Summer vacation is here again, isn’t it time to take a trip? After three years of holding back the epidemic for a long time, it’s time to go out for a walk. So when you are eating, drinking, enjoying flowers and scenery, shouldn’t you also record the happy moments of travel? When

Summer vacation is here again, is it time to take a trip? After three years of holding back the epidemic for a long time, it’s time to go out for a walk. So when you are eating, drinking, enjoying flowers and scenery, shouldn’t you also record the happy moments of travel?

When taking travel photos, try to avoid taking photos here. So how to take high-quality travel portraits with high likes? Here are 3 photography tips to help your travel photos look more high-end.

: Shooting in B&Bs and stylish hotels, showing the beauty of literature and art

Nowadays, whether it is a family trip or a trip with friends, many people pay attention to a certain quality. When roaming for leisure, they pay attention to eating well, staying well, and having fun.

Those stylish and artistic B&Bs or hotels we stay in when traveling are very good choices as scenes for travel photography.

The small gardens surrounded by flowers in B&B rooms, or the artistic hotel leisure areas are all good places for travel photography.

Whether you are sitting in the small garden and reading, or sitting on the sofa in the hotel overlooking the sea view, it is a picture of laziness and leisure.

In B&B hotels, when shooting, the choice of clothes is more diverse, such as long skirts, skirts or casual denim styles are more suitable.

: Shooting in nature such as sea of ​​flowers and grasslands, showing the pastoral and fresh beauty.

Therefore, according to different scenes and occasions, choose suitable clothing to appear in the photo. Summer clothes are relatively light, so it’s not an exaggeration to prepare more skirts when going out. Shouldn’t traveling be beautiful? Shouldn’t the photos look glamorous?

What is your favorite place to go during summer travel? Desert, sea, grassland or various unique landforms?

In these beautiful natures, the atmosphere of taking pictures is also very important. The elegant mid-length skirt can express the pastoral style and the fresh beauty of summer.

You can always encounter different scenery and different surprises during your travels. The sea of ​​flowers and green spaces everywhere are beautiful scenery in summer.

Then when we take photos in these scenery, the main expression is pastoral beauty and fresh beauty.

Models wearing long skirts are walking on the endless grassland, or hugging the romantic sea of ​​flowers. This scene is particularly beautiful.

The key point is still one sentence, long skirts can better express the elegant summer style.

was wearing a long skirt and standing in a sea of ​​pink roses flowers, gentle and romantic.

What kind of stunning picture is a red dress standing in the sky mirror under the blue sky and white clouds?

And a purple skirt standing among verbena or lavender flowers, how elegant and beautiful is it?

: Shooting on the street, expressing fashionable beauty and exotic beauty

Travel photography is indispensable without street photography. When eating, drinking and shopping in small shops, those stylish scenes are very worth shooting.

For example, in a commercial street dominated by white tones, wearing a red skirt will look very stunning.

For example, a girl wearing a flat-top straw hat, a small floral skirt, and walking on the road with a bouquet of flowers in her arms is an elegant and beautiful picture.

A scented umbrella and a polka-dot red skirt, it seems to have seen Vivien Leigh in the movie Roman Holiday.

When taking street photography, using colorful buildings as the background or distinctive shops as the background will make the portraits very distinctive and give people a refreshing feeling.

Therefore, if you want to take beautiful photos when traveling, and if you want to take photos that look like a changeable goddess, you can design different clothing combinations and styles according to different scenes.

If you want to take high-end travel portraits, you must adapt to local conditions and take different styles.

The above three photography tips are suitable for most scenes in our summer travel photography. Get your bags ready and start setting off this summer! Take a group of travel photos as memories of this summer.

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