Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to

2024/06/1812:00:32 constellation 1782

Nowadays, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through a person's face and palm reading, which also led to more fortune tellers being able to earn more money from the people in ancient times. In the 21st century, people believe more in individual efforts when it comes to a person's destiny and the wealth they can have in their lifetime.

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

They believe that as long as they pay, they will get in return . They don't quite believe in the ancient people's saying that fate is determined by fate. Nowadays, although science is relatively advanced, there are still many old people who believe in the theory of face palmistry and palmistry, and even use some common sayings to educate future generations. Most of these proverbs contain superstition, but they reflect the wisdom of our ancestors. As sons and daughters of China, we have a certain understanding of common sayings and culture. This is what we should do.

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

But when we come into contact with these common sayings, we only need to understand clearly the information that is superstitious and is too serious. The saying "If your fingers are short and thick, you will be busy all your life" is a saying that the ancients often used to judge a person's destiny. This saying is still widely circulated in rural areas . Do you know what it means? How reliable is it today?

1. "Short and thick fingers mean you have to be busy all your life"

People who know this proverb for the first time may think that the superstition in this proverb is too serious. It is not worth understanding. However, when you have truly understood the meaning of this proverb, Finally, you will find that the ancient people's wisdom is really worthy of our praise. The ancients believed that if a person's fingers were short and thick, it meant that he was busy and had a destiny. Why is it said that this proverb contains more wisdom from our ancestors?

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

As we all know, what environment a person lives in and what pain he is experiencing, these changes in the environment and the blessing of pain will change a person's appearance . The fingers mentioned in the proverb are short and thick, which means that a person has been busy with manual work for a long time. With and work accumulated over time, the fingers begin to become thick and short.

When many fortune tellers read a person's palm, they can guess what hard work he has been doing recently just by looking at the growth of his fingers. In ancient times, people's lives were divided into three, six, and nine grades. Most people living in rural areas did not have enough to eat. If you want to live a difficult life in the old society, you can only rely on your own hands to work hard in the farmland .

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

Therefore, fortune tellers can judge that a person has a bad fortune after seeing the calluses on their palms, the roughness of their hands, and the fingers that have become thickened after long-term work. Because in ancient times, people in the lower classes had been busy working for a long time, and they thought their lives were relatively difficult. When I heard that the words described by the fortune teller were consistent with my life situation, I thought that this saying had a certain truth to it, and I firmly believed in it.

2. Is it highly reliable in the 21st century?

First of all, people in the 21st century believe in science more. There are certain doubts about some scriptures and facial and palmistry books left by the ancients. Although when people understand this proverb, they all lament that the wisdom of our ancestors is higher. But if this sentence is really used in real life, its usability is not high.

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

Today's science is becoming more and more developed, and most people also know and recognize the theory of genetics , that is, the length and thickness of a person's fingers, which may be related to the genetic gene of the parents. After understanding biological theory , we cannot use the sayings left by the ancients in the 21st century. Because not everyone has thick and short fingers, and not all people with thick and short fingers are formed due to long-term work.

People living in the 21st century all know that if you want to be rich and if you want to make yourself better, you must first start from yourself, change your mentality first, and change your attitude towards doing something. . Secondly, works hard to strengthen , accomplishes something through his own efforts, earns money, and finally achieves wealth.

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews

Comparing the thoughts of ancient people with those of people in the 21st century, it can be seen that the credibility of this saying in the 21st century is not high, but it does contain the wisdom of our ancestors and is worthy of continued by the Chinese people. Handed down. China is a country with a history and culture of more than five thousand years.

can still remain in the world after has washed away in more than five thousand years. There is naturally some truth in the saying. Continue to pass down similar sayings to so that future generations will know that our ancestors had super wisdom hundreds of years ago.

Today, there are still theories about face and palmistry in some books handed down from ancient times. The ancients believed more in the mathematical theory of judging a person's life through his face and palm, which also led to more fortune tellers in ancient times being able to - DayDayNews


In ancient times, because science was underdeveloped, many things could not be proved using actual . Therefore, the ancients believed more in the theory that palmistry and facial reading determine the fate of the prime minister. Carefully analyze the common sayings passed down by the ancients, and put the common sayings into corresponding events. After analyzing , we found that most of the common sayings have a certain truth.

However, it is not possible to use some common sayings in the 21st century. After all, some events in ancient times that cannot be proven by practice have been answered through science in the 21st century. doubts .

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