I am a lay Buddhist in mythology. We will continue to introduce the story in "Old Man Hanshan's Autobiography of Chronicles". The previous episode mentioned that Master Hanshan recruited three capable lay disciples to promote Buddhism in the local area.

Dear friends, hello everyone! I am a lay Buddhist in mythology. We will continue to introduce the story in "Old Man Hanshan's Autobiography of Chronicles". The previous episode mentioned that Master Hanshan recruited three capable lay disciples to promote Buddhism in the local area.

Then came the summer of the twenty-sixth year of Wanli . Hanshan remembered that when he was imprisoned, Zibai had made a vow in Lushan to recite the Lotus Sutra a hundred times and pray. Peace in Hanshan. But Hanshan was released from prison before he finished reciting it a hundred times. In order to thank the Buddha and fulfill Master Zibai's vow, Hanshan decided to recite the Lotus Sutra with his disciples.

With the help of everyone, Hanshan found a house in a remote place in the military camp and transformed it into a meditation hall to accommodate the disciples who came from the north to follow him. There are sexual harmony, such as dryness and so on. There are also dozens of monks from Faxing Temple in Guangzhou, such as Tong'an, Chaoyi, Tongjiong and others. They were all willing to take refuge under Master Hanshan and recite the Lotus Sutra together.

At this time, Master Hanshan was deprived of his monk status and had a lay status. So he studied the method of Zen Master Zonggao, the eminent monk of the Southern Song Dynasty, which is the "Guanjin Dharma". Zen Master Dahui Zonggao was the first person to create "Shenhuatou". Because he was dissatisfied with the capitulation policy of Qin Hui, he was framed and removed from his monk status and was sent to Lingnan. Many disciples followed him along the way. Although Zen Master Zonggao was wearing layman clothes, he still continued to give teachings to his disciples. This is the origin of the "Guanjin Dharma", so Master Hanshan began to explain the Lotus Sutra to his disciples.

In the Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma, there is a chapter "Seeing the Treasure Pagoda". It is said that when the World Honored One was lecturing on the sutra, a Seven Treasure Pagoda suddenly emerged from the ground. It was very solemn, and there were sounds of admiration from the tower. At that time Everyone was very confused and asked what happened? The World-Honored One told everyone: There is a Many Treasures Tathagata in this pagoda. It is a Buddha in the past who once made a great vow to preach the "Wonderful Dharma Lotus Sutra" to all the Buddhas in the lands of the ten directions after his extinction. His pagoda temple will emerge from the ground to testify and praise the speaker, so this sutra is very special.

When Master Hanshan talked about this, he explained a truth, that is, in the Saha world we live in, in front of everyone's eyes, there is actually a ready-made Hua Zang world. But why did the Buddha talk about the three-vehicle teachings of "Sravakas, Pratyekabuddhas , and Bodhisattvas"? The reason is that sentient beings have different faculties and cannot understand the ready-made world of Hua Zang, so they teach according to their aptitude and teach the Dharma conveniently.

The Lotus Sutra points out: "In the lands of the ten directions, there is only one vehicle, no two, no three, except for the expedient teachings of the Buddha." That is to say: "This is the only fact, the other two are not true." So Master Hanshan wrote his own insights into an article called "The Lotus Strike Festival" for his disciples to learn from. During the lecture, many lay disciples came to listen to the lecture every day, including more than a dozen who had just entered Buddhism. At their request, Master Hanshan received the five precepts for them and became official " Upasaka ". The ordination ceremony was presided over by several monk disciples under Hanshan.

Speaking of refuge, friends, if you feel that you already believe in Buddhism, then go to a nearby temple and apply for refuge. It is equivalent to enrolling in school, and you will naturally be blessed by the power of Buddhism. Many years ago, I took refuge in a small Zen temple near us. I did not go far away. In fact, you can take refuge anywhere, but sincerity is the best. After all, we live in a Saha world with forms, and it is difficult for beginners to reach the three-wheeled, empty realm of formlessness and selflessness. It is not advisable to just blindly talk about theories and often fall into crazy Zen and self-deception. Only down-to-earth practice and empirical practice is the safe way.

Next, Master Hanshan discovered that although these lay people in Lingnan were very pious, they had a poor foundation in Buddhism and did not understand the specific methods of practice. So Master Hanshan taught them the Dharma of "Reciting Buddha's Samadhi" and asked them to form a "Reciting Buddha's Name Club", formulate some rules and regulations, and gather every month to conduct regular Buddhist chanting.

