The stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. Among the Chinese Buddhist art images we have seen so far, he has the largest number of Buddha statues. Common stone statues of Sakyamuni Buddha generally have five image postures. 1. The Enlightenment Statue of

Stone Sculpture Sakyamuni Buddha is the founder of Buddhism. Among the Chinese Buddhist art images we have seen so far, he has the largest number of Buddha statues. Common stone statues of Sakyamuni Buddha generally have five image postures.

1. Statue of the Enlightenment of Sakyamuni

The Statue of the Enlightenment of Sakyamuni Buddha is sitting in full lotus position, with the left hand placed across the knees to perform the meditation mudra, the right hand droops in front of the knees, and the palms are turned inwards to form the ground touching mudra.

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

2. Sakyamuni Buddha’s sermon image

Sakyamuni Buddha’s sermon image Sitting in lotus position, with the left hand applying the meditation seal, and the right hand flexing the fingers to make a ring , the Buddha is teaching the Dharma in meditation.

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

3. Sakyamuni Buddha giving alms

Giving The statue is in a standing posture, The left hand hangs down to form a knot and wish seal.

Stone Sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha - Kaishi Rock Industry

4. Sakyamuni Buddha's Birth Statue

The Birth Statue, also called the Prince Statue, is the image of a boy. The prince's upper body is exposed and he wears a short skirt at the bottom. One finger points to the sky, and the other points to the earth. Therefore, anyone with this kind of mudra in the statue is a statue of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Stone carving of the birth statue of Sakyamuni Buddha - Kaishi Rock Industry

Stone carving of the birth statue of Sakyamuni Buddha - Kaishi Rock Industry

Stone carving of the birth statue of Sakyamuni Buddha - Kaishi Rock Industry

Stone carving of the birth statue of Sakyamuni Buddha - Kaiyan Stone Industry Rock industry

5. Statue of Nirvana of Sakyamuni Buddha

Statue of Nirvana, that is, the statue of the reclining Buddha, lying facing south on the right side, with his right hand supporting his forehead. It is shaped according to the Nirvana situation of Sakyamuni Buddha.

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

Stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha-Kaishan Rock Industry

In terms of shape, the stone sculpture of Sakyamuni Buddha has "Thirty-two Appearances" and "Eighty Kinds of Goodness", and has a kind face. , dignified, with a bun, wavy bun or snail bun on the top, a white hair between the eyebrows, broad shoulders, etc. Common postures include sitting, standing and lying down.

The stone sculptures of Sakyamuni Buddha produced by Quanzhou Kaishi Stone Industry are made of high-quality stone and are carefully crafted. They make good use of the research, inheritance, integration and promotion of thousands of years of cultural carving techniques, so that the stone sculptures carry art culture and reflect More social value.