Are Sakyamuni and Tathagata the same person? Tathagata Buddha is the founder of Buddhism - Sakyamuni. Sakyamuni, formerly known as Siddhartha Gautama, was an ancient Indian thinker and the founder of Buddhism.


1, Sakyamuni and Tathagata the same person?

Sakyamuni and Tathagata Buddha are the same person. Sakyamuni Tathagata Buddha.

Tathagata Buddha is the founder of Buddhism - Sakyamuni.

Sakyamuni, formerly known as Siddhartha Gautama ( Pali : Siddhāttha Gotama; Sanskrit : Siddhārtha Gautama), was the greatest thinker in ancient India and the founder of Buddhism. He** was born in southern Nepal.

Sakyamuni (B.C. ~ B.C.) was about the same age as Confucius in my country. He was a prince of Kapilavastu in northern India (in present-day Nepal) and belonged to the Kshatriya caste. Are Sakyamuni, and Maharashtra Tathagata the same person?

According to Buddhist scriptures, when Sakyamuni was nineteen years old, he gave up his royal life and became a monk due to worldly sufferings such as birth, old age, illness, and death. At the age of 35, he became enlightened under the Bodhi tree and started Buddhism. He then preached in northern India and the central Ganges Valley. Eighty years ago, Nirvana appeared in the city of Kushinaga.

Life of Sakyamuni:

1. Is the Tathagata Buddha who founded the great monk system Sakyamuni Buddha?

Due to the gradual expansion of the Sangha, Buddha established the Great Sangha system to teach new monks and formulated more regulations; punishments for people. The Theravada Vinaya enumerates several irregularities and asks the Buddha to lay down a complete formal procedure for obtaining full monastic qualifications.

2. Restrictions on the conditions for becoming a monk

As the situation of the Sangha becomes more and more complicated, regulations restricting the conditions for becoming a monk have been revised many times to avoid conflicts with secular society and to prevent bad intentions of predestined people. Thieves, debtors, murderers, or those who run away in the name of monks should also be rejected; generally, those under twenty years old or whose parents do not agree will not be accepted. The difference between Sakyamuni Buddha and Tathagata Buddha.

Third, the dispersion of religious groups and the meeting system and the relationship between Tathagata Buddha and Sakyamuni.

The Sangha consists of a variable number of local groups. Each monastic order demarcates the normal living and gathering areas of the monks. All members must attend the meeting except those who may vote or express opinions due to special circumstances such as illness. The resolutions of the meeting shall be valid only if passed unanimously. It states that every effort must be made to debate, reconcile and compromise differing opinions to reach consensus, otherwise the group will fragment.

2. Are Sakyamuni and Tathagata the same person?

Due to the influence of watching "Journey to the West" when I was a child, many people think that Tathagata Buddha is a person and has the highest status in Buddhism. In fact, Tathagata Buddha is not a person, just a title. Not only that, many people think that Sakyamuni and Tathagata Buddha are the same person, but this is not the case. Sakyamuni and Tathagata Buddha are not the same person, and Sakyamuni and Tathagata Buddha are not the same person. , these two are just one title. Just like all teachers are called teachers, it does not refer to a specific person, it is just a title.

Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism, was originally named Siddhartha Gautama. Sakyamuni is the honorary title given to him by later generations, which means "the saint of the Sakyamuni family". Sakyamuni is also the title of the founder of Buddhism. Tathagata Buddha is also the honorific title of Sakyamuni. This is the honorary title given to him by the ancients when Buddhist culture was introduced to China. Tathagata Buddha is the honorific title of Buddha. Anyone who is a Buddha at the highest level can be called Tathagata Buddha. " Tathagata " is equivalent to Buddha and is the title of the highest status in Buddhism.

Historical records record that the actual meaning of "Tathagata" is: "Tathagata comes from the true way." Because the Buddha came to teach and transform sentient beings in the three realms, and his scope was predestined, so he was named "Tathagata". "Tathagata" is one of the ten names of the Buddha, the ten universal names, Tathagata, Good Offering, Righteous Universal Knowledge, Full Knowledge of Conduct, Good Conduct, Understanding the World, Supreme Person, Tiaofu, Teacher of Heaven and Man, and Buddha. .Each title has its own interpretation, which shows the rigor of Buddhist culture.

"Tathagata" is just a title for Buddha, not a specific Buddha. Any Buddha can be called Tathagata. Sakyamuni Buddha refers to the Buddhas who founded Buddhist culture, and there are certain differences between the two.