The characteristics and attitude of Capricorns make people feel dull and somewhat traditional. Therefore, in the eyes of many people who like Capricorns, they will find it difficult to pursue them, and no matter how good the pursuer is and how hard he makes, the attitude of Capri

The characteristics and attitude of Capricorns make people feel dull and somewhat traditional. Therefore, in the eyes of many people who like Capricorns, they will find it difficult to pursue them, and no matter how good the pursuer is and how hard he makes, Capricorns will The attitude will be relatively cold, which undoubtedly pours cold water on the other party's enthusiasm and makes the other party give up.

And Capricorns are relatively straight men in love, they speak more freely, they don’t pay much attention to the other person’s feelings, and they won’t say some love words that make lovers like them, but they will care about and take care of you in the details of life. Capricorns are career-oriented. If you are a type, you will be indifferent to other things at work, which will make a woman feel that she does not love herself. In fact, the real Capricorn needs the care and consideration of her lover very much.

Although Capricorns are reliable in life, they can easily miss the right lover due to their clumsy tongue. So which constellation and Capricorn are not suitable for becoming a couple.

Arrogant Leo

Capricorns and Leos don’t like each other. Leo’s strength and style of leading others will make Capricorns feel very repelled and wonder why I should do what you want, so The yin will be in harmony with the yang, and Leo especially likes his lover to become his little crush and worship himself, which will greatly satisfy his vanity.

Capricorn will never do this, which will slowly bring Leo's enthusiasm to a freezing point, and the two also have big differences in terms of money, and the gap between each other's values ​​is large, which will make the two It's hard to live together. Although Capricorn and Leo are both very capable, due to each other's strong attitudes, the other party will be in a difficult position and quarrel constantly.

Therefore, Leo and Capricorn can become good partners in career, but becoming lovers is difficult. After all, the trivial matters in life will exhaust each other's patience, and it is difficult to work together until the end. After all, there is no destiny. point.

Geminis who follow the trend of the times

Gemini and Capricorn are quite incompatible in terms of personality, and are even opposites of each other. Gemini is quirky and flexible in thinking. They can draw inferences about other things when they encounter them and keep up with the pace of the times. What is popular at the moment? , will recharge themselves immediately, so they are also successful in their careers, while Capricorns have a more rigid mindset and are unwilling to leave their comfort zone and try new things.

feels that it is not stable enough, and is afraid that any new problems will affect their current living conditions, and they are a little stuck in the rules. Therefore, Capricorn and Gemini will feel that they are not living in the same world, and there seems to be a huge gap between them. As the two parties get closer, in the long run, the freshness of both parties will be exhausted, and they will have no expectations for each other.

There is no greater sadness than heartbreak. In the end, both parties will realize that separation is the best ending.