Under the dual pressures of the epidemic and the automotive supply chain, new energy vehicles still performed well in the first half of the year. On July 11, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data showing that the production and sales of new energy vehicl

Under the dual pressures of the epidemic and the automotive supply chain, new energy vehicles still performed well in the first half of the year. On July 11, China Association of Automobile Manufacturers released data showing that the production and sales of new energy vehicles in the first half of this year were 2.661 million and 2.6 million respectively, an increase of 1.2 times year-on-year, with a market share of 21.6%.

In the fiercely competitive new energy vehicle market, Chery iCar Ecosystem's performance is even more impressive. New energy passenger vehicles, represented by Little Ant and Ice Cream, sold 22,849 units in June, a year-on-year increase of 183.3%; cumulative sales in the first half of the year were 107,014 units, a year-on-year increase of 220.7%, successfully reaching the top 3 of China's new energy brands, leading the industry by 1 The growth rate outperformed the growth of new energy vehicles and the market .

The excellent results further prove Chery’s iCar ecosystem’s ability to accurately define products based on application scenarios, achieve user emotional resonance through value marketing, and improve service quality through system changes, thus comprehensively building a moat for competition in the new energy vehicle market.

Multiple segmented products are on the market. Accurately define cars with scenarios.

With the development of new energy vehicles and the diversification of user needs, it has become a trend to gain insight into user needs and accurately define products with car scenarios to fill the gaps in the market segments. The core competitiveness of new energy vehicle companies.

In the first half of the year, Chery iCar Ecosystem focused on the scenario needs of different users and brought three "big gifts of love" - ​​Chery QQ Ice Cream Peach Joy, Chery Little Ant Charm, and Chery QQ Unbounded Pro, which meet different types of needs. Young users’ demand for new energy vehicles.

Tao Huanxi is a "big gift of love" for precious girls. It focuses on the aesthetic preferences of young women and typical travel scenarios such as daily transportation, short trips, and picking up children. Through its beautiful appearance, exquisite interior, and comprehensive configuration, it makes Users truly feel the joy of driving.

Chery Ant Charm is synonymous with light luxury and elegance, and is also the most favorite "gift of love" for charming heroines. Its romantic atmosphere and privately customized configurations allow charming heroines to stay elegant at all times.

Chery QQ Unbounded Pro is a "big gift of love" for a boy with a childlike heart. It is also another ingenious masterpiece that impacts the A00-class new energy market under Chery's iCar ecological "fan co-creation" plan.

Fan co-creation, resonating user emotions with value

In terms of marketing, Chery iCar Ecosystem still follows the "fan co-creation" route, making bold innovations, focusing on user needs, and achieving emotional resonance through a series of colorful marketing activities.

Trendy makeup paradise, modification feast: In this era of deep awakening of self-awareness, car modification has become a stage for many young people to show their individuality. Since March this year, Chery iCar Ecosystem has carefully organized the "Trendy Makeup Paradise" competition and provided free modification services to many users with perfect creative scores. Unlike other modification competitions, the vehicles participating in Chaoshuang Paradise can be legally driven on the road after modification, allowing users to implement their favorite things into their daily lives.

The car owners who participated in the trendy makeup park also let the public see the exquisite side of contemporary women. Although they have different identities and different social roles, they all pursue quality life and have the courage to show their personality. Their gentleness and carefulness also make Chery iCar ecological Products have more looks and possibilities. This is a perfect interpretation of the relationship between transportation tools and users. It is also a marketing revolution that breaks away from the shackles of pursuing traffic in traditional publicity and truly provides users with real value.

Peach charm night, sweet pet opening: Nourished by the love and trust of the majority of users, the Chery iCar ecosystem has developed rapidly and thrived. In order to thank users for their support, Chery iCar Ecosystem planned the "Peach Charm Night" for sweet pets, presenting a sweet, wonderful, light and luxurious romantic night to the citizens of Wuhu as well as Chery users and fans.The scene not only created a very impressive high-end background board, but also generously prepared high-end handmade customized gifts. Infected by the romantic and sweet atmosphere, many young people bravely confessed their love to their lovers here, passing on the joy of Chery iCar ecology to more people. Multiple people.

