The continuous rainy season in June is over, and we are about to enter the scorching heat of July. Are you ready to face the scorching sun? Let’s take a look. What instructions does Tarot give you? Aries Tarot Card: Justice Reversed July Tarot gives you the inspiration to "see th

The continuous rainy season in June is over, and we are about to enter the scorching heat of July. Are you ready to face the scorching sun? Let’s take a look. What instructions does Tarot give you?


Tarot Cards: Justice Reversed

7 The inspiration that Moon Tarot gives you is to "see the world objectively." If

draws this card, it means that you will have a psychological imbalance this month. You will feel disgusted with some of the voices and values ​​around you, and will use actions to express resistance. But you are already an adult, and whether you like it or not, you need to make choices and even compromises. Justice reversed reminds you not to be too subjective in your evaluation of specific people, opinions, and events. Maintaining an objective perspective will make you more open-minded and see the bigger world.

What will happen in July:

1. Single people start to back off when facing the opposite sex they like.

2. Being arranged by family members to go on a blind date, but they are very disgusted in their hearts.

3. Colleagues work overtime to show loyalty and grab credit, which makes you feel dissatisfied.

4. More Have the courage to fight for some rights for yourself

5, sign a contract


Tarot Card: Coin Seven

7 The inspiration that the Moon Tarot gives you is "delayed gratification".

The Seven of Coins is a card full of harvest meaning, but this harvest is not immediate, but the result of planning for the future and putting it into action. This July is a good time for you to sweat, because you will have enough courage and interest to complete what you have planned. It is human nature to be lazy, but if you can work more focused this month, you will soon reap rewards that exceed your expectations.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles who take the initiative will receive a positive response

2. After the exam, prepare to change jobs, start a side job

3. Work or relationships have reached a bottleneck

4. The body is prone to getting angry, inflamed, or suffering from heat stroke

5 , there is a new fund use plan, and there is a major expenditure


Tarot Card: Knight of Wands

The inspiration that the July Tarot gives you is "calmness".

Knight of Wands is a card with a strong fire element. Although it is very aggressive, it is difficult to control the strength and becomes a reckless person who acts impulsively. This month you will be more self-aware and easily ignore the feelings of those around you. If you feel that you are hitting a wall, maybe you can try to reflect on whether you have unintentionally given others a feeling of arrogance, rudeness, sloppiness and recklessness? Therefore, your topic this month is to learn to be more stable and gentle.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles fall in love quickly

2. Get a new job

3. Be sent on a business trip or embark on a short trip

4. Get the income from previous investments this month

5. Move and move into a new home


Tarot Cards: The Hermit

The revelation of the July Tarot to you is "self-improvement."

Friends who have drawn this card, your mood may become depressed this month, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Drawing the hermit card means that your intuition will be strong this month and your thinking will be clear. Your focus in July is to study hard and make progress every day. Those unnecessary social interactions will interfere with your execution of your plan, so don’t go if you can. This month, focusing on self-improvement will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. Arrange your schedule quickly ~

What will happen in July:

1. Your attitude towards suitors becomes cold

2. Your love life is stable but lacks passion.

3. High work efficiency, able to over-complete tasks.

4. Strong learning ability, able to quickly master a new knowledge.

5. Average income, and low desire to consume.

Tarot: Coin Waiter.

What the Tarot will give you in July. "try".

Leo is in pretty good shape this month, playing various competent roles seriously. In the company, you are a down-to-earth and progressive employee; at home, you are a steady and reliable lover. If you are starting your own business, you will also be a serious and motivated little boss. Although your current gains are not obvious, you are definitely developing in a better direction.

The continuous rainy season in June is over, and we are about to enter the scorching heat of July. Are you ready to face the scorching sun? Let’s take a look. What instructions does Tarot give you?


Tarot Cards: Justice Reversed

7 The inspiration that Moon Tarot gives you is to "see the world objectively." If

draws this card, it means that you will have a psychological imbalance this month. You will feel disgusted with some of the voices and values ​​around you, and will use actions to express resistance. But you are already an adult, and whether you like it or not, you need to make choices and even compromises. Justice reversed reminds you not to be too subjective in your evaluation of specific people, opinions, and events. Maintaining an objective perspective will make you more open-minded and see the bigger world.

What will happen in July:

1. Single people start to back off when facing the opposite sex they like.

2. Being arranged by family members to go on a blind date, but they are very disgusted in their hearts.

3. Colleagues work overtime to show loyalty and grab credit, which makes you feel dissatisfied.

4. More Have the courage to fight for some rights for yourself

5, sign a contract


Tarot Card: Coin Seven

7 The inspiration that the Moon Tarot gives you is "delayed gratification".

The Seven of Coins is a card full of harvest meaning, but this harvest is not immediate, but the result of planning for the future and putting it into action. This July is a good time for you to sweat, because you will have enough courage and interest to complete what you have planned. It is human nature to be lazy, but if you can work more focused this month, you will soon reap rewards that exceed your expectations.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles who take the initiative will receive a positive response

2. After the exam, prepare to change jobs, start a side job

3. Work or relationships have reached a bottleneck

4. The body is prone to getting angry, inflamed, or suffering from heat stroke

5 , there is a new fund use plan, and there is a major expenditure


Tarot Card: Knight of Wands

The inspiration that the July Tarot gives you is "calmness".

