On July 3, according to CCTV's "News Network", data released by the State Administration of Taxation showed that the policy of halving the vehicle purchase tax on some passenger vehicles has been implemented for one month, and the vehicle purchase tax has been reduced by 7.1 bill

2024/05/1904:54:32 car 1718

article: Understand the car emperor's original Li Dezhe

[Understand the car emperor's original industry] On July 3, according to CCTV's "News Network" report, data released by the State Administration of Taxation showed that the policy of halving the car purchase tax on some passenger cars was implemented. In March, the country reduced vehicle purchase taxes by 7.1 billion yuan, reducing taxes on 1.097 million vehicles. Among them, the tax reduction for passenger cars with a displacement of 1.6 to 2.0 liters accounts for about 52%. This policy will last until the end of this year.

On July 3, according to CCTV's

The State Administration of Taxation: A total of 7.1 billion yuan in car purchase taxes were reduced in June

On May 31 this year, the State Council issued the " Package of Policies and Measures to Solidly Stabilize the Economy", proposing a series of measures to steadily increase the bulk consumption of cars. On the same day, the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation issued an announcement on reducing the purchase tax on some passenger cars, stipulating that the purchase date is between June 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022 and the single vehicle price (excluding value-added tax) ) Passenger cars with an engine capacity of 2.0 liters or less and not exceeding 300,000 yuan will be levied a 50% reduction in vehicle purchase tax.

On July 3, according to CCTV's

1.6 The tax reduction for passenger cars with a displacement of 2.0 liters accounts for about 52%

It is worth mentioning that recently, Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the Passenger Car Association, said that the reduction in vehicle purchase tax in 2009 and 2015 Compared with previous policies, this policy has a wider scope of implementation and greater benefits. In terms of implementation scope, the previous two policies were targeted at passenger cars with a displacement of 1.6 liters and below. This time it is clearly defined as 2.0 liters and below. In this way, more than 10 million passenger cars will be able to enjoy the policy benefits.

On July 3, according to CCTV's

The purchase tax halving policy is expected to bring an increase of about 2 million units to the auto market.

Through the purchase tax halving in the second half of the year and other policies to promote automobile consumption, , domestic auto retail sales are expected to reach 21 million units throughout the year. , the introduction of the policy is expected to bring an increase of about 2 million vehicles to the auto market.

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