Among the many treasures in Tibet, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads are the rarest and most mysterious. Today, there are only two Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads in the world, and one of them is worth tens of millions. What exactly are the Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads?

The mysterious Tibet is fascinating. From ancient times to the present, many domestic and foreign explorers have gone to search for treasures. Some people say that it is a paradise with buried treasures.

Among the many treasures in Tibet, the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead is the rarest and mysterious. There are only two Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads in the world today, and one of them is worth tens of millions. What exactly is the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead? Why is there such a high value?

The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead is originally one of the Seven Hidden Treasures. It is a sacred object used by devout Buddhists to worship Buddha and is not known to outsiders.

But since the martial arts superstar Jet Li spent a huge sum of 20 million to buy the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, this mysterious Tibetan Buddhist treasure has come into the public eye, and its value has also increased with the popularity of the antique market. When Jet Li bought it The rare Dzi beads are now worth 100 million yuan. With the popularity of Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads, more and more people are becoming interested in the legend of Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads.

The Legend of Dzi Beads

In Tibet we can often see scenes like this: cigarettes are curling up, white mist is lingering, the sound of Buddha is melodious in the temple, devout Buddhists are kowtowing and walking, and Buddha statues inlaid with various Dzi beads are enshrined on the table. .

If you want to ask Tibetans what Dzi beads are, they will look at you with pious eyes and tell you that they are God’s creation and a treasure from heaven.

The ancestors of Tibet in ancient times once suffered from natural disasters. When people were in despair, they would only seek Buddha and ask questions. Dzi beads were created because of this. It was originally a rare agate called nine-eye stone shale. Because its shape is like an oval, it is also called the "eye stone".

The famous Tibetan epic "King Gesar" once recorded the legend of Dzi beads. A large-scale plague once broke out near the Himalayas . People living here became seriously ill overnight as if they were cursed, and the sky was filled with clouds of death.

At that time, Manjusri Bodhisattva was passing by here. When he saw that the people were in distress and the people were in dire straits, he felt unbearable, so he dropped Dzi beads to save the lives of the people.

A miracle happened. Everyone who got the Dzi Beads recovered their health. Wherever the Dzi Beads went, the diseases disappeared completely.

Since then, people have worshiped Dzi beads devoutly, believing that holding Dzi beads can turn people into peace and eliminate disasters.

Nine-eyed Dzi beads, a treasure handed down from ancient times

There are many kinds of Dzi beads, and the number of eyes is also different. Among all the Dzi beads, the nine-eye Dzi beads are the most precious and have the reputation of the King of Dzi beads.

Why is the Nine Eyes the most precious?

In the past Bon religion was the main religion in Tibet. In Bon religion, "nine" is a very important number. Therefore, the most precious beads among Dzi beads are also honored with the "Nine Eyes".

Regardless of the Nine Eyes, these Dzi beads are made of the purest agate stone. This material alone is worth tens of thousands of yuan.

According to relevant historical records, there was an unprecedentedly prosperous civilization in Tibet. The Tibetan people mastered high-level smelting technology, so at that stage people made many very exquisite Dzi beads.

However, due to religious battles in the later period, this exquisite smelting technology was lost. You must know that the raw material of nine-eye stone is very rare and can only be found near the Himalayas. These nine-eyed dzi beads that have been passed down over the years have been worshiped and polished devoutly by generations of people. Their texture is warm and moist, and their coating is natural and sophisticated. They cannot be imitated by future generations.

The Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead owned by Jet Li is one of the only two remaining Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads in the world. The other one is on the Sakyamuni Buddha statue in Jokhang Temple .

This dzi bead has a slender shape and pure brown and white colors. The nine eyes on it are large and clear. There are double lines on both ends of the nine-eye dzi bead. The colors of these two ends are brown and white, symbolizing the yin and yang. Level, it is a rare yin and yang pearl.

In addition, the owner of this nine-eyed dzi bead was once a living Buddha in the past. The Dzi Beads were burned in the fire along with the lama's body, and the Lama turned into dust in the wind, while the Dzi Beads were "reborn" in the flames. After being made, Dzi beads will also go through the process of consecration and polishing, and they will be rubbed in the hands of generations of bead holders. Some bead holders will also let them be soaked with medicinal fragrance.

Such a complicated production process and precious inheritance from generation to generation are enough to show the precious status of Dzi beads. People offer Dzi beads, and Dzi beads will also bring luck to the person holding them.

Become an amulet

If a person can get the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead, he must be the destined person chosen by the Buddha among all living beings.

After Jet Li got this Dzi Bead, many strange things happened to him.

There was once a tsunami in the Indian Ocean. This tsunami caused the most serious casualties in 200 years. Jet Li and his family encountered this tsunami. At that time, they did not realize how serious the tsunami was. They only saw the huge waves approaching in an instant. Their survival instinct made them run forward, while the people behind them Many of them have long been buried under the sea.

Perhaps it is the blessing of the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead. In this tsunami, which is rare in a century, countless families were separated forever, but Jet Li and his family were safe and intact.

Nine-eye Dzi beads can bring good luck to the bead-holder and have rich religious meanings. In terms of collection value, it also stands out for its profound cultural connotation and exquisite appearance. It’s no wonder that the Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads became very popular in the collection market as soon as they were released. Its collection value is no less than that of gold, stone and jade, or even slightly better. People who like it can wear it with them or put it on the shelf to talk about their character, which satisfies the spiritual pursuit of the middle class.

Nine-eye Dzi beads are the most precious treasures among Dzi beads. As the so-called nine-grade lotus flower is born, the number nine represents the infinite and broad realm. Those who are destined to hold the Nine-Eyed Dzi Bead will understand the infinite Buddhist wisdom, obtain the Buddha's blessing and infinite cosmic energy, and protect their descendants for generations to come.

The mysterious Tibetan culture is always desirable, and Dzi beads have been sold at very high prices very early on. At that time, not many people knew about Dzi beads. A two-eyed Dzi bead was sold for 44,000 yuan, which caused a sensation in the entire collectibles market. People from all walks of life asked what Dzi beads were.

Later in 2009, the price of a three-sided Dzi bead at an auction in Beijing set a domestic record and was sold for 50 million yuan.

You must know that the earliest auction of Dzi beads was in 2004. In just five years, the value of the small Dzi beads soared more than a thousand times. It is no wonder that many collectors have crowded into the Dzi beads market.

With the popularity of the Dzi beads market, some fake products have also flowed into the market. Unsavvy investors have been deceived by sellers. Some people even spend tens of thousands of yuan to buy a fake product that costs less than 100 yuan. .

Moreover, there are fewer and fewer genuine old Dzi beads nowadays. For example, there are only two Nine-Eyed Dzi beads in existence. And the Dzi beads market is so hot, supply and demand are out of balance, and naturally fakes are rampant.

The popularity of Dzi beads has also made many people learn about Tibetan culture and taught many people to learn to understand Tibetan treasures with respect. These are beneficial to the protection and promotion of Tibetan culture. But although Dzi beads are valuable, you need to be cautious when entering the market.


[1] Liu Futian , hard-to-find exquisite products - the handed down treasure Nine-Eyed Dzi Beads, cultural relic identification and appreciation; 2018 Issue 14

Author: Justin