Master Hanshan gave this teaching in the article "Showing Upasaka's Buddhist Society". I excerpted some of the sentences as follows: "My Buddha lives in the world and teaches randomly, just like the occasional rain, everything is moistened. With the Buddha If you look at the nature of life, there will be no life that cannot be saved. If you look at the Buddha nature with your own mind, there will be no one who cannot cultivate it. The Sixth Patriarch said: People have north and south, but Buddha nature has north and south. This sentence is like thunder. Jingzhe. "

" Therefore, Lingnan is the source of Zen Tao Buddhism. All living beings who are awakened are Buddhas, and those who are confused are all living beings. The Buddha we are thinking of is the Self-Nature Amitabha. Then the homeland of bliss is right before our eyes, so why seek far away from the country of ten thousand billions? "

"So it is said: If the heart is pure, the land will be pure, and if the heart is dirty, the land will be dirty. If a thought of evil arises, a forest of swords and trees will arise. Huachi . All good men, please remember that life and death are serious matters, and once you lose your body, it will never be recovered. "Master Hanshan's method of reciting "Self-nature Amitabha" is simple and easy to implement. , in line with the character of ordinary Confucian intellectuals, so the "Buddha chanting society" of lay people gradually attracted many people to join.

Earlier we introduced a layman named Yizhentan. He opened a "Shicha Temple" in Kutengling, Dianbai County, Gaozhou. When it was held in the twenty-sixth year of Wanli, the layman Yizhentan entrusted two practitioners to come to Guangzhou. I found Master Hanshan and wanted to raise some funds to build a dojo on the original site of Shicha'an.

In addition, these two practitioners also wanted to become ordained as monks, and Master Hanshan helped them fulfill their wishes. Later, Hanshan found the "manager" of Gaozhou , whose surname was Wan. He hoped that Lord Wan could help layman Yizhentan to complete this good deed, and received the support of Lord Wan. So Han Shan personally wrote an essay to raise funds, and Mr. Wan took the lead in donating money, and also led many people. Through the joint efforts of Yi Zhentan and others. A year later, the expansion of Shicha Temple in Kutengling was finally completed, and Master Hanshan named it "Huacheng Temple".

The allusion of the word "city" comes from one of the seven metaphors in the Lotus Sutra. A "transformed city" is a transformed city. It is not a real city that allows people to rest temporarily. Used to describe the nirvana state of Hinayana , it is "nirvana with remainders", not the ultimate "nirvana without remainders". Therefore, the name "Huacheng'an" is very consistent with the situation of Kuteng Ridge. It is a place for travelers to rest halfway.

Master Hanshan and layman Yizhentan have always gotten along well with each other. After many years, layman Yi has completed all his secular tasks, which is to honor his parents and marry his children. Having reached the age of seventy, he ran to Caoxi, became a disciple of Master Hanshan, and officially became a monk. Master Hanshan gave him a Dharma name, called "Fucheng", which belongs to the generation with the character "福" and "福". Zheng, bless their generation and make him specialize in the Pure Land Sect, recite the Buddha's name and seek rebirth and bliss.

This incident reminds me that in November 2020, the famous cartoonist in Taiwan, 72-year-old Mr. Cai Zhizhong, was officially "ordained" to become a monk in the Sutra Pavilion of Songshan Shaolin Temple, the ancestral hall of Zen. His dharma name is "Yanyi", and he worships the abbot of Shaolin Temple as his teacher, which is amazing. In fact, there are many celebrities in the cultural world who are monks or live the life of a monk, such as Huang Yuanshen, the layman who plays Huo Yuanjia, Li Na, the singer, Chen Xiaoxu, the actor of Lin Daiyu, and so on. In fact, they have found a spiritual destination and let go of the prosperity of the world.

Then came the autumn of the twenty-sixth year of Wanli. In his spare time, Master Hanshan and the monk Jingxinzhou went to visit the scenic spots near Guangzhou. When they visited the "Dongpo Hall" where Su Dongpo lived when he was demoted, Hanshan read Su Dongpo's poem about enlightenment about his previous life, and felt a "relief and loss" at that time.