Knight of Wands is a card with a strong fire element. Although it is very aggressive, it is difficult to control the strength and becomes a reckless person who acts impulsively. This month you will be more self-aware and easily ignore the feelings of those around you. If you feel that you are hitting a wall, maybe you can try to reflect on whether you have unintentionally given others a feeling of arrogance, rudeness, sloppiness and recklessness? Therefore, your topic this month is to learn to be more stable and gentle.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles fall in love quickly

2. Get a new job

3. Be sent on a business trip or embark on a short trip

4. Get the income from previous investments this month

5. Move and move into a new home


Tarot Cards: The Hermit

The revelation of the July Tarot to you is "self-improvement."

Friends who have drawn this card, your mood may become depressed this month, but it is not necessarily a bad thing. Drawing the hermit card means that your intuition will be strong this month and your thinking will be clear. Your focus in July is to study hard and make progress every day. Those unnecessary social interactions will interfere with your execution of your plan, so don’t go if you can. This month, focusing on self-improvement will have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. Arrange your schedule quickly ~

What will happen in July:

1. Your attitude towards suitors becomes cold

2. Your love life is stable but lacks passion.

3. High work efficiency, able to over-complete tasks.

4. Strong learning ability, able to quickly master a new knowledge.

5. Average income, and low desire to consume.

Tarot: Coin Waiter.

What the Tarot will give you in July. "try".

Leo is in pretty good shape this month, playing various competent roles seriously. In the company, you are a down-to-earth and progressive employee; at home, you are a steady and reliable lover. If you are starting your own business, you will also be a serious and motivated little boss. Although your current gains are not obvious, you are definitely developing in a better direction.In July, when everything is going smoothly, what you need to pay attention to is to be a little more diplomatic in your dealings with others, and don't use brute force when you can use cleverness. It will be much easier.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles can meet good people of the opposite sex through blind dates.

2. People in love discuss marriage or buying a house together.

3. Job seekers find a job that satisfies you.

4. A new project has just been launched. Start

5, attend training classes to learn skills


Tarot Cards: Ten of Swords Reversed

7 The inspiration that the Tarot gives you is "confidence".

To be honest, friends who have drawn this card, you will feel a lot of pressure this month. This pressure is put on you by the outside world. It may be pressure from your parents or a project at work that you are unable to handle. All of these may make you feel downhearted. Although you want to change something, you would rather just lie down. The appearance of the Ten of Swords reversed reminds you not to lose your self-confidence at any time, and to stand up and be a good man again. Life has its ups and downs, and every good thing and bad thing that happens has its meaning.

What will happen in July:

1. Single people feel anxious about marriage and love due to pressure from their parents

2. People in love may be disturbed by realistic factors

3. Finishing a job that makes you feel tired

4. Working overtime is serious , Sleep is affected

5. Investments were made because of being too greedy


Tarot Cards: High Tower

7 The inspiration of the Tarot to you is to "lower your psychological expectations."

The "Tower" card is usually accompanied by unexpected surprises, so Libra friends need to be mentally prepared in advance this month. It is best to have a preparation plan for everything. Some emergencies will break your peaceful life, and some friends may feel it more strongly. For example, an appointment that is changed at a short notice, or a transportation vehicle that is suddenly delayed, etc., may affect your life this month. Feeling. Especially when it comes to relationships, you need to pay more attention and be more patient when dealing with conflicts, otherwise you may fall out with your lover.

Things that will happen in July:

1. Being let down when dating the opposite sex

2. Your ex suddenly contacts you

3. Being late for work or being notified to work overtime

4. Frequent inflows and outflows of financial funds

5. There is a problem with your health


Tarot Cards : World

7 The inspiration given to you by Tarot is "action".

This month's fortune is stable and favorable, full of a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere. It is also a good month for making friends, falling in love, and traveling. Harmonious interpersonal relationships are suitable for resolving misunderstandings or renewing relationships. Being more open-minded will highlight your personal charm. This month, you are particularly destined to be polite and temperamental members of the opposite sex. It is worth reminding that because of socializing and entertainment, you will also spend a lot of money on food, drink and fun. If you want to have a balance at the end of the month, you must control your expenses and plan appropriately.

What will happen in July:

1. A friend will be enthusiastic to introduce you to a partner

2. Offend your partner with words

3. The charm of the workplace will be highlighted, and the ability will be affirmed.

4. You will be able to get help from friends or colleagues at a critical time.

5. You will be able to get a fortune based on your intuition. Not a small income


Tarot Cards: Moon

7 The inspiration that the Moon Tarot gives you is "original intention".

It is easy to be disturbed by negative emotions this month and indulge in your words and deeds. Although you may encounter obstacles in what you plan and seek, you can often encounter unexpected joy in other aspects. Sometimes, don't be too purposeful in doing things. It will be helpful to reduce your focus on gains and losses. The appearance of the moon card reminds you to end the past, maintain balance, and remember to follow your heart when you are confused.

