As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, Mount Emei is naturally visited by a large number of believers, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of "Golden Summit B

2024/06/0407:10:33 buddhism 1411

Mount Emei As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, there are naturally a large number of believers going there, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of "Golden Summit Buddha Light", which also adds to its sacred atmosphere of Buddhism. The scenery here is on Shesheng Cliff in Mount Emei. It is because of this scenery that a large number of believers who come here will throw gold and silver jewelry down on Shesheng Cliff to pray for blessings. Over thousands of years, I don’t know how much property has been accumulated at the foot of the mountain. So can it be picked up at the foot of the mountain?

As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, Mount Emei is naturally visited by a large number of believers, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of

Golden Summit Buddha's Light

The "Golden Summit Buddha's Light" at Sheshengya has been discovered in the Western Han Dynasty. However, Buddhism had not yet spread in our country at that time, so the name Buddha's Light had not yet been formed. However, such a gorgeous and sacred scenery still made people feel admiration for no reason. There is no specific explanation for the current Buddha light scene. Generally, if you are lucky, you can see a figure surrounded by a colorful halo when you look down at Shesheng Cliff. Moreover, this figure will follow your movements and make the same movements. It is very likely that this figure is your shadow projection.

Although there is no exact explanation for this phenomenon, experts say it is probably caused by the refraction of light by clouds and fog, which is somewhat similar to the formation of mirages.

As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, Mount Emei is naturally visited by a large number of believers, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of

However, no matter how it was formed, such a scene is a good sign for the devout believers in Buddhism that the Buddha will appear. So a large number of believers will invest a lot of gold and silver at the bottom of the cliff. According to some records from the Ming Dynasty period, many believers would throw gold and silver at the "Buddha's Light" they saw, and some even lost all their money and threw money into the Buddha's Light.

Moreover, Mount Emei, as one of the four major Buddhist mountains in my country, has the legend of Samantabhadra's dojo. Coupled with the blessing of "Buddha's Light", the sacredness of this mountain is even stronger, attracting countless believers. Over the past thousands of years, there have been a lot of gold, silver and jewels dropped. Can you pick them up at the bottom of the cliff?

Ways to reach the bottom of the cliff without sacrificing your life

As a cliff in Mount Emei, it is naturally high and steep. With an altitude of several thousand meters, it is not easy to get down to the bottom of the cliff. If you want to go down, there must be many ways.

For example, you can venture from Shesheng Cliff and use ropes all the way down to the bottom of the cliff. However, this method is extremely dangerous. For current equipment, the safety factor is extremely high, and there is no need to worry about equipment problems. But the danger comes from the fierce mountain wind and the unpredictable dangers on the rocky cliffs. If the mountain wind blows and you are swaying around, your life may be in danger. There are countless unpredictable dangers such as poisonous snakes on those cliffs.

Or you can consider flying down, that is, wearing a hang glider . But for us ordinary people, this is a narrow escape, and it is more likely to be a fall.

Therefore, if you want to reach the bottom of the cliff, you can only hike through the virgin forest under the cliff. However, since it is a primitive forest, it must be extremely dangerous. After all, there are many poisonous insects and beasts in the primitive forest. But it is definitely more reliable than the first two methods. Moreover, the current expedition equipment is complete, and it is completely possible to reach the bottom of the cliff safely.

As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, Mount Emei is naturally visited by a large number of believers, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of

Are there gold and silver treasures at the bottom of Sheshen Cliff ?

In fact, some people have already had the idea of ​​​​hunting for treasure at the bottom of the cliff, and they have also put it into practice. However, no gold, silver or jewelry was found below. There were only various poisonous insects that were much larger than the outside world, and unknown corpses hanging on the trees. Not even half a copper coin was found.

As one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in my country, Mount Emei is naturally visited by a large number of believers, and Mount Emei is even more beautiful, so there is an endless stream of tourists. As a famous Buddhist mountain, it also has the scenery of

In fact, this kind of primitive forest is completely uninhabited. It is best not to go there. If there is danger, the sky will not respond and the earth will not respond. In fact, historical legends are not necessarily true, and even if someone throws some money down now, most of the banknotes will drift to nowhere in the wind. If it is a coin, you can only pick up the maximum denomination of one yuan. The bottom of the cliff is so big, maybe After all the hard work, I couldn't pick up a few yuan.

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