Microsoft Win11 taskbar "Show Desktop" button becomes a line, blind spots cannot be performed

IT House July 1 news Microsoft officially released the Win11 operating system last month, bringing a series of improvements such as a new UI, animations, touch gestures, and Android App support.

However, there is one change in Win11 that may be a step backwards.

As we all know, since Win7, Microsoft has placed an "show desktop" button in the lower right corner of the system's taskbar (lower right corner of the screen), this special position allows users to blindly click the button without shifting their eyes. , directly minimize or show the application window.

▲ The small strip on the far right is

. In Win11, the "Show Desktop" button has become a very thin line of , , and it is not placed on the side. IT House test, if the user's blind spot is in the lower right corner, it cannot be clicked to .

Although users can also use the Win + D shortcuts for the same operation, the keyboard shortcuts are not as intuitive and fast as the mouse. At present, Microsoft has not made a statement on this change, and it is unknown if it will be changed back in the future.