately the price is too expensive. An outside store is cheaper, but I am worried that there will be problems. is too expensive and I don’t want to part with it. It’s too little and I’m afraid of problems. People wonder if people are all this cheap!

Finally, after much consideration, I decided to buy another one.

Then, I was too anxious and confused, and didn’t read any strategies.

I used to buy something. If the price was important and the price was not cheap, I would start working on the guide a few days in advance. Moreover, while doing the guide, I could also learn some interesting little knowledge.

But this time the phone was broken, and I really fell into an impulse of not caring about anything but just getting the phone as soon as possible.

Finally, I bought a mobile phone randomly. In fact, I still regret why I chose such a thing at the time, but thinking that a mobile phone costs several thousand, I might as well endure it for a few years. Maybe I will get used to it after using it. Woolen cloth? I can only comfort myself like this!

After placing the order on my mobile phone, I couldn't wait to check the logistics every one or two hours. In fact, I knew it would eventually reach my hands, and the key was that I couldn't help but want to take a look.

I never expected that the word "care will lead to chaos" will be used on my mobile phone!

I usually buy a courier, but maybe the courier only remembered that I bought something when he called me. But this time I bought a mobile phone and didn’t check the logistics for an hour. It was like three autumns!

In the end, I finally got the phone after a lot of suffering. I downloaded various apps and logged in with various accounts. Finally, I found that after a few days, no one seemed to have sent me a message...

I really didn’t know that the phone was broken. Now, why are you so anxious? In fact, no one cares whether your phone is broken or not, right?

I don’t know if you have experienced something similar to my experience when changing mobile phones.

However, whether you have encountered it or not, you can refer to some keywords from my experience, such as: getting confused, thinking only about changing mobile phones, caring about it, etc., when you encounter something that makes you fall into In similar emotions, you may need to be vigilant, and you may also fall into a scarcity mentality.

In this state, we must either force ourselves to calm down first, or try not to make some decisions, or hand over the decision-making power to someone you trust and have the ability to do, otherwise you will do all kinds of things in this mentality. It’s a decision you’ll most likely regret in the future!

There is no regret medicine in this world!

Just like now, I feel that the mobile phone I chose is not to my liking, and the key price is too expensive!

Hey, you can only learn from it!

Also, we need to have a recognition, that is, Ninety-nine percent or even everyone will have the problem of scarcity mentality. It’s just that different people have different scarcity objects.

For example, poor people may be more scarce in money, so they will pay special attention to some methods of making quick money, and most of them are the ones who are cut off.

What the middle class is scarce may be children’s education, parents’ medical care, etc., so there will be chicken babies and other phenomena.

What rich people may lack is the company of their families. Of course, it may also be that they just don’t have anything scarce?

Well, the article ends here. If you have any similar experiences or ideas, you can tell us and share them together. Let us encourage each other and grow together!

The full text is finished. Your attention is my motivation. Here are Wanshang’s growth notes. If you like it, you can click and follow it.