According to "Ji'an Prefecture Chronicles", during the Song Dynasty, there was a monk named "Jidao" in Zhenru Temple, Taihe County, Jizhou. Jidao was plain in appearance and short in stature, and he didn't like to talk much. His fellow apprentices didn't take him seriously, and s

According to "Ji'an Prefecture Chronicles", In the year of the Song Dynasty, there was a monk named "Jidao" in Zhenru Temple, Taihe County, Jizhou.

Ji Dao has an ordinary appearance and short stature. He doesn't like to talk much. His fellow students don't take him seriously. Some people even exclude him and make fun of him.

The master of Jidao is a highly accomplished monk, known as "Master Gen'an". Master Gen'an has profound Buddhist teachings and a keen eye for understanding people. He admires Jidao, a silent and low-key disciple.

He believed that Jidao would definitely achieve something in the future, and that none of his other apprentices could compare with Jidao. He often taught Ji Tao not to argue with his brothers, but to practice hard, and he would make the decision for him if anything happened.

Ji Dao was very grateful for Master's care, but felt that he could not always rely on Master for protection, so he asked Master Gen'an: "Master, I plan to go out on a study tour and visit famous mountains and ancient temples to improve my self-cultivation. I hope you can "Yes."

Master Gen'an knew what Ji Tao was thinking, so he replied: "It's good for you to go out and broaden your horizons. I promise you."

A few days later, Master Ji Tao packed his bags and said goodbye to Master Gen'an. Master Gen'an warned: "Master and disciple, you and I are saying goodbye today. I don't know when we will see each other again. I will give you a gatha as a gift. You should keep it in mind and you will benefit from it in the future."

Monk Jidao replied: "Master Please tell me, I respectfully listen to the teachings." Master Gen'an smiled slightly and said four verses:

A futon and a hoe, I will work closely with the teachings.

I am proficient in Karma and Dharma, and I will return home with nothing.

After hearing this, the monk Jidao kept it in mind, then bid farewell to his master and began his wandering career.

Since then, the Ji Taoist monks have traveled all over famous mountains and rivers, visited eminent monks and great virtues, meditated every day, chanted sutras and worshiped the Buddha, and made rapid progress. One day more than

years later, he came to Lushan and settled down in Yuantong Chongsheng Zen Temple. Once, he passed by the Sandiequan Waterfall and looked at the spectacular scenery of the waterfall. He laughed loudly and realized this.

From then on, he picked up a piece of firewood and returned to the temple every day and put it in his room. As time passed, his house was filled with firewood. The Jidao monk looked at the house full of firewood, said goodbye to the other monks in the temple, then returned to the room and sat under the pile of firewood.

The monks felt that the monk Ji Tao was behaving a little abnormally, and they were worried that something might happen to him, so they followed him to have a look. I saw the body of Jidao monk suddenly burst into flames, and then the firewood was also ignited. The two fires merged and were extremely violent.

Everyone wanted to put out the fire, but the Jidao monk reached out to stop him. He sat upright in the fire as if he was meditating, and read a verse loudly in his mouth:

It is like a Jidao monk who lets go of all the fate. Vertical and horizontal in all directions. A bright moon hangs in the sky, oh, who is willing to look at it!

In this way, the Jidao monk passed away in the fire. Afterwards, the monks found many relics among the ashes and built a pagoda to worship them. This stupa still existed in the Ming Dynasty.