Preface to the Orchid Pavilion, sing about the Red Cliff, and embroider fragrant clothes; send the king to ride on thousands of horses to preach, and show the style of the king of Han Dynasty. Geminis don't need to compare with others on July 1st, let alone involution. There is t

Preface Orchid Pavilion, singing on Red Cliff, embroidering clothes fragrantly; sending the king thousands of cavalry to preach, showing the style of the king of Han Dynasty. Geminis don't need to compare with others on July 1st, let alone involution. There is this sentence in "Niebuhr's Prayer": "God, please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; grant me the courage to change the things I can; grant me the wisdom to distinguish between the two. The difference. "The most important thing in life is self-knowledge, knowing what you can and cannot do. This is not to be content with the status quo, but only in this way can you find a suitable growth environment. Wheat will not grow in paddy fields. Only when people take root firmly can they have the foundation to live upward. This life is very long, and it is worth working for, but not worth worrying about.

Lucky keywords: self-reliance

Good luck in love. Love is simply, "love yourself, be calm, and then love others." There is a sentence in "How Long Will You Be Popular", "A person must first fight for life with both hands before he is qualified to pursue happiness, happiness, and ideals." What a person needs to do most is to strive for his own independence, including financial independence. and spiritual independence. People who do not need to rely on anyone and have a smooth life have a kind of understanding: "I can live well alone, and having you is the icing on the cake."

The wealth is not bad. Give up catering to other people's rules. Life is your own, so everyone should use their own standards to define wealth. There is such a story:

A long time ago, there was a general. Every time he executed a prisoner on death row, he would let the prisoner make his own choice, kill him with one shot, or go into a black hole with an uncertain future. All prisoners would rather choose to be killed with a single shot than enter that black hole where they don't know what's inside.

One day, the general was full of wine and very happy. Others took the opportunity to ask him: "Can you tell us what will happen if we walk into that black hole?" The general replied: "Actually, people who walk into a black hole can escape as long as they fumble for a day or two. People just don't dare. Just facing an unknown future. "

Life is actually like this. Everyone chooses the "stability" of "killing them with one shot", but they don't want to choose the "black hole" that can survive in front of them.

Lucky color: Ink color that symbolizes mystery and independence!

Lucky number: 5!