So Hanshan wrote in the article "The Mirror Master of Revealing Lingzhou": "I passed the Dongpo Hall with Master Jingxin, read and understood the poems of my predecessor, and felt relieved, as if I had seen the old travels.It is known that heaven and earth are an illusory tool, all laws are an illusory cluster, appearance and appearance are an illusory trace, life and death are an illusory field, mountains and rivers are an illusory realm, scales and feathers are an illusory object, saints and mortals are an illusory crowd, and you and I have an illusory encounter. "

" The old man suddenly thought about the story of his past trip to Haimen. Now here he sees Dongpo as before, and he laments that life and death have changed and come and go in dreams. If it is illuminated by the wisdom of the Dharma Realm Ocean, then the three realms and ten directions will be equal at the moment. The Pure Land of the Heavenly Palace is level with each other. There is no difference between all living beings in the mind of Buddha. The wok soup with charcoal is actually refreshing. The grass, trees and courtyards are covered with sand, the sails are sailing, the sandbirds are flying, the smoke and clouds are changing, the sun and the moon are rising and falling, and the eyes are raised to each other, these are all manifestations of the body samadhi . "

" The Master called the mirror heart, which means that the heart is used as a mirror, and the mirror is used to illuminate the heart? If the heart is used as a mirror, Lao Lu said: A bright mirror is not a platform. If it is not Taiwan, there is no mirror to send. If a mirror is used to shine a light on the heart, then how can it be seen that the heart has no form? If it is not the heart, it is not the mirror, and if it is not the mirror, it is not the heart. When the mind and the mirror are at odds, where does the name come from? If this is the case, then the person's name is a false name, and if the name is false, then the name is true and not true. So when you read Prajna, how can there be any classical Chinese words written on the ends of your teeth and cheeks? If the Master can understand this method, then the light of the river, the color of the water, the chirping of the birds, and the sound of the tide will all represent the reality of Prajna. The bells in the morning and the drums in the evening were sent to greet him, but all were empty when Yan was sitting in the stone room to see the Dharmakaya. "

Master Hanshan lamented that life is like a dream, that the world, the world, and between you and me are just an illusion. He also enlightened the beloved in the mirror that all appearances are inconsistent, and words are incoherent. Birds' chirping and tide sounds are all prajna reality. In fact, In " Surangama Sutra", there is a verse that says it very well: The pure auroral light reaches through, and the silence shines in the void, but when you come to see the world, it is like a dream.

The Tang Dynasty poet Bai Juyi is known as the Xiangshan layman. , he also has considerable enlightenment on Buddhism. He once wrote a poem "Reading the Zen Sutra", which is particularly well written. The original text is this: "It must be understood that all phenomena are non-phases. If there is nothing left, there will be more. I forgot what I said for a while, and the dream said that the dream was double false. How can empty flowers seek fruit at the same time? How can Yang Yan find more fish? Perturbation is Zen. Zen is movement. Without Zen, immobility is Ruru. "

Then came the winter of the twenty-sixth year of Wanli. Hanshan's good friend Ding Youwu was pardoned by the court and could finally return to his hometown Nanchang. Ding Youwu was demoted to Guangzhou in the 24th year of Wanli. In the fifteenth year, the plague was rampant in Guangzhou and there were many corpses. Master Hanshan actively fought against the epidemic and built a monastery to save the souls of the dead. Jinshi, who once served as the chief envoy of Zhejiang Province, was generous and respected eminent monks, but he did not know much about Buddhism. Master Hanshan said of Ding Youwu: "This gentleman is as courageous as Qin Jing. Take advantage of the opportunity and penetrate the inner world. It is the most powerful tool for carrying the Dao. "

Now that we are breaking up, we don't know when we will meet again in the future. When seeing him off on the boat, Han Shan gave Ding Youwu a serious lecture. Ding Youwu suddenly woke up and realized it. It was like Han Shan It was like Shan hit him on the head with a hammer. The original text of "Chronology" is: "You Wu is fierce and generous. He knows how to respect monks but not the Dharma. When he was about to return, he was sent to the boat. He lowered the hammer again and suddenly realized what he was doing. The word "Jue Fei Jie Shi" was written, and he wrote an inscription to warn him. "

Friends often get together, and usually think it's nothing, but when they break up, they are reluctant to leave. So Ding Youwu said that he would change his past and study Buddhism seriously. Hanshan gave him a nickname, "Juefei" "Layman", and wrote another "Cheng Xin Ming" to warn him. Some of the sentences are like this:

"For this reason, the wise man should first empty his self-image." If my appearance is empty, how can I stand in the way? The merit of selflessness lies in perseverance. The habit has just emerged, and suddenly there is a sudden awakening. The moment you save it, you will wake up, and the light will come back to you with just one thought. Cool, quiet, and quite independent. Peaceful and peaceful, nothing can rival it. "The general meaning of this passage is to let Ding Youwu lose his self-image, get rid of his habits, be aware of it all the time, and return to the original situation as soon as he thinks of it. That's all for today. Thank you for watching!