Things that will happen in July:

1. Taste the sweetness of ambiguity in entertainment and leisure

2. Spend less time with your partner and stay away more often, and miss you more.

3. Get into trouble due to big mood swings

4. Good news about getting a salary increase at the end of the month

5. Anxious to catch up on summer vacation homework, study efficiency is not high


Tarot Cards: Judgment

The inspiration that the July Tarot gives you is "cooperation".

Your overall fortune this month is very good. As long as you have worked hard in the past, you will see rewards. Interpersonal relationships will become your secret weapon, so it is not recommended to go it alone. Relying on the help of external help can get twice the result with half the effort. This month is also suitable for negotiating or signing contracts, with a high chance of success. In terms of relationships, long-distance relationships are expected to be fruitful. If you want to explore new areas, don’t miss this good opportunity.

What will happen in July:

1. Buying suitable items in a newly opened shopping mall

2. Your significant other will take the initiative to share your worries in life

3. Not only can you complete your work well, but you can also build friendships with colleagues

4. Do your homework Sometimes you don’t have enough energy to concentrate

5, and you spend a lot of money on eating, drinking and having fun, so you need to plan reasonably


Tarot: Holy Grail ACE

The revelation that the Tarot gives you in July is "communication".

This is a card full of magic, suggesting that you will have a wonderful month, in which you will show full of creativity and extraordinary insight. Novel ideas and creative passion will allow you to experience many wonderful moments in work, study, and relationships. The card of the Holy Grail is also telling you that if you want to improve your fortune, you need to master the art of communication.

Things that will happen in July:

1. Exchange calls with new friends of the opposite sex

2. Receive gifts or surprises prepared for you by your lover

3. Participate in your favorite work projects

4. Short-term investment will gain profits this month

5 , Find unimaginable happiness in learning


Tarot Cards: Nine of Wands

The revelation of the July Tarot to you is "relaxation".

There are many opportunities this month, but the tightness of life will make you a little sensitive, not knowing how to relax, and feeling inexplicably defensive against the outside world. Single people will suspect that the purpose of the opposite sex approaching you is not pure, and people in love will question the sincerity of the other half. In the workplace, no matter how well prepared you are, you are always afraid of something unexpected happening. Although it’s always right to be cautious, don’t be trapped by past experiences and mistakes. Relax and move forward boldly.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles are a little picky about the opposite sex who pursues them.

2. People in love are proposed to, but they are a little hesitant.

3. Expressed different opinions in the meeting discussion.

4. Watching dramas makes learning more effective. Lazy tendencies

5, have the urge to invest but in the end choose to wait and see

Your overall fortune this month is very good. As long as you have worked hard in the past, you will see rewards. Interpersonal relationships will become your secret weapon, so it is not recommended to go it alone. Relying on the help of external help can get twice the result with half the effort. This month is also suitable for negotiating or signing contracts, with a high chance of success. In terms of relationships, long-distance relationships are expected to be fruitful. If you want to explore new areas, don’t miss this good opportunity.

What will happen in July:

1. Buying suitable items in a newly opened shopping mall

2. Your significant other will take the initiative to share your worries in life

3. Not only can you complete your work well, but you can also build friendships with colleagues

4. Do your homework Sometimes you don’t have enough energy to concentrate

5, and you spend a lot of money on eating, drinking and having fun, so you need to plan reasonably


Tarot: Holy Grail ACE

The revelation that the Tarot gives you in July is "communication".

This is a card full of magic, suggesting that you will have a wonderful month, in which you will show full of creativity and extraordinary insight. Novel ideas and creative passion will allow you to experience many wonderful moments in work, study, and relationships. The card of the Holy Grail is also telling you that if you want to improve your fortune, you need to master the art of communication.

Things that will happen in July:

1. Exchange calls with new friends of the opposite sex

2. Receive gifts or surprises prepared for you by your lover

3. Participate in your favorite work projects

4. Short-term investment will gain profits this month

5 , Find unimaginable happiness in learning


Tarot Cards: Nine of Wands

The revelation of the July Tarot to you is "relaxation".

There are many opportunities this month, but the tightness of life will make you a little sensitive, not knowing how to relax, and feeling inexplicably defensive against the outside world. Single people will suspect that the purpose of the opposite sex approaching you is not pure, and people in love will question the sincerity of the other half. In the workplace, no matter how well prepared you are, you are always afraid of something unexpected happening. Although it’s always right to be cautious, don’t be trapped by past experiences and mistakes. Relax and move forward boldly.

What will happen in July:

1. Singles are a little picky about the opposite sex who pursues them.

2. People in love are proposed to, but they are a little hesitant.

3. Expressed different opinions in the meeting discussion.

4. Watching dramas makes learning more effective. Lazy tendencies

5, have the urge to invest but in the end choose to wait and see