In ancient times, people preferred to judge a person's character and fortune by looking at their face. There is a saying that goes, "A woman's nose is big and her nose is rugged, and it's hard to buy good fortune with money." Let’s find out here. Are women really unlucky with big

In ancient times, people preferred to judge a person's character and fortune by their appearance. There is a saying: "A woman has a big nose and a bone, and it is hard to buy good fortune with money.". Let’s find out here. Are women really unlucky with big noses? How did the ancients understand this sentence?

As the saying goes, face comes from the heart. You can see a person's character by looking at his face. Kind people look peaceful, smart people look generous, and vicious people look arrogant. The older generation believes that whether a woman is lucky or not has something to do with her nose. Why?

Because the nose is in the center of the face, the ancients believed that the nose represents a person's wealth and luck. For example, if a woman's nose is particularly plump and bright, it means that the woman is relatively blessed. If a woman's nose is very thin and has no nose bridge, it means that the woman may be slightly less lucky. This is an ancient saying.

If a woman's nose is big, high, and uncoordinated, it means that the woman has a strong character. Generally, women who are strong and scheming will pay more attention to money. Such women are more selfish and like to compete for fame and fortune in life. They may even do some immoral things for money. Therefore, such a woman has no luck, and it is difficult to buy happiness even if she has money.

How do the older generation understand "rebellion"? The older generation said that there are several types of angular bones, including the bones at the back of the head and the bones behind the ears. This common saying that the angular bones refer to a woman’s forehead, that is, if a woman’s forehead is relatively high, it means that such a woman is She has a rather arrogant personality and likes to be clever. Such a woman may look smart, but in fact her IQ and EQ are relatively low, so such a woman cannot buy happiness even if she has money.

In short, the ancients used faces to get to know people. Although they only had a one-sided understanding, as descendants of us, we have to believe it, and we cannot believe it all. We can only take the dross and take the essence. As for a person's destiny, I think it is still in our own hands. Wealth and a better life still have to be created by our own hard-working hands and our own smart brains. So how do you understand this sentence?