In addition, Chery QQ Ice Cream·Peach Huanxi and Chery Ant·Mei also made their debuts at this event. Through intuitive visual impact, comfortable interior texture, and thoughtful detailed design, users can feel the brand at close range. The unique charm of the new product also conveys the love and warmth that Chery iCar ecological products insist on to the hearts of every user.

Online direct sales, full of benefits: In order to dispel the boredom of many users staying at home during the epidemic, and at the same time provide more benefits to loyal users and fans, Chery iCar Ecosystem has created multiple online QQ Happy Shopping factory direct sales activities. We also set up value-for-money gifts such as 5.1 yuan to unlock a 5.1% discount on a koi car, a Xiaomi 55-inch smart TV, a Midea double-door smart refrigerator, and 100 smart home appliances, and presented many fan events to fans.

On May 1st, the first QQ Happy Shopping Factory Direct Sales Conference opened. Chery iCar Ecosystem invited Tiger Brother, who has Douyin00 million fans, and Wang Meng, the former Chinese women's short track speed skating champion who is deeply loved by users. Big names conducted a live broadcast, and the order volume of 6,998 units was achieved that day. The cumulative order volume for 3 consecutive days of live broadcast was 12,765 orders, ranking first in the May Day Tmall live broadcast automobile industry; on May 21, the second QQ Happy Shopping Factory Direct Sales Conference Sweet performance, Chery iCar ecological ice cream and Chery Ant are still the main force, and finally achieved 3672 units of orders; and in the 6·18 when the entire network launched e-commerce platforms, Chery iCar Eco's third game QQ Happy Gou Factory Direct Sales Conference broke out, with order volume reaching 9,368 units, once again demonstrating the excellent market reputation of Chery iCar ecology, as well as the support and trust of users and fans.

Taomei is on the market, Chaoyin rhythm: Nowadays, music has become an indispensable spiritual comfort for many young people. On June 21, Chery iCar Eco worked together with the original music program Chaoyin SHOW to bring a A unique, exciting, trendy and avant-garde music car launch conference. It provides users with real emotional value, allows them to continuously feel the warmth of the brand, and also presents an audio-visual feast for the audience at the press conference.

Against the background of the treasure girl and the charming heroine wearing customized cheongsam on the scene, Tao Mei’s double car debut in the C position is even more unique. As a product born under the "fan co-creation" concept of Chery iCar ecology, the two cars are tailor-made according to the needs of users, bringing users a more different and exciting car life, making driving a thing that can show individuality and make them happy all the time. things.

System co-creation, winning user trust with service

For Chery iCar ecology, co-creation not only embodies in product and marketing, the service system also thinks about what users want.

Offline, Chery’s iCar ecosystem improves channel operation efficiency and facilitates users’ car purchases. Different from the traditional dealer model, Chery iCar's ecological channel system takes "traffic" as the main consideration and uses stores as agency units to improve the channel operation efficiency of Chery iCar's ecosystem. In addition, the agency stores have settled in well-known shopping malls such as Intime , Wanda and Wuyue, and have improved online links and built all-round touch points to improve service efficiency while helping users save time and costs.

In the current increasingly fierce competition in the new energy vehicle market, products are the foundation for winning market recognition, marketing is the key to gaining user recognition, and the new system is an important part of users' final willingness to place orders. Through innovation and efforts in three major aspects, Chery iCar Ecosystem has comprehensively built an iron triangle in the new energy vehicle market, achieved rapid growth, and brought more diversified and high-quality travel experiences to more people.

Facing the future, in the face of the country's vigorous promotion of new energy vehicles, Chery iCar Ecosystem will also create high-quality products for users from every detail based on the new development trend, and explore new travel experiences with users.What is worth looking forward to is that in August this year, the Unbounded Pro that the big boys have been waiting for will be officially launched. Let us look forward to what kind of surprises the Chery iCar ecosystem will bring to users!

(A small program has been added here, please go to the car client to view)