They are enthusiastic, brave, direct, proactive, and sunny. They are the "atmosphere group" wherever they go. They are like little suns, bringing happiness to the people around them on weekdays. However, they are a little nervous and can easily become hot in three minutes.

2024/06/2317:10:33 constellation 1965

Fire signs - Aries , Leo , and Sagittarius, all have the characteristics of "fire". people are enthusiastic, brave, direct, active and sunny. They are the " atmosphere group " wherever they go. They are like little suns on weekdays, bringing happiness to the people around them. However, they are a little nervous and can easily become hot in three minutes.

They are enthusiastic, brave, direct, proactive, and sunny. They are the

Pictures come from the Internet

But in fact, people with fire signs often burn themselves desperately in order to illuminate others and bring warmth to others. They long to be light and heroes, but since they are heroes, they are destined to be lonely and not understood. they also long to be understood by others! In the previous article of

, Xing Luojun took everyone to care for the babies of , the wind sign of . So today, according to the agreement with everyone, Xingluo Jun will take everyone to care for the babies with fire signs , and also let everyone understand the fire signs more, so as to make the relationship more harmonious and beautiful.

First up is Aries.

One of the most misunderstood Aries: domineering

Because they are ruled by Mars, Aries people deal with things honestly and directly, and they never beat around the bush. Although they are all "confronting the situation but not the person", they are always one step ahead of others and always seem unable to wait for others' reactions and actions. Therefore, others think that they are overbearing, have no spirit of cooperation, or complain too much.

But in fact, Aries people are not really interested in power or leadership. They neither need nor seek approval, permission, or cooperation from others; they just want to do things their own way. In other words, they don’t want to be disturbed, restrained, or fettered by anyone.

The meaning of Aries' existence is "creation" and not necessarily "completion". They are the lone rangers in myths and stories, the lone heroes who save the vulnerable (the actor who plays Wolverine in X-Men is Hugh Jackman, an Aries, which fits the role very well). This means that they must make a decision quickly, and then move forward courageously, sprinting, breaking through, and conquering with the determination not to hit the wall or look back. Just imagine, a racing driver is sprinting at full speed, and you insist on letting him brake. In this case, who is the domineering one?

They are enthusiastic, brave, direct, proactive, and sunny. They are the

The second most misunderstood Aries: vulgar

Aries people always move forward to face life bravely. As a zodiac sign that takes action, waiting for things to happen is definitely not their style. Having a specific goal is the value of life to them, which means they have to work hard for something or someone. And this also leads to them being easily misunderstood as vulgar characters "chasing fame and fortune".

But in fact, their energy and enthusiasm can often inspire people around them to take action. Their fiery energy and pioneering spirit make them naturally rhythmic people. There is a saying that " trees attract wind ". The problem of attracting wind is not the problem of big trees, but the weakness of human nature. Therefore, don't misunderstand that just because they seem to be pushy, they only have fame and fortune in their hearts. These are two concepts~

Then there is Leo.

One of the most misunderstood Leos: arrogant

Due to their innate leadership aura, Leo people will always attract some followers who are good at flattery. This condescending and high-spirited state always makes people around them misunderstand that they are naturally arrogant.

But in fact, we might as well look at the problem from another angle: the best thing about Leo people is their self-respect. Gaining recognition from others is their most important psychological trait. They spend their lives pursuing ways in which they can make themselves unique and important. Gaining a sense of status, admiration, and attention is one of their primary personality aspects.

As long as you get enough respect, you will find that Leos are warm, loyal, generous and magnanimous. They are not easily knocked down or suppressed. They are full of confidence and enthusiasm in everything, and are full of positive energy. They are your most trustworthy partners and lovers.The late NBA basketball superstar Kobe Bryant is a typical representative of Leo.

They are enthusiastic, brave, direct, proactive, and sunny. They are the

The second most misunderstood Leo is: Hypocrisy

If you look closely, you will find that Leo people are often like a duck in water in the entertainment industry. That's because they are born with corresponding talents - the need to be noticed and recognized + the creativity that tops the twelve zodiac signs + the concentration to devote themselves wholeheartedly to something.

But if you call Leo people "hypocritical" because they are good at performing, it would be too unfair to them. Performance is a tool, just like a computer. We can use computers to surf the Internet, work, calculate, draw, and create value for ourselves and society; we can use performances to entertain ourselves and the public, and bring laughter to society. How can we talk about hypocrisy?

Moreover, Leo people are not willing to flatter others. If they are allowed to flatter others against their will in order to get promoted and make money, this is not their style at all.

Finally, there is Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is one of the most misunderstood: naughty

Sagittarius' symbol is an arrow pointing to the upper right. They are always eager to develop upward - beyond the present and here.

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter (Jupiter has strong expansion energy), they are lively and noisy, and their attitudes and reactions are often very exaggerated. They lack delicate awareness and are prone to carelessness and lack of restraint in doing things, so some people misunderstand that they are all stubborn elements.

But in fact, Sagittarius people are just extremely bored with an overly serious life. They are courageous, energetic and adventurous, and have the widest range of interests among the twelve zodiac signs. Exploration is a key issue in their lives. Such people are always eager to go further and develop further.

In their studies and careers, they can immediately grasp the gist of a certain issue, but they don't like dealing with details. They tend to look up to the stars and point out the country instead of being down-to-earth and working silently. In the military, such people are often generals and commanders; in companies, they are more suitable to be general managers rather than lower-level employees.

They are enthusiastic, brave, direct, proactive, and sunny. They are the

The second most misunderstood Sagittarius: evading responsibilities and not taking relationships seriously

Sagittarius people prefer a casual life. They need space and freedom to wander and explore freely. They have a nomadic, wandering feel about them. As a result, some people feel that they are emotionally unreliable and evade responsibility.

Here, Mr. Xing Luo wants to "redress the grievances" for Sagittarius people:

First of all, Sagittarius people have good minds. They are honest, open, upright, and not hypocritical. They are just very neurotic when it comes to relationships, very willful and naive. This is because they don't want to over-invest in a certain area of ​​life, lest they be pulled down - they try to look at people and things from a high point, with strong idealism rather than realism. Therefore, you can say that Sagittarius people are relatively clumsy in relationships, but you cannot just say that they evade responsibility and are not serious.

Secondly, Sagittarius people are very concerned about the future, growth and moral and ethical issues. They need you to give them enough free and open space, and enough trust, so that after they grow and mature, they will definitely be able to give you exponential growth in feedback.

In addition, Sagittarius people attach great importance to their children's education. And fortunately, unlike those serious and rigid parents, Sagittarius parents can often grasp the essence of education, teach students in accordance with their aptitude, and give their children sufficient freedom, development space and material conditions to give full play to their children's talents and potential, so that their children can Get true happiness. In this regard, Sagittarius Huang Lei is a typical representative, both in the roles he has played and in himself.

The third most misunderstood Sagittarius: advocating for foreigners and not being patriotic

Sagittarius people have an incomparable obsession with the distance. As mentioned before, traveling and exploring beyond this place is the meaning of their existence, so relative , what do the so-called national boundaries and boundaries mean to them?

One more thing to say here: In the natal chart, the cusp of the house is the house of Sagittarius, which often reflects the field in which a person will interact with foreign countries. For example, if Sagittarius is on the cusp of the fourth house, the person may live abroad; if it is on the cusp of the eighth house, the person may invest abroad; if it is on the cusp of the eleventh house, the person may like foreign friends... And so on.

I will continue to update the content of water signs and earth signs in the future ~

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