"The body's hair and skin are shaped by its parents." From ancient times to the present, Chinese people have taken great care of their bodies. Especially the ancients valued the body as the life of their parents, and any behavior that harmed the body was considered unfilial behav

2024/05/2709:57:33 constellation 1774

"The body is nourished by its parents". From ancient times to the present, Chinese people have taken great care of their bodies. Especially the ancients valued the body as the lives of their parents, and behaviors that harmed the body were unfilial behaviors. In ancient times, if cut off one's own hair and hurt one's own skin, then one was an alien and would be criticized by everyone .

Influenced by traditional Confucianism , honoring parents has become a mission in people's bones. At that time, if ordinary people wanted to get ahead, they not only had to have the ability to pass the imperial examinations, but also had the integrity to honor their parents. The inspection and examination system in the Han Dynasty fully demonstrated the importance of filial piety. Among them, refers to filial piety and honesty, , specifically looking for those so-called filial, honest and noble people.

Children and grandchildren will cherish the good health of their parents. As soon as the ancients' "body important science" was launched, many other related statements were derived. Among them, fortune telling, which was popular in ancient times, has a lot to do with people's bodies. There is also a saying that "blessed people have hairy legs, and unlucky people have hairy legs."

1. The long-standing face learning

Since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States , there has been a saying that people's face is connected with destiny. At that time, people believed in heaven and believed that people's life's destiny was determined from birth. So how can we know these fates? The key is to find the answer from people's faces. The ancients believed that there are similarities between people, but they are not exactly the same.

Therefore, each person's destiny is hidden in these differences. "Facial experts" can slowly decipher their future development through their eyes, nose, mouth, skin, and hair. For example, in ancient times, people had rumors that the emperor had the shape of a dragon, and that Yao and Shun had different facial features than ordinary people. In the eyes of the ancients, these were the symbols of the "son of destiny".

2. Appearance comes from the heart

Buddha said, "Appearance comes from the heart." Everyone's face has a great relationship with his inner state of mind and mental outlook. Pei Du, the famous prime minister in ancient times, once met an eminent monk before he achieved success. The eminent monk looked at his face and found a strange line at the corner of his mouth, so he told him that this might be the sign of starving to death.

However, unlike destiny, which is determined by fate, Buddhism believes that facial appearance can be changed. Therefore, the eminent monk told Pei Du that you must work hard to learn and polish yourself in the officialdom, so that you can break the current deadlock. A few years later, Pei Du met the eminent monk and changed his previous sluggish appearance. He is now full of energy, his eyes are piercing, and he does not look like he is about to die.

In the Buddhist concept, the study of physiognomy is actually not absolute. It is mainly affected by the person's mental state. Looking at our current society, we can also find that people with different economic conditions have different mental states, and their faces will also look different. As people's lives change, their faces will change.

For example, people who often feel depressed, irritable, and unhappy in life always frown and have a grimace on their face. Let's look at some people who are optimistic, love to laugh, and greet everyone when they meet. They always have a smile on their face and their brows are stretched, and they look very sunny. In addition, people feel refreshed when happy events happen, and the occurrence of good things can also change people's appearance.

3. The statement " leg hair" is suspected of misinformation

To understand this saying about "leg hair", we must stand in the historical background of that time. During the feudal rule, there was a strict hierarchical system among people. There are inherent barriers between nobles and common people, and the gap can never be crossed. The rural people work hard day by day and work hard to grow food, and finally it all enters the mouths of these nobles .

Different from the ancient aristocrats who played night after night, feasted and indulged in luxury, farmers had to work hard almost every day under the scorching sun and wind and snow. After a long period of hard work, the hair on the farmers' legs gradually faded away, becoming what was said in the sentence "unfortunate people have hairy legs". The original word of this gross is "busy", which describes the hardship in rural areas. After

was later spread by and , this "busy" was gradually spread into "mao" and has been misunderstood to this day. The children of the nobles do not need to work like peasants , they only need to enjoy the care of others and enjoy the final results. They have not withstood wind, rain, , and naturally their leg hair will not fade due to being rubbed, so they grow very vigorously .

But this kind of saying is called is entirely because there are levels first, and then there are the sayings of blessed and unblessed. Everyone has leg hair. According to different secretion conditions, the thickness of leg hair varies from person to person. Many farmers once had very strong leg hair, but after experiencing too much work, they gradually became "hairless". Therefore, this statement is not true.


The ancients were accustomed to passing on word of mouth and recording all stories and opinions. However, this method of oral inheritance has one disadvantage of which is very different from , and that is that it is easy to misunderstand. Everyone has a different understanding of one thing. In the inheritance of and , it is easy to add some own concepts to exaggerate the entire event. In the end, a small thing spread into and a big thing , and one statement had several meanings.

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