According to Xuanzang’s records, this country’s music, singing and dancing are the most famous. There are scenes of band singing and dancing in the murals of the Thousand Buddha Cave near Kuqa. According to ancient Chinese history books, Qiuci’s music has a great influence on mai

The Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty records The second country that Xuanzang arrived at was Quzhiguo. The recorded situation is as follows:

The records about Quzhiguo in the Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty (part)

Quzhiguo is now the Aksu region of Xinjiang Kuqa County was called Qiuci, Qiuzi, Qiuci, Quci, etc. in ancient China. From the Han Dynasty to the northern and Southern Dynasties, it was called Yancheng, and in the Tang Dynasty it was called Yichen. Luolu City. According to Xuanzang’s records, this country’s music, singing and dancing are the most famous. There are scenes of band singing and dancing in the murals of the Thousand Buddha Cave near Kuqa. According to ancient Chinese history books, Qiuci’s music has a great influence on mainland China, Book of Jin It is recorded in the book that in the 9th year of Taiyuan of Jin Dynasty (AD 384), Jin sent troops to attack Qiuci. After the war, musicians from Qiuci were brought back to Liangzhou, and then mixed with Han music to form Liangzhou music. Music was very popular in the court and among the people during the Northern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties. During the Northern Qi Dynasty, there was also a separate Kuqa music, which was divided into four parts and was in charge of a court official and under the supervision of Zhongshu. At that time, there was a pipa master in Kuqa named Cao Miaoda, who was very famous.

During the Northern Zhou Dynasty , some Kucha musicians came to mainland China, such as Su Zhipo, who came to China with the Turkic Queen and was good at playing the pipa. According to records at the time, among the music he played, the most famous one was seven tunes, that is, There are seven sounds in between. People asked him what was going on, and he explained:

My family's music has been passed down from generation to generation, and each tune has seven sounds.

This is the so-called seven tones , or seven tones.

In the Sui Dynasty, the seven music groups of the imperial court were divided into Chinese music, Qingshang music , Gaoli music, Tianzhu music, Anguo music, Wenkang music, and Kuqa music. Kuqa music was further divided into West Kucha music and Qi Qiuci music. , Tuqiuzi three kinds. Later, the seven-part music was expanded to nine-part music, adding Kuqa music and Shule music. In the Tang Dynasty, and Gaochang music were added. . It can be seen that among the ten music at that time, there were three types of Xinjiang music. .

According to Xuanzang's records, the production here is very rich, including wheat and rice, as well as a variety of fruits, and a variety of minerals, such as gold, copper, iron, lead, tin, etc. The climate is mild and the customs are simple. Theravada believes in Buddhism. There are more than 100 temples in the country and more than 5,000 monks. It is the most popular religion in Buddhism.

Xuanzang recorded that there is a big dragon pond in the northeast of this country. There is a dragon in the pond. It intercourses with a horse and gives birth to a dragon colt. Humans cannot tame it. Only when the dragon colt regenerates a pony can humans tame it and ride it. Therefore, there are many good people here. horse. It is also said that a woman here went to the pond to get water, and the dragon turned into a human and had sex with her, giving birth to a boy who was very brave. Later, the man here relied on his strength and refused to obey the king's orders. The king invited Turks to kill all the people in the city, and the city was destroyed. That is, it is deserted and depopulated.

More than forty miles north of this city, there are two temples, called Dongzhao Chuli and Xizhao Chuli. In the East Temple, there is a piece of jade on the Buddhist hall, which is more than two feet wide. On it are the footprints of the Buddha, which is one foot and eight inches long. , more than six inches wide, is a famous scenic spot. The ruins of the temple are located on both sides of the Tongchang River in North Subash, Kuqa County, Xinjiang today.

There is a large Buddha statue on the left and right sides of the west gate of the capital, more than ninety feet high. Buddhist monks come here every autumn to hold a large gathering that lasts for dozens of days. From the king to the people, they come to give alms, fast, and listen to sutras. During the rally, vehicles were also used to carry Buddha statues in procession, which shows that it is a local Buddhist event.

According to local custom, the king and ministers must consult senior monks for their opinions before making announcements to the country.

In the northwest of where the gathering was held, across a river, there was a large temple called Achari Ergaran, which means a strange temple. Believers from far and near came here to learn Buddhism, and the king, ministers and the people tried their best to support it. .

There is also a legend in this country. It is said that the king was preparing to travel to a distant place and asked his younger brother to stay and preside over state affairs. After being ordered, his younger brother secretly cut himself off, sealed it in a gold box, and gave it to the king. The king asked what was inside. What is it? The younger brother said that he would open it and read it after the king comes back. When the king came back, someone spoke ill of his brother to the king, saying that he had committed adultery in the harem while the king was away. The king was furious and prepared to punish his brother severely. The brother said: Please open the gold box.

When the king opened it, he realized that it was his brother's breaking force. His younger brother said, "The king is away, and in order to prove his innocence, I broke myself off to prove it." Only then did the king understand his brother's sincerity.

Later, his younger brother traveled and saw a man who had 500 cows and wanted to castrate the cows. The king's brother thought that he had been tortured and felt sad, so he used his treasure to redeem all the 500 cows of this man. He did this After doing good deeds, his manhood gradually recovered, but he no longer entered the king's palace. The king was surprised and asked about the reason. He was very emotional about his brother, so he built a large temple for him, called the Qiqi Temple.

The above is the story of this country recorded by Xuanzang. After leaving this country, traveling west for more than 600 miles, passing through a small desert, we arrived at the Baluka Kingdom. This country was formerly known as Gumo, also known as Qinmo. Let’s talk about this country next time.

Kuqa Landscape

Kuqa’s Thousand Buddha Caves

Thousand Buddha Caves’ Murals

Kucha Music and Dance

Kuqa’s airport has two names: Kuqa and Qiuci

Kuqa’s Han Dynasty Beacons